Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon W Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays.
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University
of Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second
class matter at the postoffice. Eugene, Oregon.
FRED O. MAY, Business Manager
Ray Schrick, Managing Editor
Jack Killings, News Editor
Betty Jane Biggs. Advertising Manager
Elizabeth Edmunds, National Advertising Manager
Editorial board: Buck Buchwach, Chuck Boice, Betty Jane Biggs, Kay Schrick; Pro
fessor George Turnbull, adviser. _
Lee Flatberg, Sports Editor
Erling Erlandson, Assistant Sports Editor
Fred Trcadgold, Assistant Sports Editor
Corrine Nelson, Mildred Wilson,
Co-Women’s Editors
Herb Penny, Assistant Managing Editor
Joanne iNicnois, nxecuuve secretary
\lary Wolf, Exchange Editor
Duncan Wimpress, Chief Desk Editor
Ted Bush, Chief Night Editor
John Mathews, Promotion Editor
Joanne Dolph, Assistant News Editor
FTclen Rayburn, Layout Manager
Helen Flynn, Office Manager
I.ois Clause, Circulation Manager
Connie Fullmer, Classified Manager
Editorial and Business Offices located on ground floor of Journalism building. Phones 3300
Extension: 382 Editor; 353 News Office; 359 Sports Office; and 354 Business Offices.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers' representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston—
Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle.
1941 Member 1942
Ptssocided Golle&iate Press
• • •
No Need for This
gO PAR this war lias been fought, in America, at least, with
a minimum of the witch-burning and hate-hysteria which
typified the “hang the Kaiser” sentiments of 1917. But in
Eugene, the other day, there was unwelcome evidence that
something of this nature is coming to tlie fore.
In letters to President Roosevelt and to General John L.
PeWitt, members of Military Mothers’ Service club cited
the residence of a few Japanese students on the University of
Oregon campus as “serious threats” to the safety of this area
and asked that they be removed.
The statement obviously was made without studying the
actual conditions on the campus. For each of these Japanese
students—all of them with high scholastic records—is living
in a recognized campus living organization, obeying regular
curfew laws imposed by the military officials, and is under
close supervision at all times by University officials. There is
no place in Oregon where there is less chance of an alien doing
actual damage to defense than a college campus where regula
tion of all students is the accepted thing.
STUDENTS on the campus feel no rancor toward their Japa
nese classmates. They know each of them well, know their
outstanding records on the campus, and until these students
indicate in some manner tendencies other than pro-American,
they feel no sense of being “threatened” by their existence
on the campus.
When and if military Authorities find it expedient to ask
Japanese students to leave the campus, then it can be done
quietly and easily. There is no reason for hysteria in han
dling evacuation, because most of the Japanese are loyal
American citizens and the movement of these Japanese inland
is designed merely as a safety measure in case there are some
few fifth columnists in their midst.
America is built on the principles of life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. Even in wartime, when these liberties
must lie controlled for the national safety, there is no need
for witch-hunting.
Regarding (he S1)X Edition . . .
Tony Nichachos dashed into the
living room of Alpha hall, picked
up Saturday’s Emerald and
“My God! A paper dressed in
a ZOOT suit . . . I've seen every
thing now.”
QUACK . . . There were surpris
ingly few pin-plantings consider
ing the umphty-umph house danc
es. DeeGee Peggyr Magill an
nexed Sigma Chi Ken Sawyer’s
brass . . . SAE Mack Hand took
Irene Francis of dear old KKG
to his house dance, then Saturday
he went to the Gamma Phi house
dance and planted his pin on Kate
Smith, who was going with Val
Culwell. We don’t get it! . . .At
the same deal ATO Buzz Thomas
slipped his to Jane Warlick. It’s
all quiet on the other fronts, ex
cept that there are a few inter
esting combinations to report.
. . . For one, Kappa Dotty Wal
thers and Sigma Nu Bob Ham
mond. We wonder if Kendall was
out of town, or what? . . . Tri
Delt Stephanie Peterson went to
the all-co-op formal with Bob
Archibald of Kirkwood . . . Hen
hall’s Maggie VanderBie is our
nomination for the get-around
girl of the week. She’s been dat
ing Sig Eps Johnny Mathews and
Dunk Wimpress, Bob Krebs of
Alpha hall, SAE Wayne Stro
hecker and Sigma Chi Jim Shep
hard . . . Friday night she was
at the SAE brawl with Stro
hecker and Saturday with Shep
at the SX deal . . . Still more
combines . . . Bob Simpson and
Hi-Land’s Bonnie Townsend . . .
Sigma hall’s Russ Smelser and
Lulu Pali, who seem to be right
on the beam . . . Phi Psi Clark
Weaver and Alfa Gam Dotty WaJ
worth . . . Chuck Murphy said
goodbye to Chi O Ann Brunton at
her house dance. He’s got a big
time radio job. . . .
Through popular demand wc
are going to start a STAND-UP
CLUB. As yet we are undecided
who to make president, although
from what we hear, Pat Kaarboe
and Pat Howard have a world of
experience for the job. They say
if a guy doesn’t get stood up by
these babes, he’s really smooth.
Maybe we ain’t . . . From what
happened to ATO John Kelty,
(Please tarn to page seven)
Capital Mi Campus
War . . .
In case you haven’t noticed by
this time, all college and univer
sity students are eligible for ra
tioning books and their half
pound of sugar per week
whether they live “on campus”
or at home. It may be a good idea
to get a book because there is
likely to be further rationing of
other products. However, it would
be a good gesture to pass up pur
chases of sugar if you don't need
it. "Reach for a bond, instead of
a sweet!” Perhaps we've a cam
paign there.
# * *
Alien students in American col
leges "absolutely do not" have to
register for selective service. All
they must do is prove to local
draft boards that their non-resi
dent status is bona fide.
Selective service officials have
been compelled to reiterate the
exemption of “non-resident al
iens" because of rumors floating
about that alien students are sub
ject to military service.
The majority of these students
are citizens of sister American
republics, here on scholarships
granted by their home govern
ments or Uncle Sam.
There is, however, nothing to
prohibit their volunteering for
military service. That, too, is
done through the local draft
board which turns over their
qualifications and personal his
tories to the War Department for
final OK.
Officials here are skittish when
asked about the probable require
ments for commissions in either
the Women's Army Auxiliary
Corps or its counterpart in the
Navy (Bills establishing both or
ganizations have passed the
house.) It’s a good bet. though,
that a college degree will help,
just as it does in the case of men.
For DesMoines, Iowa, is be
ing considered by the War De
partment as a West Point for wo
men. Some 5,000 of them would
be trained there in various war
The Navy auxiliary unit would
be open to any woman over 20.
Grade for grade, women would re
ceive the same pay as seamen.
Duties would include decoding,
airplane spotting and confidential
secretarial work.
On the load . . .
We Must Act Now
To Avoid Another Bataan
. . . Adlan Needed
Are we o;i the road to winning llie war!
Last week. Time said, “President Roosevelt, the man who
would not delegate power, suddenly delegated more of it
than any other president in history. He set up his War Cabi
net.” Don Nelson, boss of production; Leon Henderson, of
prices; Vice-President Wallace and Milo Perkins, of economic
warfare, and Faul McNutt, of
manpower, wete given the tools
necessary to do a real job. For
such a step critics of the presi
dent have been clamoring for over
a year.
Mr. Roosevelt also talked to
Congress. Though action had
been postponed until inflation was
upon us, he advocated stern meas
ures to deal with it and to pre
vent it going farther. Although
the Farm Block yapped at the
suggestion that the farmers
should only get 100 per cent in
stead of 110 per cent of parity
prices, most of the rest applaud
On the Way
On the home front, then, we
seem at last to be on the right
track. How about the military
front? We have suffered one de
feat after another. Already a few
have tried to point out funda
mental errors of policy and have
been received none too sympa
thetically. Two examples are Lt.
Col. Kernan, who wrote “Defense
Will Not Win the War,’’ and Ma
jor Alexander Seversky, who as
serts that we have no real air
power because we have no sepa
rate air force. Crackpots?—may
be. At least they deserve careful
attention. Remember Billy Mit
chell ?
How about the psychological
front ? James B. Reston, in an ar
ticle “Are We Awake—Even
Yet?” in the New York Times,
declares that “the Anglo-Saxon
peoples will not make the supreme
sacrifices necessary until they
understand their position is not
only bad but desperate.” (“Anglo
Saxon” sounds a little discordant
with the Russians and the Chi
nese doing most of the fighting
up to now.) In other words, the
press and radio are not yet mak
ing clear our real peril.
A New Froi.it?
How about our allies ? The
Churchill government (which just
lost three parliamentary by-elec
tions) announces the opening of
a “second front” through R.A.F.
attacks on Europe. That is no
more true than an assertion that
the Luftwaffe attacks on Eng
land were an invasion. Continued
inaction is added to the multiplied
wrong decisions of the Tory gov
ernment, highlighted by the cap
ture of Lashio and the isolation of
China. Burma goes down the
drain after Singapore.
The United Nations are fight
ing on a worldwide front. It is too
big a front to merely try to pre
pare a successful defense every
where. Remember Churchill's ex
l\FWM mV sauarx ]
cuse for the last Libyan debacle?
He said he had' to send British
troops to Singapore. So Lie Brit
ish lost Singapore, and Libya
We have the strength and the
determination to win. But are we
sure we are on the right track ?
If not, let us make a few changes.
What we do NOW may save
some American boys from the dis
eased and hopeless hell of another
Instead of taking pictures of
the doings in an unrelated and
scrambled manner, why not fol
low a shoting script? By a
script is meant to plan out the
activities which you know will
take place and build your pic
ture t«king upon that.
To begin with—you have to
start. Original, hmmm ? But how
do you start on a trip, a walk or
hike, or bike ride ? There is the
scene showing Joe College wai!^
ing for Betty Coed to get ready.
Then comes the problem of get
ting the lunch or tennis rackets
or stuff into the car, on some
one’s back, or on the bikes. Then
they are off.
Step Two
Comes a stop to rest and
stretch and the scenery. Picture
Betty coyly throwing a handful
of poison-oak leaves into Joe’s
beaming pan. A good follow-up
shot should be taken two days
later on that stunt. Time goes on
and at last Betty and Joe get to
where they were going. Show'a
general view of the park, beach,
lake, or wherever the scenery is,
with Betty and /or Joe in the fore
ground blissfully drinking in the
beauty of nature.
Next comes whatever comes—
swimming, ball playing, tennis
and such. Shew all of it in a nat
ural order as it is done. The eat
ing of hot dogs, Betty with smoke
in her eyes, Joe with a gashed
finger after a struggle with a
can opener and a can of beans.
It is all part, of the fun which you
want to remember so get it in
black and white for future en
Get It?
There isn’t need for following
it all through—you get the idea
now. Further suggestions would
be to include any signs or identi
fying landmarks so that when
showing the finished pix in the al
bum to a friend it won’t be nec
essary to give a running account
in order for him to understand
what it was all about.
Try it. You’ll get a more co
herent and satisfactory record of
school days or vacation and work
days. And that is why you take a
camera with you.
A sales tax is bad at all times
and never wauld be worse than
now, in the opinion of Dr. Clar
ence E. Ayres, University of Tex
as professor of economics. ^
Dr. Henry Gilman, professor
of chemistry at Iowa State col
lege, has been reelected councilor
t-large of the American Chem
ical society.