Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 15, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    YW Members
Convene Today
First all-membership assembly
of the YWCA will find girls from
all organizations gathering at the
bungalow this afternoon at 4
when plans for the coming year
will be explained and discussed.
Janet Farnham is chairman of
the assembly and Abbie Jane
White YW president, will preside,
with Genevieve Working, vice
president, assisting.
Other Arrangements
Francis Oram is in charge of
the worship service and Stephanie
'Peterson has arranged for special
music for the occasion. Each cab
inet member will give a short
talk on the committee they are
in charge of, telling of its func
tions and purposes.
Discussion during the assembly
will concern the purpose of the
YW, and what girls want to get
from the YW.
Early Meet
Pep meeting for today’s assem
bly was held Monday afternoon
when one representative from
each girls’ organization met at
the bungalow to discuss plans for
today’s meeting.
All girls are being urged to at
tend the all-membership assembly
Refreshments will be served
during the afternoon.
Oregana Shots
Pictures for the 1943 Ore
gana will be taken today of the
Kappa Sigma house, accord
ing to Oregana Editor Sullivan.
Who Dunnit?
Bike Vanishes
Looks as though bicyclists will
have to hand pet names on their
mechanical mounts if the two
wheelers become any more pop
ular. It’s no longer safe to say,
“Sure, John, you can ride my bike
downtown. It's parked right out
side.” John gets a little confused
when he walks out to be con
fronted by a long line f steel
It happened Tuesday to John
Jensen, Emerald advertising man,
who asked to borrow a fellow
worker’s bike for a hurry-up trip
to town. He rode off happily on
what he thought was his friend’s
war-time social security.
Here I Go
Some time later Eric W. Allen,
dean of the school of journalism,
confidently donned his pant clips,
buttoned up his overcoat, and
walked out expecting to find his
Hawthorne flyer in its customary
place. It wasn’t.
The whole matter was cleared
up, however, when the party of
the first part offered the dean his
own bicycle for the long ride
Inexpensive Smartness
A ustelle'Dresses
Campus styles of rayon and
wool, lacy wools, and whip
pet cloth; or charming dres
sy date frocks in dark colors,
with fussy trims.
Sizes 9 to 15; 12 to 20
Oregon ?®'Emerald
Copy Desk Staff:
John Mathews, city editor
Fred Weber
Marcia Allen
Louise Montag
Wilma Foster
Betty Lu Siegman
Thursday Adv. Staff:
John Jensen, adv. mgr.
Arliss Boone
Eugene McKee
Virginia Wright
Office staff:
Dorothy Mott
Dorothy Fleming
Nora Wilton
Janet Roberts
Mary Bush
Virginia Wright
Ruth Dozier
Jeanne Smith
Jackie Esenman
Marjory Earl
Rannie Fletcher
Jim Tyler
Night Staff:
Betsy Wootton, night editor
Tony Nickachos
Bob Peckham
Pat Hart
Ann Jossy
Dorislee Riley
Peggy Skerry
Lois McConkey
Marion Schaefer
Lois Gikerson
Lynn Ortman
Peggy McGinnis
Bill Lindley
Girls ’ Pool Beckons
Men to Friday Dip
Social swims sponsored by the
University will begin Friday
night when all men and women
are invited to meet at 7:30 at the
women’s pool in Gerlinger hall.
The swims will be held from
7:30 to 9 every Friday night.
Men are asked to bring their own
suits, but the women may check
suits at the pool. Women, how
ever, must bring caps. life guards
will be present throughout each
Girls, Please Claim
Since the gloves are too small
for Dean Hazel P. Schwering,
dean of women, the scarves too
gay for Mrs. MacDuff, the
checkbooks from unfamiliar
banks, and the purses just the
wrong colors, the dean asks
that the girls who left these
foreign articles in her office
during rush week to please call
for them.
Co-op Social News
Adele Riggs was elected all
co-op social chairman at a meet
ing of social chairmen Monday.
It was decided that an all co-op
dance would replace the usual in
dividual dances, and was sched
uled for October 31.
University of Wisconsin re
gents have accepted gifts and
grants totaling $10,227.
e1 i
For definite assurance of
your delivery on Friday,
kindly phone your or
der in on Thursday.
Phone 2309
Quality fish is our cus
tomers’ satisfaction
Fish Market
39 East Broadway
Note to Hoopsters
When—tonight at 7:15.
Where—room 101 physical
education buinlding.
What—short meeting fol
lowed by a basketball movie.
Who—anyone interested in
varsity basketball.
Coach Howard “Hobby” Hob
son urges all men interested in
varsity to be at the meeting.
Freshman hoopmen meet every
afternoon at 4:30 in McArthur
court; any new material will be
Pneumonia Cases
Dominate Infirmary
Two pneumonia cases domin
ate the infirmary roll call, with
several colds and other ailments
occupying the rest of the list.
Bob Faw, Wallace Clark, and
Jane Baker were admitted Wed
nesday, keeping the number of
patients at ten. Ted Gdland was
released' and readmitted later in
the - day.
Americo DeBenedetti and Bob
Hull were discharged.
Houses to Make Signs
All men’s and Women’s
housq> are asked to prepare
signs for their own use in the
Saturday morning scrap noise
Phi Chi Theta will entertain
new and freshman girls who are
majoring in business administra
tion at 4 p.m. in Gerlinger hall.
Social chairmen of men’s liv
ing organizations meet today in
Gerlinger at 4 o’clock.
History club meets 4 p.m. Fri
day in the men’s lounge, Gerlin
ger. Guest speaker will be Mr.
Vargas of the Romance language
department. His topic: The Rev
olutionary Periad in Spanish
Hamburger feed at Westmin
ster house, 6:00 this evening.
Bring a quarter.
There will be a meeting at 7
tonight for symposium speakers
in 107 Friendly hall.
Freshman ROTC students drill
in uniform at 1 p.m. today.
According to a Johns Hopkins
university survey, persons born in
the spring are taller and heavier
than others.
TWIN SETS of long-sleeved cardigans and short
sleeved slipovers in beautiful, luxurious cashmere
that would ordinarily cost you about $25, are now
on sale at Wards for only $18.50 a set. All are hand
finished, insuring perfect fit and a better finish.
Wear either one or both .of these perfect-fitting
cashmeres in yellow, green, black, or cherry.
Sizes: 34-40.
,1059 Willamette
Telephone 4200