■IHIinimllMUiUlllliintiiiuniiiiminrmimrii: Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. RAY SCHRICK, Editor; BETTY BIGGS SCHRICK, Business Mgr. Dune Wimpress, Managing Editor Jack Billing’s, News Editor Ted Bush, Associate Editor John Mathews, Associate Editor 1941 Member 1942 Associated Golle6iate Press ALL-AMERICAN 1942 UPPER NEWS STAFF Lee Flatberg, Sports Editor Marge Major, Women’s Editor Mildred Wilson, Feature Editor Janet Wagstaff, Assistant Editor Joan Dolph, Marjorie Young, Assistant News Editors UPPER BUSINESS STAFF John Jensen, Cecil Sharp, Shirley Davis, Lois Claus, Classified Advertising Man Russ Smelser. ager. Advertising Managers: Elizabeth Edmunds, National Advertis Connie Fullmer, Circulation Manager. ing Manager. Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston —Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland—Seattle. l4JlteSier4, the summer long the rush chairmen worked and wor ried. They talked house to the rushees almost as confi dently as ever. They hoped and spoke optimism, but when rush meetings rolled around they knew their lot would be slim in pickings. It had to be. This was a war year. When the sudden end of summer came, they rushed to the campus to count cards, dollars, and old members. The first surprise was a homecoming discovery: In near all cases a larger number of “old hands” were back than they expected. Their second surprise: More men were down to go through rush week than in 1941. Yesterday full force broke on the fraternity scene when four days of rushing saw 54 more men pledged this year than last. It was more than the best had hoped. The story had its other side, too. It completed the para dox, and it took the coeds to do it. Surprisingly, the rush leaders saw the as yet undraftable women pledge 15 less rushees than for 1941. They had a larger number to draw from. They took fewer. The dean of women's office reported one of the “scanning est” rush weeks in history. For grades. For high school rec ords. For more and more background. The office put a spe cial worker on payrolls to handle the fact seekers. One house threatened to pledge no girl with a high school grade rating lower than seven. Men’s houses pledged an average of almost 18 men each. The women drew an average slightly over 16 coeds to each house. All day the horn blasts and yells greeted new members. For one house a horse-drawn wagon replaced cars to cart pledges around the campus—the war-time touch. The rush was over. This was the shout of relief. Evening came, and so did sleep, the first good rest in four days of rush. 'WateA. M QoM... ■yyATKR again is skimming along between the grassy banks of the millrace. The fresh, swelling stream has hidden the ugly mud slough that has lain at the foot of the campus since the Christmas floods of last year. From the fraternities and sororities lining the near-legendary race comes many a shout of glee, for the waters started rising with the opening of rush week, and even the hill houses are trekking race-ward, canoe money in their jeans. And freshman and senior are picturing the broad, green sweep that is the campus of tradition. .Hut perhaps more deeply felt than any of these manifes tations is the feeling, permanent and strong in every true Webfoot, that Oregon is once again the real Oregon, the Oregon of song and memory, for there is no tradition, no habit, no custom more inseparable from the University than the millrace. -J. M. 'I'Uhute in a (loam... ^JREATEST tribute to the late Ethel R. Sawver lies not in words, but in a room 90 by 30 feet. It is a house of many mansions built by the jovial, gray-haired librarian in five years of work at the University. The room is everything a student would ask of home. As Willis Warren, head librarian says, “Miss Sawyer's interest and foresight did it." * * * 'J^'HE bubbling energy, clever remarks extremely apropos, and high culture which were Miss Sawyer's life still are * stamped on the shelves though she is gone. Miss Sawyer’s 90 by 30 feet were the Browsing room. New librarians will come, but the name and room stand last ing tribute to her work. Track Last ■ I By LOIMAE RODENBOUGH About Face .. . Coeds will all but shoulder arms with men in a new training pro gram at the University of In diana. Designed to furnish ad vanced information on various military subjects to women who want to join the W.A.T.C., cor responding with H.O.T.C., the training will be under the super vision of the department of mil itary science and tactics. -—Indiana Daily. No Victory—Until . . . Portland’s Victory Bell built by the engineers last year has been silenced for the duration. The Rev. Charles C. Miltner, C.S.C., supervised the removal of the clapper and in commenting on the ceremony said, “There can be no real victories until our boys return victorious to their homes.’’ The Beacon, Portland Number Please? Columbia university sopho mores studying humanities are permitted to don earphones to listen to musical recordings While they learn their lessons. •—The Utah Chronicle California fog_ The sunny south has at last recognized the bay regions’ nat ural attributes. Uor nearly two hours recently the entire west side of San Diego was enveloped by a man-made fog which was designed to obliterate entire cit ies from the air. The “fog” comes from white chemical smoke sent up from hundreds of flame pots spotted throughout vital areas. Planes flying overhead were not visible through the fog and the pilots noted they could see very little. •—The Daily Californian New 'Ding'... Alexander Woollcott was near ly voted out of his fraternity be cause he insisted on wearing a red fez around the house. —The Cauldron In the Mood ... Thousands of music-lovers in colleges throughout the country that Glenn Miller’s orchestra has passed on to the Valhalla of swing bands. Miller, impressarie of the Lit I MoilUvUf Sa&ieds By J. SPENCER MILLER THE LULL BEFORE THE STORM ... If any words characterize the look o fthe Webfoot campus this last week, they are these prophetic ones. Practically all the men are back (those that couldn’t make reserves are 4-F and the rest are too young). But we are on short furlough before march ing off to the more serious things at hand. As for Duck-tivities this summer . . . How Times Change . . . So Sorry, New Policy Yosuke Matsuoka, former Jap anese minister, issued a plea that the young people of both Ameri ca and Japan “cooperate more closely to the common interests of peace” in a page one inter view writter by Jasper (Jack) N. Bellinger, ’34, for the April 8, 3933 Emerald. Author Bellinger, since gradu ation an employee of the Japan Times Advertiser, recently re turned to the United States on the international exchange ship Gripsholm, after he was slapped, kicked, and generally brow-beat en by Japanese authorities. “Whoever, either among Jap anese or among Americans, dares to create misunderstanding or misapprehension between the two great nations facing each other across the Pacific is com mitting an unpardonable crime against humanity,” Matsuoka told Bellinger in the 1933 inter view. “We must not do or say anything that will hinder the program of this endeavor to cre ate the new Pacific civilization.” Bellingfci returns from Japan nine years later a sadder, thin ner, and wiser man. Not Without Reason Greater festivals of the church were written in red ink in old manuscripts to distinguish them from the lesser festivals, written in black. This gave rise to the term Red Letter Day which now signifies an outstanding or for tunate day. tie Brown Jug, the Anvil Cho rus, and Kalamazoo and Chat tanooga symphonies, shortly will join the army as a captain in the specialists corps. His orchestra now is disbanding. —California Daily Bruin /lfjan-<1une l/Uelcame. Qteetb Neut BUuHentl To you freshmen, we give a hearvy welcome. Undoubtedly you have already lost that slight feeling of insecurity that comes with entering college, and are rapidly becoming accustomed to the informal friendliness which is so apparent here at Oregon. We are proud of you, because we feel your freshness will give new vitality to Oregon spirit of which we are indeed proud. Another great year enferges upon us, and new problems are facing us. We all realize that it will be necessary for us to for sake some of the things which have made the past so colorful, but nevertheless this year will be equally enjoyable. We have successfully met the problem of enrollm'ent which proves that we will be able to meet those new problems that face us, and make a greater year for Oregon. Then there are students who are more disappointed than glad that the dimout rule doesn't ap ply to Eugene. ASUO President Les Anderson > . . his is the message to in coming men and women. pnysics nave sioweu uown ex tracurricular activities on the campus to a slow crawl this sum mer—former smoothstones and operators spending their Satur day nights wrapped around a text book. Pi Phi Winnifred Wilkelan married to Beta Jim Buell a c^^ pie of months ago—they are liv ing in Oakland . . . Babs Read of of the sun-washed Fees is wed to Phi Delt Knox Parker in the Air Corps. This is sudden as she was engaged to Beta Don Turner at the beginning of spring term— and went with Lee Spitzer after that broke up . . . Kappa Alysone Wales had lots of fun, this summer with San Jose’s Roa Hadley . . . Dave Holmes and Walt Kresse went to Balboa Isle, Cal., to visit PDT brother Bud Steele—took two looks at the female pulchritude and stayed all summer. . . . War Bonds Honor Roll . . . Lee Flatberg, Emerald sports ed„ who was rejected by the army, put $4,000 in War Bonds—doing his part . . . Theta Edie Onthait^ getting daily victory letters fro® Hugh Collins in Australia, is put ting all her salarv as Eugene playground instructor into War Bonds . . . Plenty of other Web foots could take a hint from these two . . . Pee Adele Canada is en gaged . . . Aldine Hates was mar ried in Las Vegas, Nevada to a lad from Seattle . . . Canard’s Jackson Billings, the bouncing Emerald news editor, fell 16 feet on his head, working on Swan Is land, so he decided he wasn’t cut out for manual labor . . . There are plenty of gals that aren't coming back to school— especially Alpha Fees and Gam ma Phis—but OSC is due to send over a large contingent, on ac count of the close proximity of the “Farm” to the soldiers new cantonment . . . Delt Dave Zil^fe and Kay Korn are approachi^^ “that” stage . . . Suzie’s Jean Phillips, who we think is the best looking girl on the campus along with her four-point, has been holding down.a Portland office • . . metaz gem ircm Hawaii, Terry Watson has been the re cipient of much attention from ASUO President Les Anderson, who received his pin back this summer from Kappa Peggy Johnston by registered mail. SAE Jim Marnie put his pin on KKG Janie Williams before leav ing for Med school in Philadel phia . . . Plenty of Ducks at work in Washington . . . Theta Janet Morris, Figee Neal Farnham, Pi Phi Peggy Forney, Phi Delt Hugh McMinnamum, and a host of others. Dotty Green, Loi^ Spanioi, and Alice Trullinger ly (wife of Lt. Maury Kelly, SAE, 41, now bound for ‘destination unknown.') have been ever ready to help the boys with math, phy sics, or bridge. Greer’s theme song is getting to be “Happy Day(s) are Here Again.” She had his Phi Delt pin for a day this summer. That was, this sum mer.Demure little Miss Spanioi has been spending most of her time writing Tom “Rim rock” Oxman in Idaho . . . Jack Lansing and Lou, the Torg, are now in Fort Sill, Okla, and Fort Wall, Texas Army khaki .... Kappa Sig Bill Rapson has taken to caveman tactics as a last r^^fc sort with “Shoil, the Poil” Grav<^ ly. They went a good ten rounds in fxTint of the KS house the other day. . .