Warren Orders Rest For Duck' DUCK BOARD OF STRATEGY PLOTS . . . . . . against invading- Idaho Vandal club, coaches Manny Vezie, John Warren, and Ray Segale. Frosh-Varsity Fight Looms By BILL STRATTON" After three consecutive defeats, Oregon’s var sity gridmen take a week of rest with all efforts pointed toward the Idaho game—the first home game—a week from Saturday. Warren announced Wednesday that the Ducks would take it easy this week, with a possible scrimmage against the frosh Saturday. 3J Pre-season prognosticators doped Oregon to end up in the lower bracket of the Pacific Coast conference, and made the rash prediction that the Webfoots would possibly bow to the Vandals. Ducks Lose 'Em Close Oregon has probably not the best team in the conference this season, but they are not the worst. They have dropped three straight, but all to top-notch teams and by a small margin. Idaho has lost to Oregon State, 33 to 0, and beat little Cheney State in last week's game, 28 to 7. In the past, Idaho and Ore gon have played 28 games—Oregon has won 22, the Vandals 2, and 4 have been ties. Regardless of Oregon’s statistical record this season, they should be rated over Idaho. Oregon’s principal annoyance wil come from Howard Man son, who has sparked the Vandals thus far this year, and is certainly not to be overlooked—and you can be sure that “Honest John” won't. Webfoots Ease Up The Duck squad will take it easy this week, concentrating on the mistakes made in the Wash-jj ington tilt. Warren drilled the varsity on punt Frosh Dummy Scrimmage; Several Still On Sick List By SI SIDESINGER Under the watchful eyes of Coaches Anse Cornell and Ray Segale, Oregon’s Duckling football squad spent Wednesday evening in dummy scrimmage. With several outstanding freshmen on the sidelines with injuries, the squad still shows great promise as individual players. Whether or not they may be combined into a good Coeds Open V-Ball Season Girls' intramural volleyball got off to a “hangup” start yesterday •afternoon in Gerlinger gymnasi um as Orides, Susie, and Hilyard Ivouse garnered victories. The play as a whole was good consid ering how early it is in the sea son, but lack of good teamwork was common. With “Pete" Lawson’s and Mary Anderson's spikes taking points, from the Gamma Phi eight, Orides' experienced court aters came through with a 48118 victory. Susan Campbell upset their own predictions and everyone olse's as they overcame a stub born Alpha Gam team, 47-17, Susie shows a well-balanced club, backed by strong substi I tiles. An enthusiastic but inexperi enced Delta Gamma eight lost to Captain Jo Reginato's Hliyard group, 41-24. DCs were troubled plenty by Phyllis Lloyd's expert spiking. An all-star lineup of games are on tap for this afternoon as Kappa Kappa Gamma, who has bad the largest turnout for prac tice of any team this year, matches skill with the strong University house. Last year's Champs, coached again this year by “Bev” Goetz, match wares with an unknown Alpha Chi Omega eight. Dr. Henry Gilmon has been re elected councilor-at-large of the American Chemical society. team is sun u> oe seen. Friday evening, October 23, the baby Ducks receive their first test of teamwork on Oregon State’s Bell field when they meet the Oregon State Rooks in the initial game of the freshman sea son. The freshman hacks show promise of tremendous * speed while the linemen are lar^f• enough to handle themselves against Oregon State or Wash ington freshman teams. Cor nell realizes the individual qualities of t lie frosh but is not satisfied with the team play. In the backfield, Ben Holcomb of The Dalles still shows his heels to other competition and so far has done the signal calling for the squad. Vern Wheeler, high scoring back from Newport, has so far been unable to turn out because of an infected foot. How ever lie should bo ready to go next Monday. Tom Drouga, 210-pound full back, has not yet reached top conditioning but should prove a valuable asset to the line buck ing department when he does. In the line Harold Ableson, Chuck Vanatta, and Don Stanton show varsity possibilities. Ray Heindenrich has good possibili ties but lacks the aggressiveness shown by other tackles. University of California depart ment of hygiene has worked out a co-operative plan for emergen cy use of its facilities by the state and the city of Berkeley. WA V MEETIXG An important meeting- of W V V representatives is sched uled for 3:4.'> today in the so cial room of Gerlinger hall. Joe Gordon Comes Home Joe Gordon’s home! The hoot and-holler guy that covers sec ond base for the New York Yan kees returned to Eugene yester day and was warmly greeted by his Oregon friends. They kind of remember Gor don around these parts. He used to play baseball for the Univer sity of Oregon. In fact, he got his sheepskin here along about 1936. A year later, he broke into the coast league, covering an in field position for Oakland Acorns, on a cash basis. He must have looked good be cause after a year with Newark in the International league, the Yankees had him ink his John Henry to a fat contract. He's been with them ever since. Eugene's number one athlete plans to leave shortly for east ern Oregon, on his animal hunt ing jaunt. He will be accompan ied by Laddie Gale, former all American hoopster for the Ducks. Joe has played in three world series now. He’s been a member of the best team in baseball two out of those three series. Luma WESTWARD HO with THREE MESQUITEERS and Enemy Agent Meets Ellery Queen WILLIAM GARGEN SOPH STANDOUT . . . . . . despite Oregon’s loss to CW, Fullback Bill Davis. WILLIAM POWELL in CROSSROADS —Plus Thru Different Eyes FRANK CRAVEN MARY HOWARD I r * Bob Hope Madeleine Carroll 'MY FAVORITE BLONDE' Also 'Sons of the Seas' returns Wednesday, that were the cause of much of the Husky yardage last Saturday. The second and third string played the frosh in a full-time game Tuesday, and triumphed over the yearlings, 13 to 0. War rent stated yesterday that he might throw the varsity at the Ducklings again before the week is up, possibly to try any new tricks he has in store for Fran cis X. Schmidt’s Vandals. MiijvU tojp/«*wi CIRQUE ROOM FAIRMONTM." 5 AN FRANCK CO STEPHEN. W.ROYCE • MANAGING OIRECTOR BERNARD J. LEONARD'RESIDENT MANAGER ORSON WELLES' Great New Hit The Magnificent Ambersons with JOSEPH COTTON DELORES COSTELLO ANNE BAXTER TIM HOLT AGNES MOOREHEAD RAY COLLINS 0