Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 14, 1942, Image 1

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    L. I DRARY
The Oregana
r>*»es It Again—
See Story Column 1
Competition Flares
In Campus Scrap Drive
See Story Column 5
Oregana—Tops in Nation
Houses to Pair for Scrap Drive
Representatives to Meet
In 'Shack' at 4 p.m. Today
One scrap iron drive represen
tative from each men’s living or
ganization will draw for the wo
men’s house that will be a part
ner of his group at 4 p.m. today
in the journalism building.
Men’s houses, through their
representatives, will immediately
contact women’s groups to start
their hunt for scrap, according
to Ray Schrick, co-chairman of
affair. (A complete list of
j.-jtential items appears on this
Last for Duration
The last noise parade for the
duration will start at 10:30 a.m.
Saturday. Its probable route will
be up Willamette street from
Fifth to Thirteenth and down
Thirteenth to Pearl street where
all scrap will be dumped.
All houses are urged' to make
as much noise as possible for the
parade. The only limit to the
event is that no motor vehicles
can be used, but wagons, horses,
or anything else without a motor
will be apropos.
Only Iron, Steel Wanted
Only scrap iron and steel are
wanted for the campus drive. In
other words, no tin cans, papers,
rags, or rubber should be turned
. at this time.
Details about prizes awarded
to organizations making the most
noise will be announced within
the next two days.
Scrap Metal Wanted
To Join Racket March
The following articles are
wanted for the scrap iron drive
and noise parade:
Ash cans, pails, saw blades,
metal beds, springs, old irons,
lawn mowers, radiators, wash
ing machines, kitchen sinks,
pipe, farm, garden and auto
mobile .'tool's, electric motors,
fans, clocks, metal cabinets,
jar tops, light fixtures, fur
lace grates, lamp bulbs, golf
clubs, plant stands, Wfpih
boards, metal hangers, note
book hinges, kitchen utensils,
and trophies.
Social Chairmen
Meet Thursday
' All-men social chairmen will
meet Thursday at 4 p.m. in the
Gerlinger alumni room to dis
cuss and explain new social
Yesterday's Tea
The Tri-Delts sponsor a fresh
man tea.
^i'hey’re the logical sorority,
Because of the girls in the fresh
man class
They almost pledged a majority.
Nuts Attract
Gamma Phis
Singing “Lulu, we love you tru
loo,” and clad in an assortment
of shorts, slacks, boots and plaid
shirts that would have had
Vogue editors agog, 14 girls of
the Gamma Phi Beta house went
all-out for defense Tuesday by
devoting the day to relieving the
acute shortage of filbert pickers
in the Eugene area.
The novice pickers climbed
aboard a 5-ton truck at noon
Tuesday, armed with a gallon
jug of milk, sandwiches, and cake
to stave off hunger, and a happy
determination to do their bit;
then bounced and sang while roll
ing four miles out of town to the
Howell Produce and Nut Farm.
Arriving at the groves where
(Please turn to page eight)
Saturday Scrap Parade
Climaxes Campus Drive
What goes on in scrap
drive. '
1. One representative of each
men’s living organization will'
appear at the journalism school
at 4 p.m. today.
2. Each representative will
draw the name of a women’s
house with which his group will
work on the noise parade.
3. Men’s and women’s hous
es — paired together — will
search their houses for any and
all scrap iron and steel' (see
list of potential items on this
4. Collect scrap for the Sat
urday morning parade in your
attic or basement.
5. Plan transportation oth
er than autos or other motor
driven vehicles for the parade.
Use wagons, horses, or any
thing equally motorless.
6. The parade wilt start Sat
urday morning at 10:30.
It will be judged on the
amount of noise made by the
scrap the different groups car
ry. IsTo motor devices can be
Faculty Firemen Need
Volunteer Assistants
Volunteers for fire control duty
in campus buildings were re
quested Tuesday to meet with
Wayne Massey, in charge of this
section of campus air raid pro
tection’. Fifty students will be
needed to assist faculty firemen,
Massey said. Either men or wom
en may volunteer for this war
duty Thursday at 7:30 a.m. in
room 101 in the men's physical
ed building.
. . . editor and managing editor of the 1941-43 Oregana. Their year
book has been awarded more points in the Collegiate Press Asso
ciation nation-wide contest than any other annual in the United
Campus Awaits
Reserve Board
A joint procurement board, rep
resenting the army, navy, marines
and the coast guard, will be on
the campus October 27 through
29 to enlist students in the vari
ous deferment programs offered
by the several branches of the
armed forces.
On their first visit the board
will be presented at an assembly
Tuesday, October 27, at which
time the officers will explain the
reserve programs to interested
students. After the assembly
they will open offices on the cam
pus where applications will be
received for enlistment.
Contrary to popular rumor, no
reserves will be closed soon, or
have been closed to date. Eigh
teen and nineteen-year-olds should
not “rush to the nearest recruit
ing station” because of the presi
dent’s speech Monday night.
There is still plenty of time for
them to enlist before the draft
catches them.
Medical Exams
The board will return with
medical officers to complete en
listments of those men who are
interviewed. The medical exam
inations will be conducted No
vember 5 through 14, and will be
for all branches of the service.
Officers will interview pros
pective service men for enlist
ment in the navy’s V-l, V-5, and
V-7, the army air corps, the en
listed reserve corps, the marine
reserve, and the coast guard re
(Please turn to paije three)
ISA President Sets
Senate Meet Thursday
All senators must be present
at the ISA senate meeting'
scheduled for Thursday, at 4,
in 204 Chapman, Al Larsen,
president, announced yester
High Sheriffs
Spot Shavers
Jim Popp, high sheriff of the
sophomore Whiskerino, yester
day announced the appointment
of deputy sheriffs in each men’s
living organization, Popp also an
nounced the first dunking for
violation of the non-shaving rule
would be held today at noon in
front of the College Side.
Plans for the Whiskerino, to be
held at McArthur .court Saturday,
October 24, were virtually com
pleted at a meeting of commit
tee heads Monday.
Featured in the short enter
tainment at the dance will be
the presentation of a gold shav
ing mug to the sophomore with
the best growth of whiskers.
Joe and Betty
The winners of the Joe College
and Betty Coed titles will also
receive recognition at that time.
Chairman Bryce Sidesingcr an
nounced a 14-piece orchestra has
been secured to play at the Whis
kerino, the first all campus
dance of the year. The name of
the orchestra will be disclosed
this week.
Tickets for the annual sopho
more class dance will go on sale
in all men’s living organizations
next Monday, according to Phyl
lis Horstnran, ticket chairman.
Infirmary Inmates
Freed\ Received
The infirmary is doing a thriv
ing business. Mary Jane Terry,
Helen Holden, Janeth Peterson,
and Robert Hull were admitted
Tuesday. The total number of
patients now stands at ten, four
short of capacity.
The other inmates of the cap
sule hotel are Maxine Marsh, Ted
Odland, Americo DeBenedetti,
Ed Murphy, Verne Sellin, and
a nurse, Miss Gladys Samel.
Jack Schell and Jean Hayes
were dismissed Tuesday.
Rating Goes
To Yearbook
Scoring- the highest number of
points of any yearbook in the.
United States, the 1942 Oregana,
was once again awarded the cov
eted rating of all-American by
the National Scholastic Press as
sociation, according to a report
received Tuesday from its head
quarters at the University of
The annual was rated highest
in its class, which includes col
leges and universities with 2,500
to 5,000 students. It also scored
more points than any other year
book in all other classes.
•Honor Roll’ Abandoned
Last year’s Oregana received
the Honor Role of Distinction
rating as well as all-American.
This award has been discontin
Comments on the Oregana.
score sheet were exceptionally
complimentary and ratings for
the different types of work done
on the book, such as printing,
cover, and photography, were all
"excellent” or "superior.”
Cover Lauded
The outstanding comment was
that "the state of Oregon could
be seen adequately” in this year’s
book. The cover was especially
mentioned as one of the book’s
outstanding features.
Wilbur Bishop, last year's edi
tor, designed the Oregana of tho
(Please turn to page eight)
Len Barde Sets
’War’ Leaders
Three new heads of the cam
pus war board were announced
by Chairman Leonard Barde in,
a meeting last night. They are,
Jean Frideger, secretary; Jack
Robinson, head of finance; and
Norma Trevorrow, publicity.
Barde conferred with the
three appointees, explaining the
importance and immensity of the
job to be done.
“Last year, students perished
the thought of war in social ac
tivities,’’ he said. “Those who
tried to do something about it,
received for the most part disin
terest and non-support.
“This is the beginning of a
new era in the war effort on the
campus. Students will wake up
to the fact that there’s work to
be done, and we can do it.’’
The main part of this work will
be in the form of drives for scrap,
for stamps, for knitting, sewing,
cigarettes, candy, bonds to baby
clothes, Red Cross to rubber.
“We are fighting the war
right here, in this University,”
Miss Trevorrow declared. “There’s
not as much time or money for
cokes or bridge or magazines. In
stead the tremendous energies
and manpower should be convert
ed over to progressive defense
work. This is our war to win.”'