Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 1942, Page 7, Image 7

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    Research Bureau Head
Recalls Dopey Queries
Send them the questions—they’ll give you the answers.
Last year the combined intelligence forces of the bureau of
municipal research and the league of Oregon cities answered
592 questions from all over the state, it was revealed in an
interview with Orval Etter, bureau research assistant and legal
consultant for the League of Oregon Cities. Questions ranged
Liiuse ctusuraiy simple to sev
eral dealing with complicated le
gal problems—but all were an
Slink Laws
“One of the most amusing que
ries came from a small Oregon
town where agitated officials
wanted information of regulations
in ordinances concerned with
keeping mink,” Etter divulged.
He added that there was no ex
planation as to what strange sit
uation would bring forth a ques
tion of that type in Oregon.
In another Oregon village one
patriotic councilman had the
brilliant idea of licensing slot
machines and turning the license
fee money over to national de
fense. “He evidently wasn’t aware
that operation of slot machines
_^is against the law in Oregon,”
Etter remarked with a grin.
Legal Valve
It is in the matter of legal dif
ficulties that the campus office
is of special value, in the opinion
of Etter. During the past 13
months 160 questions have been
of a purely legal type.
“A rather tangled problem
came up recently,” Etter said. It
seems a boy of 16 or 17 was fined
by the city recorder, accepted
dispenser of justice in most small
communities, and then refused to
pay his $5 fine on the basis that
they couldn’t force him to.
\ Minor
The boy’s argument was that
the recorder couldn’t put him in
jail, since he was a minor. The
That Detective Again!
'A Close Call for
Ellery Queen'
\vith William Gorgan
Margalret Lindsay; also
'Yokel Boy'
* with Albert Dekke
Joan Davis
problem was complicated by the
fact that the city didn't have a
jail. Consequently the officers of
the city were in a state of befud
dlement and a minor juvenile
crime wave developed in the town.
"The kids are running the
town," was the angered complaint
of city officials when, after sev
eral attempts to get advice from
other sources they came to the
League of Oregon Cities. A few
minutes research among legal
and ordnance files produced the
correct "down in writing’’ truth
on the situation.
According to law the city re
corder could not only fine wrong
doers but had authority to order
them put in jail if they refused
to pay. As to the problem of se
curing a bastille it appeared all
the city council had to do was
pass an ordinance stating that
the county jail was henceforth
the official place of internment,
make arrangements with the
county for sending violators there
and ship off the offenders. There
was, of course, the matter of
paying for the prisoner’s food and
lodging, but that was still less
expensive than building a jail to
house one boy.
Won’t Miss School
"They planned to confine him
from Friday noon till Sunday af
ternoon so he wouldn’t miss any
school,’’ Etter declared.
In another legal puzzle a coast
community which had been or
ganized as a rural fire protection
district wanted to know what was
to be done with its fire equip
ment after it had been organized
as a city.
The answer was that since the
municipal government replaced
the district it inherited the dis
trict’s property.
Some of the 'real laughs come
in reading over city ordinances.
One group solemnly passed an or
dinance "prohibiting wreckless
Add to Its Life
And Add to Your Own Fun!
There’s still fun to be had with
your car ... if you keep it in good
repair. Drive in for a check-up now.
Geo. A. Halton Co.
Phone 1619
72 E. 11th
Summer School
May Get NYA
Information received in the
NYA office points to the possi
bility of a tenth NYA payroll pe
riod. extending to July 1, for stu
dents attending the summer ses
sion. who can qualify for NYA
employment, Karl W. Onthank,
dean of personnel administration,
announced Thursday.
Students who plan to enroll for
the summer session and need
NYA employment should apply
at once at the NYA office.
There is no information that
the work will be available after
July 1. but it now seems likely
that it will be given the first
“It is important to know how
large an allotment will be need
er,” Dean Onthank said, “so
prospective applicants should file
at once.”
Nilssen Students Sing
In Operatic Preview
A preview performance was
given Monday evening for the
Parent-Teachers association of
University high school; a pre
view of an operatic concert to be
given in the music auditorium on
May 13.
Entirely operatic in nature,
the performers gave the same se
lections that they will sing at
the concert. They are all pupils
of Sigurd Nilssen, professor of
voice. They were very enthusi
astically received.
Marie Rogndahl sang “Cara
Nome” from “Rigoletto”; Ray
Leonard, Valentine's aria from
“Faust”; Meryl Corbett, the bird
woman's song from the American
opera, “Shanewis” by Cadman.
The trio from the last act of
“Faust” was sung by Margaret
Zimmerman, Lee Ghorneley, and
Ray Leonard.
Parade of Opinion
(Continued front page two)
he says, should be federal and not
unitary and, if sound experience
in the past is to be followed, it
should also be parliamentary and
not presidential in form.
As basic requirements for a
new German parliament, Profes
sor Pollock urges better methods
to encourage and promote dis
cussion and debate, and an ef
fective upper house similar to the
United States senate that could
represent the states while acting
as a stabilizer for the lower house.
Members of this group, he adds,
should be popularly elected in the
states and should not be bureau
cratic representatives of state
governments as in the former
Nothing Sacred
(Continued from page two)
to have the inside track with Tri
Delt Mary Jane Dunn, although
some others have been putting up
considerable argument. . . .
When a guy gets its bad, he
gets it bad . . . Dale Cannon and
Bob Bach, two Sherry Ross un
social lites, had hardly ever dat
ed until this spring term. They
w^ere model students up till then.
But then Susie’s Audrey Stanton
and Cathy Hardenbrook of Hen
hall entered their lives. Result—
They hardly miss a day without a
date, and both wander around in
a pleasant daze all the time. . . .
Clark Gable, Heddy LaMarr
Wayne Morris
Margery Ranbou
'I Can Sell the Car,
But Who's the Owner?'
The tale of Mary’s little lamb
was a simple plot compared
with the one about a ’33 Chev
rolet coupe which Mrs.Evange
line Morris, housing secretary,
heard Tuesday.
A bewildered gentleman vis
ited her office Tuesday looking
for a University student from
Tillamook. The man has a red
Chevrolet coupe, class of ’33.
in his used car lot on West
Broadnax , he also has a buyer
for it. What he doesn't have is
the name or address of the own
Air Line Jobs Open Up;
United Needs Teletypists
Miss Janet Smith of the Univer
sity of Oregon employment office
announced Tuesday that Mr. E. J.
Williston, district representative
for the passenger service of Unit
ed Air Lines, on a recent visit to
the campus cited opportunities for
students in this field.
United Air Lines wants people
in line of service in the reserva
tion and passenger departments
of transportation. Anyone having
had experience with the teletype
machine is in special demand.
There are vacancies in Los An
geles, San Francisco, and Salt
Lake City.
Anyone interested in United
Air Line work should contact
Miss Smith at her office in the
YMCA house.
Norm Angell, a University stu
dent here last year, was graduat
ed in April as a second lieutenant
in the air corps at Luke Field,
Phoenix, Arizona. He was a mem
ber of class 42-D.
A Thrilling War Story!
Priscilla Lane
Robert Cummings in
Honoraries Schedule
Consecutive Initiations
Sigma Xi. national science .hon
orary, and Fhi Beta Kappa, na
tional honorary for liberal arts
and letters, will initiate their
pledges May 15 at the Eugene ho
Initiations will be held separ
ately; the 29 prospective Fhl
Betes are to be initiated at 5:30
and the 13 Sigma. X.s at 5:45.
Following the banc.uet at € 30
at the Eugene hotel. Dr. Herbert
M. Evans, of the University of
California Institute of Expert
mental Biology, will speak in -07
Chapman hall at S:15. The lec
ture, which is open to the pub
lic, is "Recent Advances in Cur
Knowledge of Pituitary Hor
New under-arnt
Cream Deodorant
Stops Perspiration
• ]±y
1. Does not rot dresses or men’s 1
shirts. Does not irritate skin. I
2. No waiting to dry. On be |
. used right after shaving. _ i :,
3. Instantly stops perspiration .'j
for 1 to 3 days. Removes odor i;
from perspiration. J ri
4. A pure, white, greaseless, p
stainless vanishing cream. | fj
5. Arrid has been awarded the . V
Approval Seal ofthe American • |
Institute of Laundering for ]
being harmless to fabrics. \ |
DEODORANT. Try a jar today) j
. At all eforce selling toilet (;©o4»
39$ * 1** (algo in 10* wnd 59* jave)
ran™ i ii
with Henry Fonda
Gene Tierney; also
with Richard Arlen
Jean Parker
Classified Ads
Phone 3300—354
Ten words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word.
Flat rate 37c column inch
Frequency rate (entire term) :
36c per column inch one time &
S-lc per column inch twice or more
a week.
Ads will be taken over the telephone on
a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suffi
cient remittance enclosed to cover
definite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business c#c©
no later than 6 p.m. prior to the day
of insertion.
Claim at Depot, foot of Univer
sity street.
Recovery Fee 5c.
Leather notebooks
Bicycle lock
Swimming cap
Glasses 3 raincoats
Ring 3 jackets
Pens 1 umbrella
Can of tennis balls
Room 5, Journalism BMtf, j|
• Lost
GLASSES in black :..-•<. ,/Ycil
nesclay night. Phore 324, Hid
• For Sale
TENNIS racket and piers, MOO.
Phone 24.65.
The Laugh's
if you don’t use the Efa
erald Classified Ad