Webfoots Meet Cougars at Pullman This Afternoon Uf u. LIBRARY CAMPUS MEMLD PC Bunion Derby Goes on Record This Evening > VOLUME XLIV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1942 NUMBER 9 194-2 Bunion Derby Launched Tonight As WanderinqMales Face Lona Trek 'HONEST JOHN' TAKES OVER G.A.'TEX” OLIVER WEBFOOT COACII JOHN WARREN . . . . . . here receives his shingle from CO Athletic Director Anse Cornell as he steps into the shoes of former mento, Tex Oliver . . . Warren will mee t his first Pacific Coast conference test as a bead coach when the Ducks meet the WSC Cougars i 1 Pullman this afternoon. Push on Athletic Cards Reaches $20,097 Mark Two thousand thirty athletic cards totaling $20,097 have been sold to date, Oge Young, general chairman of the drive, announced today, leaving., a total ..of.. 686 cards still to be purchased before the 100 per cent goal is reached. According to Max Brown, han jj. g the drive for students living oti the campus, at least 85 per cent of Orides and Yeomen have purchased their athletic cards, with a week of the drive still re maining. Install He emphasized that students may purchase cards on the in stallment plan paying $5.50 down and the remaining sum at the be ginning of next term. Students in Orides and Yeomen are alsc cooperating in selling to men and women living in private homes and in smaller off-the (Please turn to page eight) .--lip Launchings Faster ship launchings Are really a gain, But think of the terrible Waste of champagne. —J.W.S. Talk Slated By Bellinger Jack Bellinger, just returnee to the United States from Japan where he had been held captive for eight months, will be the guest speaker at a luncheon Tuesday, sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, national journalism honorary. Bellinger, '34, will tell the group of his experiences while in a Japanese concentration camp. Theta Sigma, women’s nation al journalism honorary, members of the journalism school faculty and invited guests will attend the no-host luncheon. Those interest ed should contact Stan Weber as early as possible. The place of the luncheon will be announced in Tuesday's Em erald. Bellinger wiyl] be on the campu only long enough to attend the luncheon. From Bad... .. .To Verse I am the lady who knew about lines, The baby who understood man. And I am the lady who laughed about love With a cynical sneer on my pan. I am the girl who would not be lieve lies, Who snickered at weeping and wailing. I am the smoothie who always played wise And censored her notes before mailing. I am the gal with the cast iron heart, Who didn't believe in romance, And I am the lady whose man kissed her off, And who’s kicking herself in the pants. —By Betsy Wootton Swim Classes Meet Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat urday swimming classes, list ed as selected activities, will meet today for the first time at the designated class hour. ’Black Books' to See Action As Piggers ’Hit the Road' Not only bunions, but blisters, corns, and other ailments of thd pedal extremities will be inflicted on the student population of the University as the much-advertised Bunion Derby rolls tonight. Viewed with mixed feelings by all concerned, the derby offers op portunities for all piggers to look over the field, with much employ ment of the "little black book." Instructions The men's living organizations will begin at the house opposite their names on the list and will continue through the houses in thn order listed. When they reach the end. they are referred to the be ginning of the list. In order to keep everything going smoothly, tbe> ten minute wait should be recognized. The official schedule is as follows: (ten minute wait) . Gamma Phi Beta . Alpha Phi . Hilyard House . (ten minute wait) Alpha Ai Delta . Chi Omega . Kappa Kappa Gamma (ten minute wait) Pi Beta Phi . Alpha Chi Omega . Zeta Tan Alpha. Kappa Alpha Theta . Delta Gamma (ten minute wait) ... Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Delta Pi . Alpha Omicron Pi Sigma Kappa . Susan Campbell Hall Orides .. Hendricks Hall . University House . (ten minute wait) Highland House Delta Delta Delta .. . .Alpha Halt Alpha Tau Omega . Beta Theta Pt Campbell Coo'|> . Canard Cluii . Chi Psi Delta Tau Delta . Delta Upsilou . Gamma Halt . Kappa Sigma . Kirkwood Coop . Law Students . Omega Halt Phi. Delta Theta. Phi Gamma Delta .... Phi Kappa PsP Pi Kappa Alpha Sherry Ross Had Sigma Alpha IWh* . Sigma Cht - Sigma Had . Sigma Nil Sigma Phi Epsilon .. Theta CM . Yeomen . Zeta Had Chairman Petitions For Whiskerino Due Petitions for general chairman of the Sophomore Whiskerino will be accepted any time before Sat urday noon. They are to be turned in to Bob Henderson, sophomore president. Applicants must acompany their petitions with a certificate of eligibility issued by the dean of men’s office, should list their qualifications for the position, and any additional information which they feel will be helpful. Lack of Texts Gives Excuse Because of the heavy and un expected influx of students to the campus this fall, the Co-op store reports an acute book shortage. M. F. McClain, manager of the store, explained that he has tele graphed orders for more texts and expects to receive a shipment soon. An order of ROTC officers’ shirts is expected to arrive to day and will be available at once. Need Employees Thirty-three students have been employed by the student store since school opened, and more could have been used, ac cording to Mr. McClain. The Co-op board will meet some time in the near future to discuss plans for the coming year. Nelson Names Picture Editors Maxine Tripp and Claire Lyon are in charge of pictures for the 1943 Oregana, according to Roy. Paul Nelson, managing editor. Pictures will be taken according to the schedule in Friday's Em erald, with the exception of sen iors not affiliated with living or ganizations, who will have photon taken October 20. Sigma Phi Ep silon house pictures.will be taken on the 19th. Schedule for next week fol lows : Monday, Alpha Chi Omega; Tuesday, Alpha Phi; Wednesday, Chi Omega; Thursday, Alpha Tau Omega. Miss Brownell Begins Piggers’ Guide Work Elsie Brownell, newly appoint ed editor of the Pigger’s Guide, student directory, announce <1 Thursday night that work on the 1942-43 publication will begin on Monday, October 12, in Johnson ball. The staff has not yet been se lected, but typists from the reg istrar's office in Johnson hall have been signed for the hug<> job of typing the many name;:, addresses, and phone numbers, of all University students and fac ulty members.