Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1942, Image 1

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All new students including
those with other than freshman
standing will keep their appoint
ment for “advising and registra
tion” in McArthur court today
and Saturday at the time desig
nated on each personal freshman
week schedule. Students previ
ously enrolled at the University
began registration procedures
yesterday and w i 11 continue
pH rough Saturday.
Students unfamiliar with usual
registration routine simply “fol
low the leader.” New students
will be assigned an adviser and
should take to him various reg
istration cards and a photostatic
copy of previous scholastic rec
All students should do the fol
1. Contact adviser and plan
course; fill out the various cards.
2. Register in subjects at the
department desks.
3. Register with the University
by paying designated fees.
New students with junior
standing get registration mate
rial at McArthur court along with
lower-division students and go
directly to major professor’s of
fice for conference. They return
-o McArthur court when ready
for section clerks, housing sec
retary and cashier.
The Oregana may be purchased
at the time of registration. Cost
of the Oregana will be cut from
$5 to $4 if an athletic card at $9
is purchased at the same time.
Numerous signs at “strategic”
points will mark the way for new
Lyle Nelson
Bureau Head
Lyle Nelson, former Emerald
' -editor and present editor of “Old
-'Oregon”, has appointed instruc
tor in journalism and acting di
rector of the UO news bureau,
Lyle Nelson
replacing- Cocil
Snyder, assist
ant professor of
journalism, who
ceptresigned at
the end of the
summer to ac
cept a commis
sion in the navy.
Besides his
news bureau du
ties Nelson will
conduct a course in graphic jour
Nelson has also been named in
jormation assistant to the state
board of higher education.
A graduate of the University,
he was editor of the Emerald and
a member of Friars and Sigma
Delta Chi.
Send ^hat Ca% Jiame!
“I have been wandering in and out of wars since 1939, and
many times before have I seen the sad young men come out
of battle—come with the whistle of flying steel and the rumble
of falling wails still in their ears, came out to the fat, well-fed
cities behind the lines, where the complacent citizens always
choose from the newsstands those papers whose headlines pro
claim every skirmish as a magnificent victory.
And through those plump cities the sad young men back
from battle wander as strangers in a strange land, talking a
grim language of realism which the smug citizenry doesn't under
stand, trying to tell of a tragedy which few enjoy hearing.”_
W. L. White, in foreword to “They Mere Expendable.”
* * *
PRESIDENT DONALD M. ERI3 has asked that stu
dents leave their “pleasure" cars home for this war rear
1942. The "request" will become a near-demand in a few
weeks. Gas rationing is coming.
Gallup polls show that on nearly every issue the public
is ahead of the government. So is the University student—
or should he.
We have heard before and since December 7 that we
must sacrifice. 1 hat we must expect less. That we must
suffer—if we are to win this war.
The generalities are no longer fog-shrouded requests.
They are coming to earth in one. two, three order. 1 Maces
where we can cut down unessentials, where we can give
up this food, that luxury become ever.-more-evident.
'y^’lTHDRAWAL of pleasure cars from the Oregon
campus is one of the tangible "pleasures” which we
will have to sacrifice. To lead this move, not to be a
straggler, is the opportunity open to student motorists
today. Many already have taken the step, noted by the
decreased number of cars here this fall.
This last term and last year of a college campus for
many students is not a “make hay while the sun shines
era.” The sun already has ceased shining. The "hoys” of
Pearl Harbor, Dutch Harbor, Bataan, Midway, and Wake
stand, a living, dead, and mutilated tribute. Morale of
the fighting forces is fine. They know what they face. It
is on the home front that we now must take the lead
toward realization of total war.
Leaving pleasure cars home is one step.
—R. J- S.
(See story on page 7)
As the yearly flow of confused freshmen invade the cam
pus this week, an undercurrent of, “What can I do to help
hck the Axis?" is easily noticed in their more serious attitude.
Dr. Karl Kossack, campus adviser on military reserve
programs, helped relieve the frosh of one of their major wor
ries Wednesday night at the annual freshman assembly. Dr.
Athletic Cards
On Limited Sale
Two booths will be open in
Portland September 28 on the af
ternoon of the Oregon-Navy pre
flight game at Multnomah sta
dium, announced Oge Young,
chairman of the athletic card
drive. Five hundred athletic
cards will be put on sale, said
Young, and' will be sold to all
comers on a first-come, first
served basis. The booths will be
situated at the student entrance
and on the north side of Multno
mah stadium.
Card Sale
Athletic cards will go on sale
before registration beginning
Thursday morning in the educa
tional activities office in McAr
thur court.
A total of nine prizes will be
awarded this year to the living
organizations that are first to
go 100 per cent. Three will go to
the independent organizations,
three to the sororities, and three
to the fraternities. Each prize
consists of $10 worth of records
and houses will be allowed to se
lect their own.'
Card Price
The cards, per usual, sell for
$9 and have a value of $31. Stu
dents can buy them on the in
stallment plan, paying $3.30 per
’Bout registration
I’ve a hunch
Come darn early
—And bring your lunch.
Helen Angel I Writes
For Reader’s Digest’
Helen Angell, last year’s Em
erald editor, now an assistant ed
itor of the Reader’s Digest, con
densed the lead story of the Sep
tember issue of the magazine, ac
cording to word received recent
ly by Miss Louise Fitch, former
dean of women at Cornell uni
Miss Angell’s condensation was
of the article “No Mental Cod
dling About the War.” The story,
written by Supreme Court Jus
tice William O. Douglas, ap
peared first in Life magazine.
In a letter received by Dean
Eric W. Allen of the school of
joui'nalism, Miss Angell says of
her duties on the Digest staff,
“read a certaain list of maga
zines every week that are as
(Please turn to page fourteen)
Dunkers Take Heart
As Mi 11 race Gurgles
(See picture, page 16)
For the first time in nearly a year, water trickled down
the revamped channel of the mill race Thursday evening,
freshening hopes of discipliners who feared the traditional
mill-racing of friends and rivals would have to be abandoned
for mud-baths.
What has been for months merely a rut across campus
scenery, since a neauwaitus uim:
broke during fall floods, is once
again suitable for the swimming,
canoeing and dunking that have
made it a celebrated' part of Ore
gon songs.
Mill Race Improved
Widened, dredged a.nd relieved,
of several generations of dis
carded fraternity pins, the pres
ent mill race now follows the
railroad under construction along
the Willamette river. Special
feature of the improved stream
is a large placid lagoon near the
head. Ideal for canoe fete float
building, the lagoon lacks the
turbulent current characteristic
of the main mill race channel.
Also enlarged beside the An
chorage the race then winds
down through the residential and
fraternal section of the city.
Stream Control
Special provisions, in the form
of headwater gates, have been
made to control the stream and
make possible occasional “bed
cleanings” for the race. In addi
tion a flood gate has been con
structed downstream from the
Aside from fere appreciation of
the renewed beauty of the race,
practical value will be derived
as the customary source of water
for greening the grass of the old
campus is again available. The
unusual parched condition of the
grass is due to lack of mill race
water during the summer.
Kossaek outlined the military re
serve programs, giving new stu
dents an idea of the part they
will be expected to play in war
time college life.
l)r. Kossaek Explains
The various reserve corps pro
grams at the University have
been established by United States
military departments for the pur
pose of enabling students to en
list in the armed forces and con
tinue their college education until
called into active duty. It in
hoped, said Dr. Kossaek Thursday,
that through these plans many
college students will be enabled
to complete their college coursed
before being called into active
Every plan, however, reserves
the light to call a* student into
active duty any time, if war con
ditions warrant such action.
Five Plans Open
There are five major reserve
plans at the University. They in
clude the Army Enlisted Re
serve Corps, the Army Air Corps
reserve, the Naval reserve pro
gram, the Marine Reserve Corps,
and the Coast Guard Reserve
Descriptions of these plans can
be found on page 7 of this is
The University expects to
enlist every qualified student in
c,ne of these reserve, programs, ’
(Please turn to page seven)
'Canned’ Music
Replaces Band
The president's reception and
Hello dance, scheduled for Sat
urday night from 9 until 12 p.ni.,
will be a record dance, Richard C.
Williams, educational| activities
manager, announced Thursday
afternoon. This is the first time
in several years that a major
UO dance has substituted record:!
for a dance band, but according
to Mr. Williams the reason i:»
simple- war has taken most mu
sicians from the district.
‘ There are tour dance band:!
available in Eugene at present,
but only two of these are ac
ceptable,” the activities manager
said. "These two, however, are
all ready scheduled to play at
community affairs on every Sat
urday night throughout the year.”
After discussing the problem
with the secretary and business
manager of the musicians’ union
in Eugene he learned that them
were no available bands in Cor
vallis, and Portland or California
musicians could not be hired be
cause of their prohibitive prices.
Various campus danc«3
throughout the year are tenta
tively scheduled for Saturday
nights, but it will be practically
impossible to secure a suitable
(Continued on fiaye fifteen)