Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1942, Image 1

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Regional M usic Festival
Contests Open Today
Today at 8:30 a.m. the region
one contest of the national school
music ccmpetitions-festivals will
he opened officially by the boys’
vocal solo section in the music
auditorium, the girls’ vocal solo
in Gerlinger lounge, and the
string sclos in Gerlinger men’s
John Stehn, director of band,
has completed the final arrange
ments for the registration, hous
ing, and ticket-selling of the
2000 high-school participants in
the contest. Working under Mr.
^tehn as student organizers are
John Busterud and Margaret Ann
Main feature of the entertain
ment program for these musi
cians is a dance to be held at
10:30 this evening in Gerlinger
hall. Sponsored by Orides, this
party is for contestants only, and
they are requested to wear their
badges for identification. Edith
Newton is chairman of' the af
fair, which is free of charge and
will end at 11:45 p.m.
A radio program will be pre
sented ever KOAC tonight at
7:30 and tomorrow at 1:45 p.m.
lSaturing those who receive num
ber one ratings. This afternoon
at 3 soloists are requested to
meet Phyllis Gray in the sunken
garden of the music school to
have pictures taken and to ar
range about this program.
A box lunch for all contestants
will be held in the Igloo on Sat
urday at noon, There will be a
small charge. On Saturday morn
ing Gerlinger pool will be open
to all women contestants from 10
to 12. The men’s pool will be open
to the masculine musicians from
ILto 12.
Season tickets for the contest
are 25 cents to University stu
dents, and may be purchased at
the gates.
The contest is under the aus
pices of the national school band
association, the national school
. . . welcomes high school musi
cians on campus today.
orchestra association, and the
national school vocal association,
and affiliated with the music ed
ucators national conferences. The
fifth annual contest includes con
testants from Oregon, Washing
ton, Idaho, and Montana.
Chairman is Wallace H. Han
nah, Vancouver, Washington;
Calvin Storey, Longview, Wash
ington, secretary - treasurer;
Wayne S. Hertz, Ellensburg,
Washington, member - at - large;
Douglas Orme, Eugene, band
chairman; Vernon Wiscarson,
Salem, orchestra chairman; Clif
ford Elliott, McMinnville, vocal
The following are judges for
the Eugene section: Dean Theo
dore Kratt, Louis G. Wersen, su
pervisor of music, Tacoma, Wash
ington; Rex Underwood, profes
sor of violin; Owen Sanders, first
clarinet, Portland Symphony or
chestra; John H. Stehn, director
of band; Carl Claus, director of
orchestra, University of Idaho;
Aurora Underwood, professor of
piano; Sigurd Nilssen, professor
of voice; Chester R. Duncan, su
pervisor of music, Portland.
Captain Ted Freiburg, Port
land police department; Andrew
G. Loney, supervisor-elect of mu
sic, Klamath Falls; Wilson Waite,
director of band, Medford; Lora
Ware, professor of violoncello;
Wayne S. Hertz, director of mu
sic, Central Washington college
of education, Ellensburg, Wash
ington; Maude Garnett, professor
of public-school music; and Cap
tain Clarence C. Woodbury,
The Friday program is:
8:30 a.m. Boys vocal solo, mu
sic auditorium.
Girls vocal solo, Gerlinger
String solo, Gerlinger men’s
Bass ensembles, Gerlinger
9 a.m. Woodwind ensembles,
music lecture room.
9:30 a.m. Brass solos, Gerlin
ger gym.
10:30 a.m. String ensembles,
Gerlinger men’s lounge.
Woodwind solos, music lecture
(Please turn to page three)
Grads Orders
Now Ready
Copy of instructions for grad
uating seniors are now available
at the alumni office in Friendly
hall. These instructions concern
the formal occasions in which
they will take part. Commence
ment tickets may be obtained
there also.
The seniors, in caps and gowns,
are expected to appear in a body
three times between May 29 and
31. These are the University
luncheon at John Straub hall Sat
urday noon, the Baccalaureate
service at McArthur court at 11
o'clock Sunday morning, and the
Commencement exercises at Mc
Arthur court at 8 o’clock Sunday
All graduates in academic cos
tume will be admitted free of
charge to the Saturday luncheon.
Others attending this affair may
secure tickets at the alumni ’Of
fice for 60 cents.
The class must be on hand at
10:40 Sunday morning before the
Baccalaureate service to give
time for forming the procession,
class officers preceding the grad
uates. The place of assembling is
in front of McArthur court on
the south and west side of the
building. The class will leave the
building in the same order they
entered and the procession should
keep moving down University
street until the rear is out of
the building. Graduates are being
asked not to stop to greet friends
and thus obstruct the procession
and congest the halls.
Every graduate must be ready
to assemble for the commence
ment exercises Sunday evening
by 7:30, not a. minute later, ac
cording to the instructions being
given to seniors.
Candidates for the bachelor's
degree in all schools and depart
ments will assemble outside on
(Please turn to t<a<]c seven)
Kelly First;
20 Inducted
In Air Corps
The first man sworn into the
U.S. Army Air Corps Thursday
by the traveling examining boa; d
was Vernon L. Kelly, sophomo; o
in business administration, who
raised his right hand to Second
Lt. Robert M. Tuttle of the Pen
dleton air base. According to
First Lt. William A. Miller, in
charge of the ceremony 20 inert
were enlisted. Of the 20 only 3
names were available at the time
of publication.
Included were Carl R. Jessco,
Richard D. Bennett. Leonard El.
Lonigan, Thomas R. Whitmore,
William R. Bcekley. Walter ME.
Dickinson, and' Arthur C. Davis.
Fifty men passed the mental
test Wednesday but failed to pass
the physical exam yesterday. Tbo
remainder either had not com
pleted the physical, had failed it,
or were waiting for completion
of their papers.
The board will remain in Eu
gene today to complete the ex
amination of applicants and U>
enlist those who qualify.
First Lt. William A. Miller,
president of the hoard, empha
sized the point that any man who
is interested in the program
failed to meet with the board he
could take the examination from
the permanent examining boar'I.
at the army air base in Portland.
' | 1
Game Played Today
The Greek-Independent all
star game will be played today
at 4 o’clock sharp on the new
intramural field, just east of
the ROTC barracks.
The game was originally
scheduled for last Saturday,
but was postponed due to in
clement weather.
NYA Time Due
The pay roll office, second
floor Johnson hall, will receive
NYA time cards up to 12 a.m.
Saturday, May 16, Mrs. Clara
Sarpola, NYA secretary, said
Thursday. All cards must be
signed and turned in by noon.
Operatic Concert
Next Wednesday
The only purely operatic con
cert of spring term will be pre
sented on Wednesday evening.
May 20, at 8:15 in the school of
music auditorium,
k Ten pupils of Sigurd Nilssen,
professor of voice will be present
ed in recital, singing well-known
arias from well-loved operas.
Margaret Zimmerman and'
Barbara Bentley will sing an aria
from “Madame Butterfly,” Marie
Rogndahl will sing two songs
from “La Traviata.” Raymond
Leonard will sing Valentine’s aria
from “Faust.”
Barbara Bentley will present
the “Flower Song" from “Faust."
Margaret Zimmerman, Lee
Ghormley, and Raymond Leon
ard, will sing the trio from the
same opera.
Meryl Corbett will be heard in
the “Spring Seng of the Robin
Woman” from “Shanewis” by C.
W. Cadman. Lolita Pierson will
sing a song from “La Gioconda.”
Frances Bacon will present an
aria from “La Gioconda” and one
from “II Trovatore.”
Bernice Franetovich will sing
a song from “Le Pardon de Ploe
mel” by Mayerbeer. Margaret
Zimmerman will sing an aria
from “Aida.”
The program will conclude with
the finale from the first act of
“Lohengrin” with Margaret Zim
merman, Meryl Corbett. Lee
Ghormley, Raymond Leonard,
Donald Chamberlin, and the op
era chorus.
Infirmary Roll Call
Changes, Leaves One
There's no future in the widely
acclaimed race for freedom from
the Pill Palace. Helen Crites has
claimed our last prize as first
out, leaving Bob Duden alone to
break in new recruits to the in
firmary. The ever-changing roll
call now lists two more students,
Janice Quinn and Sidney Saks.
Yell King
They'll put the yell king on the
ex comm
To aid in the student direction.
Wouldn't it be easier to put ev
eryone on
And omit the farce of election?
iQea/i a cMand. . .
No Unemployed Here
With only four “Mortar Boarders,” Billie Christ
ensen, Elizabeth Steed, Helen Angell, and Hope
Hughes, the annual Mortar Board ball Saturday
night at McArthur court meant extra work for
heads of committees this year.
The four overworked heads of the six commit
tees for the event are as follows: Helen Angell,
tickets; Billie Christensen and Elizabeth Steed,
patrons and patronesses; Hope Hughes, decora
tions; Helen Angell, programs; Hope Hughes, re
freshments, and Helen Angell, publicity.
With men instead of women hopefully angling
for dates, a" freshman women required to attend,
and dates at a premium, the “situation” has be
come increasingly difficult, with the problems of
the typical coed whether to ask the fellow who
didn’t ask her to the Junior Prom, would she dare
ask the smooth-looking brute who sits beside her
in comp, or perhaps now is the time to try to
make up with Johnny, with the end of school and
everything, since she really wants to go with him
Coed etiquette for Mortar Board requires that
girls cal! at men’s living organizations for their
fickle dates, provide cigarettes, transportation,
cokes, boutonnieres, dinner, let the man precede
her, open doors, check wraps, and all the small
courtesies except leading the man in dancing.
Decorations for the Ball are necessarily sparse,
and will consist mainly of potted palms since Mc
Arthur is to be occupied until 6 Saturday evening.
Boutonnieres are on sale in all women’s living
oigamzations, sponsored by AWS. Corrine Nelson,
vice president of AWS. is in charge of the sale.
New pledges of Mortar Board, honored by the?
occasion, are: Betty Jane Biggs, Corrine Nelson,
Mildred Wilson, Adele Canada, Marge Dibble,
Eleanor Engdahl, Nancy Riosch. Mary-Ellen Smith,
Mary Louise Vincent, and Abbie Jane White.
Ail freshman girls are required to be at the?
ball between 10:00 and 10:15, since tapping of
Kwamas is to be held at intermission.
TLRN'ABOt T . . .
. . . is fair play Saturday night.