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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1942)
Visitor Tells of Brazil’s Educational Progress By EDITH NEWTON Students who think the four years required for comple tion of a university course is a long time seldom realize that they attend the only universities in the world where four-year courses exist, Dr. Hernane Tavares de Sa, visitor in Eugene this week, explained last night when asked about the differ ences between college life in South America and here. South American schools are all like the European univer sities, Dr. Tavares explained. “The usual course is seven years in the university. Now they are trying to cut it down because of economic pressure,” he said. Campus Taken for Granted | Dr. Tavares, a professor of bi ology at the University of Sao Paula, is now making a tour of the United States to study schools here, and plans to write a book about this country when he returns to his native country. “Here the campus is taken for granted, but in other countries there is no possibility for stu dent life,” Dr. Tavares said, and went on to explain that in other countries the university buildings are scattered about the city, and no interest is taken in the indi vidual student’s life, but only in the progress he is making in his work. Arrived Sunday During the past nine months Dr. Tavares has visited schools in all parts of this country and lectured on Brazilian-American ^relations. The biology professor csaid he considers biology a sci ence including the study of hu man genetics, sociology, and race problems. He graduated in 1935 from a school in Belgium and then returned to Brazil. This is Dr. Tavares’ second trip to the United States. Dr. Tavares arrived here Sun day after visiting on the campus at Corvallis and the University of Washington last week. Brazil Favors War Asked about the attitude of South American students con cerning the war he said, “Stu dents favor the war. Many have volunteered, but the government is trying to keep them in school.” Before Brazil’s entrance into the war, students went on strike and would not attend classes be cause they wanted the govern ment to participate actively in the fight, Mr. Tavares said. Dr. Tavares said his book, “Dear Neighbor, This Is Brazil,” is to be published soon. He will wr ite a similar book about Amer ica in Portuguese for publica tion and distribution in Brazil. If his plans can be followed through, Dr. Tavares will visit 75 universities in the United States. However, he may be called into military service in Brazil before he can complete his tour. Exchange Fellowships Diked “Exchange fellowships are one of the best things that can be done,” the Brazilian educator said when asked about how rela tionships between North and South American can be im proved. Nelson Rockefeller, the coor dinator of inter-American af fairs, is doing a splendid job, Dr. Tavares said with enthusiasm as he talked of the relations between the Americas. Population Increasing Fast People often fail to realize how fast South American coun tries are progressing. Sao Paulo is now the fastest growing city in the world next to Washington, D. C., he remarked. ‘‘You’ve likely never heard of it, but the population of Sao Paula is 1,560,000,” he said, add ing that the population of Brazil is increasing at a rate of more than a million each year. Dr. Tavares spoke to students at the assembly yesterday morn ing at 11, and will speak at 7:30 tonight in the faculty room of Friendly hall. ‘Friendly Homes’ Topic At YW Afternoon Tea All University women have been invited to the discussion this afternoon at the YWCA bungalow when ‘‘Friendly Homes Open to Students” will be the topic. Mrs. R. T. Burnett, advisor of the town and gown group, will be the resource leader for the forum, and Betty McFadyen and Leslie Brockelbank are serv ing as co-chairmen of the meet ing. YW members who checked the town and gown group as one of their interests on YW member ship cards are especially encour aged to attend today’s meeting. The discussion will concern the opening of local homes to girls for afternoon , visits during the school year. Campus Awaits (Continued front page one) Men who are interested in these programs were advised by Dr. Carl F. Kossak, campus adviser for deferment classifications, to “sit tight” unless they have al ready registered for the draft, and are in immediate danger of in duction. Opportunity “Students should appreciate the opportunity offered by the board in coming to the Univer sity, because this eliminates the necessity of their traveling to Portland,” said Dr. Kossack Tuesday. “The Portland recruiting of fice has more than it can handle without the extra load of col lege students. It was to relieve this pressure that the board was organized,” continued Dr. Kos sack. ERC The enlisted reserve corps of the army has permanent offices in room 2, commerce, where men will be interviewed for enlistment in the ERC any time. The situation is different for men who have passed their twen tieth birthday. These men should see Dr. Kossack as soon as pos sible if they intend to avail them selves of deferment opportuni ties. No enlistments will be ac cepted in the officers’ reserves after induction notices have been received. Your SHEAFFER Sharpshooters W§nted--Blythe Plans are now under way for Oregon’s 1942-43 rifle team. All students who have previously fired on the once-champion Ore gon rifle team, any other rifle team, or who have reason to be lieve that they have excellent shooting ability, are requested to report to Major Blythe as soon as possible. Major Blythe is available for interviews on Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons at his office in the ROTC barracks. Tuesday afternoon and Satur day morning have been reserved as practice time for previous members. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1 to 4:30 p.m. have been reserved as time for new students to try out. The University’s rifle range has seen much improvement dur ing the summer. The stairway in the middle of the range has been removed, and fluorescent lighting has been installed. In addition, a new target carrier system has been devised by the military de partment. Dr. Wright Presents Spanish Radio Show Dr. Leavitt O. Wright, profes sor of romance languages, will present for the first time over the radio a program entitled, “Learn to Speak Spanish.’’ The main purpose of the program is to teach correct pronunciation of the language. It will be heard Tuesday nights at 7:30 on KOAC. The broadcast is intended to supplement first-year Spanish correspondence courses now be ing sent throughout the state by the general extension division. “The particular interest in Spanish of the Americas is due Oregon ^Emerald Night staff: John “Shad" Gurley, night ed itor Bill Stratton Lucie Morris Ruth Fleming Judy Young Tony Nickachos Bob Peckham Eleanor De Young Jan Settle Key Lloyd Shirley Wallace Albert Howard Dorothy Stevens Wednesday advertising staff: John Jensen, advertising man ager Rosalie Calef George Dodge Dwayne Heathman Lenora Newell Robert Lindstedt Arthur Elbon Tuesday office staff: Bernice Gulick Nora Wilton Alysone Hales Lillian Hedman Rannie Fletcher Tuesday layout staff: Ruth Dozier Bettylou Allegre Tuesday copy desk: Ted Bush, city editor Fred Weber Courtney Swander Phyllis Van Petten Lois Pringle Sidney Seymour Bill Yates Mary Joe Mead Wilma Foster to our daily increasing friendly relations with our neighboring continent on the south and to our demand for the language as it affects military and commercial interests,” said Dr. Wright Tuesday. CAMPUS CALENDAR AH students in education 311, 2, 3, and students teaching must have recordings made of their voices on or before October 15. Recording is done by the speech division in Friendly hall. Ap pointments may be made by sign ing the list on Mr. H. M. Sha fer’s door in the education build ing. Badminton club will meet at 7:30 this evening in Gerlinger hall. All interested persons are invited to attend. Rackets and shuttlecocks are not furnished. New under-arm * Cream Deodorant safely Stops Perspiration * - if/Z^A, 1. Does not rot dresses or men’s shirts. Does not irritate skim 2. No waiting to dry. Can be used right after shaving. 3. Instantly stops perspiration for 1 to 3 days. Prevents odor. 4. A pure, white, greaseless, stainless vanishing cream. 5. Awarded Approval Seal of American Institute of Launder ing for being harmless to fabric. * ^',^thelar9est v Guaranteed by ■ l Good Housekeeping xV*o, ifoinci.yio* ajar Also in 10^ and 59£ jars ARRID STATESMAN JlilUim* feothertovch Ensemble, $14 ANY — MAIL FOR ME? ' SHEAFFER'S AMJCJLAGE with bondy spreader top, 25c "TRIUMPH" TUCKAWAY jCijati'mm Feathertouch Ensemble, $16.50, for men of women—carries sofely in any position. SKP.IP-WELL Uses the Last Drop What a lost feeling when you and your loved one* are far apart, and no letters arrive to bridge the gap and cheer you up. Write those letter*! Letter* are YOU IN PERSON, at long distance! Sheaffer's "TRIUMPH" i* the newest pen. We began developing it four years before the entry of the United States into war. At that time "TRIUMPH" was under going final rigorous test* by land and sea. It has been sold throughout 1942. Fortunately, practically all of the materials in "TRIUMPH" are of least critical nature . . . Men and women In all walks of life will value this essential gift, now and always. e e e Note: Fuel all pens carefully. SheafFer's SKRIP is kind to the rubber and other critical parts of pens—makes all pen* write better and last longer. •All BiUdmt pens are unconditionally guaranteed far the life of the first user except against Ipss ond willful damage—when serviced, if complete penis returned, subject only to insurance, postage, handling charge—35c CHEMOMIRE SKRIP, successor to ink. Double size, 25c — Reguior size, 15c. DOUBLE LENGTH FINEUNE LEADS—Regular Pkg., 15c. Fcor.onry Pkg., 25c. Developed for Sheaffer by Joseph Dixon Crucible Co. SHEAFFER PENS, ALL COLORS, $2.75 TO $20. SHEAFFER5 W. A. SHEAFFER PEN CO.. FORT MADISON. IOWA t Trad— rk Ra£> » O.S.PX.OC,