Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1942, Page 7, Image 7

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    War Slashes Styles
In Men s Fashions
The effect of war on clothes will be felt increasingly during
the coming months because many plants are devoting as much
as fifty percent of their output to government orders.
In the manufacturing of shirts, for instance, new patterns
and weaves will be introduced as usual, but the variety of
color models will remain the same with the largest production
on the most popular ones now in demand. This means that
there will still be, for the present
at least, most of the old college
favorites such as the oxford but
ton own collar shirts in blue and
white, the plain white broadcloth
shirt with the regular Hitt collar
and a few models of the Sussex
type wide-spread and longer point
All Types of Shirts
There is at present plenty of
all types of shirts available, but
the coming seasons may bring a
decrease in patterns, the elimina
tion of the breast pocket, fewer
pins, and it is conceivable that
French cuffs will go by the board.
Even ocean pearl buttons on
shirts are getting scarce and will
probably be replaced by an all
plastic button. The average con
sumer, faced with these changes
and adjustments all along the
line, will probably take them in
his stride without too many com
plaints, providing, of course, that
workmanship and tailoring re
main at high standards.
Wool sox are still available and
there are plenty of them in the
shops in all colors and designs.
The plaids are as popular as ever
and there seems to be an increase
in solid colors, dark blue, black,
brown, and shades of yellow and
There has been lots of talk
ari^nd the last few months about
the effect of the war on suits, and
to what extent substitutes and re
processed wool will be introduced
into woolens and worsteds. Now
that this move has definitely
come men should remember that
the manufacturers will give them
the best quality possible under
Washington regulations. These
fabrics will not be as good as one
hundred percent woolen mater
ials, but for the period of the
emergency they will have to do,
Restrictions on changes in
wearing apparel have now been
[laid,/down, with the certain re
sults that were expected. The cuff
on the trouser leg serves no use
ful purpose. It will be eliminated
for the present and the same
rolds true for patch pockets, belts
m coats, the double-breasted suit
md the vest.
Many men have not worn vests
or years, substituting when de
ired the slip-over sleeveless
weater in solid shades of wool
/hich go with the suit. This is an
English custom, and as we have
aken the slacks and sport coat,
o now perhaps is the time to
dopt the sweater for good and
Portland Man to Speak
To Law School Seniors
Speaker for the law school sen
ior banquet will be Carl E. Da
vidson, Portland attorney, ac
cording to K. J. O’Connell, asso
ciate professor of law. The ban
quet will be held at the Anchor
age at 6:30, May 29.
Attorney Davidson is a special
ist on tax law and is a Univer
sity of Oregon graduate.
Grads Orders
(Continued from parte one)
the sidewalk extending south
ward from McArthur court to
ward Eighteenth street.
In case the weather is bad, all
candidates will form in line in
side the south and west corri
dors of the court.
Candidates for advanced de
grees, including Ph.D., Ed.D.,
J.D., and master’s degrees of all
kinds, and candidates for certifi
cates in public health nursing,
and social work certificates will
form processions in the east cor
ridor of McArthur court whether
the weather is good or bad.
All candidates for advanced
degrees of master of arts or Sci
ences or J.D., must appear at Mc
Arthur court Sunday afternoon
at 3 o’clock for a brief rehearsal
of the ceremony of receiving the
degree ana diploma. The hoods
should be brought at that time.
Women candidates have been
asked by the dean of women’s of
fice not to wear corsages on their
academic costume at commence
ment since it is not considered in
keeping with the extreme for
malit yof the occasion.
Bishop Bruce Baxter of the
Portland area, Methodist church,
will give the address at the bac
calaureate service. Bishop Bax
ter was formerly president of
Willamette university. Music for
the occasion will be by the Uni
versity Singers, directed by Dean
Theodore Kratt of the school of
“The University and the War'
of Survival,” will be the subject
of President Donald Erb’s ad
dress which will be given at com
This year the medical school
is holding a separate commence
ment. This plan and changes in
the usual order cf exercises are
expected to speed up the pro
gram considerably.
to a
A combination of Home
cookecl dinner in a dig
nified atmosphere at rea
sonable prices.
v Eugene Hotel
222 E. Broadway Phone 2000
Uni High Gets
Libe Majority
Congratulations to the Univer
sity high school. During the past
three years graduates of this
school have taken first place in
the undergraduates’ private li
braries which are entered into
contest at the University Library
day. In 1940 first went to Gerald
Huestis, 1941, Donald Treadgold,
and this year to John F. Spear.
In the graduate collection of
libraries, first place went to John
Gross and second to Oson Ranny.
The Sixth Annual Library Day,
sponsored by the Association of
Patrons and Friends of the Uni
versity of Oregon Library, took,
place May 2 and 3.
The annual dinner held in con
nection with Library day had as
its principal speaker, Dr. James
David Hart, associate professor
of English at the University of
California in Berkeley.
Cadet Captain Hall
A former University student.
Jack C. Hall, was named captain
of cadets at the air force's pri
mary training detachment at the
Ryan School of Aeronautics, last
Wednesday. The honor was held
not long ago by another Oregon
ian, Jim Kisselburgh, a former
Oregon State fcotball star.
Dr. Will Durant, philosopher
and author, speaking at Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, said he be
lieves President Roosevelt will be
re-elected to his fourth term in
Texas’ first aerodynamics re
search laboratory is being set up
at the University of Texas, as
part of the school's newly-estab
lished graduate program in aero
nautical engineering.
Rudyard Kipling’s
'The Jungle Book'
with Sabu
— plus —
Virginia Weidler and
Ray McDonald in
'Born to Sing'
Your Favorite Comic!
with Penny Singleton
Arthur Lake
— also —
Gene Autry and
Smiley Burnett in
Something Novel
Walt Disney’s
music by
Adventures, Thrills!
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in
'Corsican Brothers'
— also —
Carole Landis and.
George Montgomery in
'Cadet Girl'
Library Gets
Valsetz Book
Who hasn't heard of Dorothy
Anne Hobson and her “Valsetz
Star’’ ? A nine-year-old girl
founded a. newspaper that be
came world known, chuckled over
by geniuses, quoted by thousands,
and subscribed to by millions.
The University library recently
received two first edition books
of the collections of her famous
editorials, one of which encloses
an autographed snapshot of her
self. The preface of this book was
written by Marshall Dana, man
aging editor of the Oregon
Mr. Dana remarks that al
though Dorothy published her
paper only four years, “when she
retired at the age of 12, she
ranked with the most conspicu
ous journalists Oregon has pro
Phi Delta Phi
Charles M. Hulten, associate
professor of journalism, led the
discussion at a recent meeting of
Phi Delta Phi, legal honorary.
Subject for the evening was “The
P.ight of Privacy."
Ferry hall, men's dormitory at
Washington State college, has
been evacuated to make room for
a special detachment of 150 air
corps men from Geiger field,
UO Library Receives
Work on Tibet Lames
Second in outstanding’ book 9
received by the library during’
spring term is the book titled
"Objects from the Tibetan
Laniaism,” from the collection of
Jacques Marchias.
This book contains reproduc
tions of Tibetan Ritual object 9.
It was edited by Jacques 3ffar
chais, photographic work done by
Colten Photo, engraving by Jder
cury Photo Engraving, and it
was printed by the Comet Press,
Tests by the University of
Michigan engineering renew.; ih
department have shown that poor
spark plugs often waste as much
as one gallon of gasoline in ten.
Summer School
June, July, August
The demand for sten
ographer - typists con
tinues to increase and i«
becoming a necessary
part of our War Work.
We can train you in •.
short, a time as possible
at a reasonable cost.
I'll, bbb ot>4 E. Brdwy.
Buy Your
ARROW Shirts and Shorts
at PAUL D. GREEN'S, 837 Willamette
fl® Degrees Cooler!
Arrow summer shirts are as cool as a peach
basket. The sturdy lightweight fabric used
in these shirts, with its millions of tiny
windows, keeps your torso cool and airy.
Mitoga-cut and Sanforized labeled (fabric
shrinkage less than 1%). Get your favorite
pastel patterns today in all collar models.
Arrow Ties to harmonize!
Where Eleventh meet-1 Willamette