Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 26, 1942, Football Edition, Image 1

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    UO Enrollment
See Page Eight
First Emerald
Football Edition
Get 'Em, Ducks!
Ducks Meet Navy In ’42 Opener
Local Office
For Reserves
(See story page 8)
A special campus enlistment
office under the direction of
Lieutenant Robert G. Davis will
be opened Monday afternoon in
room 2 of the Commerce building
for students who have not yet
enlisted in any of the military re
serve programs after Registra
tion is completed.
Students wishing to enlist in
the reserves should obtain their
application blanks from the desk
that will be opened' on the first
r of Johnson hall Monday.
Open Hours
When the applications*- have
been properly filled in they are
to be returned to the new office
which will be open Monday
through Friday from 1 to 5 in
the afternoon and between 8 and
12 o’clock Saturday mornings.
The necessary typing that must
accompany the completed appli
cations for enlistment in a re
serve program will be done by
volunteers from the women’s liv
ing organizations. Phi Theta Up
silon, junior women’s honorary,
has volunteered to do the desk
work every afternoon in the en
listment office.
Better Chance
By enlisting in a reserve pro
gram students will be given a
better opportunity to finish their
<M*;ge education, however, if
war conditions warrant such ac
tion, students may be called into
active duty at any time.
Dr. Karl Kossack, campus ad
viser on military reserve, said he
hoped to complete most of the
enlistments on the campus in a
it &&
Busses Reduce
Student Fares
In cooperatioa^mth the Uni
versity’s request to ban^student
owned automobiles from the cam
pus, the Oregon Motor Stages
announced a two-cent reduction
? city fares yesterday.
'"Students wishing to take ad
vantage of this reduction in rates
may secure application blanks
from the Oregon Motor Stages
offices at 532 Oak street. Blanks
must be signed by a member of
the University faculty and re
turned to the Oregon Motor Stag
es offices. There, they will be ex
changed for a book of twenty
tickets which may be purchased
for one dollar.
This reduction in rates will go
into effect immediately.
Fares for the general public
will remain at 7 cents.
Should Congress bear down
Don't grumble and frown.
If it wasn't for taxes
We might have the Axis.
Look Out, Tex . . . Here Comes Tommy
. . . spark-plugs the Webfoot baekfield with his brilliant running,
passing, and kicking. Last year he received honorable mention All
America recognition.
Reception, Hello Dance
Begin at 8 p.m. in Igloo
The president’s 'reception and
Hello Dance has been scheduled
for tonight between 8 and 12
p.m. in McArthur court and will
not start at 9 p.m. as was pre
viously stated.
Les Anderson, ASUO president,
will introduce the following mem
bers of the receiving line: Dr.
Donald M. Erb, Dean Hazel P.
Schwering, Dean Karl W. On
thank, Dean Virgil D. Earl,
Kenneth Shumaker, and Mrs. Al
ice Macduff.
All Dancing
“Students can dance from the
time they enter the reception un
til they leave the dance,’’ de
clared Mrs. Macduff, assistant
dean cf women, in answer to a
quesfion concerning the reception.
Mr. and Mrs. George Turnbull,
who are in charge of chaperons,
will be assisted by “freshman”
faculty members.
Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed will
help prepare the punch, while
members of Skull and Dagger,
sophomore men’s service honor
ary, are in charge of serving.
Members of Kwama, sophomore
women’s service honorary, will
assist them.
Warren Plans Canny Game;
Speculators Favor Fliers
A quietly confident band of 42 University of Oregon Web
foots today awaits the opening 2-o'clock kickoff on the historic
turf of Portland's Multnomah Stadium and its crucial tesfc
with the St. Marys navy pre-flight eleven coached by Lt. Com
mander Tex Oliver, former Oregon headman.
It has been unanimously agreed that this fray will make or
Dr. Erb Urges
No Cars at UO
Appealing to students to leave
cars at home, Dr. Donald M. Erb,
president of the University, de
clared Thursday that he saw no
reason for any student to have a
car on the campus except under
exceptional circumstances.
Conditions justifying the use
of student cars were physical
disability, employment, or living
a great distance from the cam
pus. A car would be justified in
the latter case only if public
transportation facilities could not
be used.
Dr. Erb's statement was in
agreement with a recent state
ment issued by William H. Craw
ford, chairman of the state high
way traffic advisory committee.
Joint Military Board
To Visit University
A joint military procurement
board, with representatives of
army, navy"and marine corps re
cruiting services, will visit the
campus October 27 to 29, Dr. Carl
F. Kossack, chairman ef the bu
reau of military information and
placement, has been informed.
Beginning with a special as
sembly October 27, this board will
present the opportunities of the
various services to UO students
and will endeavor to explain the
need and value of these military
reserve corps and the role the
individual will be expected to
(See complete roster, page 4)
University of Oregon
Navy Pre-Flight
Jim Shephard, 198.LER.Ed Erdelatz, 206
(St. Mary’s)
Ed Moshofsky, 195.LTR.Ray George, 225
Floyd Rhea, 200 ..LGR.Frank Velisok, 192
, • (Creighton)
Val Culwell, 200.L...-..RGL .Joe Ruetz, 200
(Notre Dame)
Russ Nowling, 185.REL.Ed Manske, 184
Len Surles, 195. . QB.Frankie Albert, 170
Tommy Roblin, 185.LHR Jimmy Newquist, 185
(U. of O.)
Kenny Oliphant, 174.RHL.Bill Rhyne, 172
(San Jose State)
Steve Bodner, 208
C Alden McBarron, 195
(Portland U.)
Dick Ashcom, 210.
RTL.Don Wilier, 198
Roy Dyer, 184
FB.Bob Koch, 193
(U. of O.)
UH- ll V_ A. O .
omuuu lir*
lose it by an overwhelming score
they will face a difficult job re
bounding against Washington
State and Washington. But should
they triumph or lose a close
game it might be a springboard
to send the Webfoots roaring
away to a highly successful ini
tial season for Webfoot coach,
"Honest John” Warren. The ec rt -
test will have the eyes of the
country focused On it. as the
game will be a'dipo'ff to jrst.
what the Navy pre-flight school-!
can do against big league oppo
Nayy Favored
Along “betting row” last night
in Portland the wig.e, proney pick
ers were . giving ,the . Air PcvP-t
and seven points or, offering 2.
to 1 without points. A last minute
influx of Oregon mojtey pull- l
the odds down from,to 1. along
with the fact that Warren de
cided at the last minute to take
his entire squad ’instead of the
customary 28'he had planned cap
tions. ,
The Navy Air‘ PbviVs pulled
into Eugene Friday morning and
several of the Oregon player-*
were down to meet old mates, Jim
Newquist, Bob Koch, Morris
Jackson, and Neal Baumgartner,
all of whom are expected to
in Tex Oliver's opening lineup.
Air Devils Confident
The "Devil Dogs’ ’appeared su
premely confident of an easy vic
tory. John Warren was count
ing heavily on this factor in tin*
hopes of pulling a major upset bv
his varsity coaching debut. In
Friday night chalk talk he told’
his team that they had a good
chance to triumph over Oliver’;*
Aviators if they kept on their
toes and fought all the time. )
Oregon morale appeared highi
for the fracas. The entire 42-man
squad was in excellent shape,
and the whole team felt confi
dent that Sophomore Bill Davi»
would he able to play 60 min
utes in the fullback post if bt>
(Please turn to page jour)
Emerald Staffs Meet
Tuesday, Wednesday
All students who wish to work
on the nows staff of the Emerald
should report to the first general
meeting of the year in 105 Jour
nalism at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. The
business staff will meet in the*
same room at the same time,
At the news staff meeting, ap
plications will be taken and bea1s»
assigned, according to G. Dune a a
Wimpiess, managing editor, who
advised every prospective writer
or solicitor to attend.
“All persons interested in
working on the Emerald must
be there,” he stressed.