Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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    Junior Plans
As Day Nears
(Continued from payc three)
All-Stars Set
6Plans for the first annual
all-star softball fray be
tween the Greeks and the
Independents are rapidly
crystallizing, and cochair
men A1 Larsen and Hank Burns
have announced final complete
plans for the contest.
1. The game will be held at 2
o’clock, Saturday afternoon, May
8, on the intramural softball
2. Stands will be erected to
seat 2,000 or more spectators.
3. Entertainment will be sup
plied by the Kirkwood co-op band
and the Quintet from Hunger.
4. Greek all-star selections are
announced on the sports page of
today’s Emerald. Independent
choices will be made tomorrow.
5. The game will be free to all.
Mothers down for the Weekend
will be special guests of honor
along with Queen Ellie and her
6. Ted Sarpola and Jim Shep
hard have been drafted to umpire
the classic.
7. Burns will manage the
Greeks with Joe Miller in charge
of the Independents.
8. Cochairman A1 Larsen is
handling the publicity. Chuck Po
litz and Roy Nelson are in charge
of posters to advertise the crowd.
Priorities hit Junior Week
7 end’s promotion commit
tee when Artist Bill Cox
tried to renew his supply
of red cardboard for the
progressive road signs.
All the red cardboard in the
Co-op had already been pur
chased for the Weekend and
there’s no chance of replenishing
the supply, according to Man
ager Marion McClain.
The next two sets of Junior
Weekend signs will be on blue
Tiffin Table Meet
T1 e Tiffin Table club, a group
of faculty women, will be guests
at t special dinner Thursday noon
in the home economics depart
ment’s dining loom.
Tlie advanced foods class
taught by Miss Doris Winters, in
structor in home economics, with
prepare and serve the dinner.
Co-op Board
(Continued from page one)
This was the first year that
the Co-op election has not been
heh at the same time and place
as the regular ASUO spring elec
lions, but despite the change very
nearly as many students as usual
voted in the contest.
May 15, the newly elected board
will hold its first meeting to elect
officers for their organizations.
Bud Vandeneynde and Les Ander
son are now the seniors on the
board who will serve as mem
bers next year.
i'lioto by Cec# Snyder
. . . Hay Dickson and Helen Holden will massage the boards in “Of
Thee I Sing.”
Execs Convene, Declare
Three ASUO Posts Open
Three ASUO appointments for the 1942-43 school year were
thrown open at a meeting of the executive committee at the
College Side last night.
First of the three involves appointment of a chairman for
the athletic card drive, which will open at fall registration.
Other two openings are head of Student Union committee and
supuuiiiui e I cJJI cocniall Vc LU LllC
rally committee.
The rally committee opening
appeared when Bill O’Malley who
was appointed this term was de
clared ineligible. The other two
appointments are made annually.
Harry Prongas was head of the
athletic card drive this year, and
Og Young directed student union
Students interested in any of
these positions should present a
petition at the ASUO president's
office in McArthur court, Les An
derson, student body president,
The executive committee will
take action on the petitions at a
meeting later this term.
Definite Action
Definite action toward adop
tion of a new ASUO constitution
was postponed at last night's ses
sion until present members can
further study the proposed docu
Anderson presented a report on
Quality for Less
832 Willamette Street, Eugene.
Important business will be dis
cussed at the meeting of the exec
utive cabinet of the YMCA to
night at 7 at YMCA house.
Wesley House Study group
meets at 7 p m. today: “Philoso
phy of Life,” led by Loreen Mar
Members of Asklepiads will
meet in the men’s lounge of Ger
linger hall May 7 at 7:30 to dis
cuss plans for the initiation, ban
quet, and picnic.
The monthly meeting of the
Oregon section of the American
Chemical society has been post
poned due to Junior Weekend. Dr.
A. H. Kunz, of the University
chemistry department, announced
that the meeting will be held May
16 instead of May 9.
Alpha Gamma Delta will picnic
at Swimmer’s Delight today from
4 to 7.
Amphibians will meet at 4:40
today, and both Amphibians and
men’s team will meet at 7:30 in
Gerlinger pool.
Dr. Barton Morgan, head of vo
cational education at Iowa State
college, is president of the rural
education department of the Na
tional Education association.
his recent trip to Sun Valley for
the annual conference of student
body presidents for colleges and
universities throughout the Unit
ed States and declared that the
University of Oregon compared
more than favorably in almost all
points of efficiency in campus
Sunday Is
Mothers' Day !
, • ' 1
• Creeting Cards
9 Eaton’s Dainty
• Myrtlewood
Jewelry f
• Books J
• Numerous Other Gift ]
Suggestions I
Valley Printing & ■
Stationery Co.
76 West Broadway I
Ice Cream!
'Good Humor v
Men Sell Today
Ice cream will be sold today
on the campus by members of the
freshman commission, Gerd Han
sen and Leslie Brockelbank, co
chairmen of the sale, announced
Tuesday evening.
The sale will continue through
Thursday. Representatives from
the different girl’s living organi
zations are to assist in the sale.
An interhouse sale sponsored
by the commission April 22 and
23 proved financially successful,
with over 400 dozen “drumsticks”
being sold. ^
Classes in military science and
tactics will be conducted during
summer sessions at U. of Minn.
Pat Taylor
What’s cookin’ down the
Side way . . . Pat Taylor, ye
olde ex-Patterer, is off to mid
dle-aisle-it with her flying'
Sigmanoo . . . lots of luck and
all that, Pat . . , talking of
orange blossoms and little gold ^ J
bands, you should see the
sparkler Charlotte .Smith, Tri
Delt, is flashing these days
from Dick Warren ... a whop
peroo . . . ah, spring . . . Betty
“Coed” Kincaid, of the Ideal
Sophomore Girl fame, left this
week for California and home
. . . and home reminds us of
the chummy atmosphere sur
rounding the Junior Weekend
queen and her court . . . Queen
Ellie is officially being escort
ed by Prime Minister Bud
Wimberly . . . Princess Frances
Cox follows them sporting^
Bud’s Phi Delt pin . . . Buck
Jones, Fiji man “steady of
Queen Ellie, is left on the side
lines . . . what fate does do to
the lives of innocent men . . .
from our booth look-out sta
tion comes word that SAE
Jim Marnie, Side coke chef, is
planning to attend Jefferson
Medical school in Philadelphia,
come next fall . . . and that
Steve Worth is off to Klamath
Falls with the CPT group . . .
and ya might ask Connie
Averill of the Mill Race Gam
ma Phi clan about the”Yoo
Hoo" army boys . . .
Speaking of home again . . .
don't forget, all you kiddies,*
when Mom arrives on the cam
pus for the big weekend, be
sure and elbow her around the
Side way for a tall, cool or
angeade . . . let her hear the
olde Side patter and glimpse
the stamping ground of her
kiddies ... in quotes we say,
“See ya on the late shift,
huh?” . . . yes, yes . . .
Bring in your cash register receipts. 5rc rebates will
be paid in CASH on or before Saturday. May 23rd,
University ^CO-QP5