Junior Weekend (Continued trim pcuie one) guy 35 cents an hour to sit in a booth and what do we ever get out of it?” asked Paine, trying to speak over the noise of the Chi Psi radio. The tickets will sell for $1.10 a couple and a "new” name in campus music appeared when Art Holman was signed for the affair. Said Paine, ”—and Holman will play.” His voice trailed off. ^Also something “new” in dec orations will appear at the Prom, for the Stars and Stripes will be displayed prominently. There will be blue drapes and on the ceiling the U.S. flag. This original color combination was designed by the Allied Arts studios. “This is an awful, thing," 4 flashed Robert Hemling, writer of long telegrams, as he informed Junior Week end heads that the Glenn Miller program scheduled for May 6 had been changed to May 5. This marks the second change in the time of the Miller broadcast. • Hemling is with the Newl Em met advertising agency which handles Chesterfield ads and Glenn Miller. He telegraphed sev en lines of type to tell of the change in date. “Also, I want to warn you,” he adds. “The time has been changed. Starting with y«ur serenade the new time will be 8:15 your time. Sorry to have to make all these changes. This is absolutely the last.” So at the new time, 8:15 p.m. PWT, May 5, Hallock-panned Glenn Miller will dedicate his program to Oregon’s 1942 Junior \YVeekend. On the program he may play “Of Thee We Sing, Ellie,” written in honor of wide-grinning Queen Ellie I. The words to the song are written by J. Wesley Sullivan, new flame-headed Ore gana editor. Slinging money around like 5 water, the Hollywood-influ enced Junior Weekend big shots have cooked up a su per-extravaganza this year to fill in for a canoe-feteless cele bration. They call it “Of Thee I Sing” and they have been singing ?£s praises like mad for the past month so that the entire campus can probably recite the musical comedy’s score back to the junior class boomers. Not content with merely one stage, they not only have many stages, but the stages move around, hoisted on the backs of five men and a jack. The jack is mechanical. And so that the audi ence won’t walk out on the pro duction, the whole play is contin uous, moving from one stage to another, literally from the floor of the Igloo to the roof. Even to the catwalks, although this was merely during preparation. ^ They were going to have one stout girl balanced above the heads of the audience on the of those beams near the roof but at the last moment they feared that she might drop one of the color slides which she would be using' in a spotlight, which might embarrass the paying customers. It’s going to be like a gigantic staircase, with players flitting up and down. Up at the top they look pretty tiny and it takes a while to get the proper perspective. For a month the drama people have been hammering away with great clamor and the girls wear ing interesting pants. The little studio room where all these stairs come from is in great contrast to how the Igloo is going to look a week from now when Winter green takes the stage. In brief: the studio is small, dirty, and in a mess; the Igloo will be huge, colorful, and with plenty of glam or. All in all, it looks like the jun ior class isn’t spending their money so foolishly after all. In fact, the educational activities of fice is already smiling, and that’s always news. 6It’s no simple task being' president of the United States, especially when the president has to carry 18 hours of pre-medics. Fur thermore, the president has to hear the supreme court decide on corn muffins or justice while the French ambassador threatens to break diplomatic relations. All of these complications are merely the stage-troubles of dim ple-jawed, wid'ow-peakjed Larry Celsi, starring in the lead role of John P. Wintergreen for “Of Thee I Sing,” to be presented a week from tonight in expansive McArthur court as the gigantic climax to Junior Weekend. The job of being president for one night has its difficulties, but to tenor-voiced, tanned Celsi it’s a particularly unique experience. “I’ve always admired the musical production greatly, probably be cause the music is by Gershwin, but I never thought that I’d see it actually produced on the cam pus.” “It’s really a thrill to be in the show, especially as it will prob ably be the biggest production to ever be shown on the campus. Just imagine nearly 200 people, dancing and beauty choruses and the whole east side of McArthur court for a stage. Not even Broadway can beat that,” he add ed. Smiling, blue-eyed Celsi has ap peared in only one other Uni versity production, “With Fear and Trembling.” A freshman then, he had an insignificant role as a chorus boy. However, in his present role as John P. Winter green, he sings songs, appears in all but two scenes and even danc es with the First Lady, Mary Staton Krenk. “Eleanor should see us dance,” he laughed. The star has the deepest admi ration for Jerry Lakefish who ap pears in the role of Alexander Throttlebottom, the role originat ed by Victor Moore on the New York stage. “He’s really a good actor. His performances in the past have been splendid, but I Let Us Help You Look Your Best For Jr. Weekend CLARA’S BEAUTY SHOP Balcony Tiffany-Davis ‘Sing’ Schedule Beginning at 7 p.m. and thereafter at 7:30, there will be complete rehearsals every eve ning of “Of Thee I Sing.” These will include every member. think that this one tops them all. I only hope that the audience can stop laughing long enough to hear the rest of us,” six-footer Celsi said. As he spoke, coke-drinking Cel si pointed to the stage crews wandering about on the cat-walks above the floor, remarked that they have really the largest job of all. “All we principals have to do is to act and sing; they have to risk their necks to turn on lights, pull curtains and set scenery.” The three-hour show is the sec ond effort of the campus to pre sent a student musical and jovial Celsi believes that Horace Rob inson will be called the Max Rheinhart of Oregon. ‘‘Mrs. Ot tilie Seybolt and Helen Holden, as well as Dorothy Durkee and Art Holman, deserve the greatest amount of praise for their re spective departments, for direct ing a show with 200 people is no easy task. It’s more like a dra matic rush week.” “Of Thee I Sing” will be pre sented one night only, May 9, at McArthur court. Tickets are on sale at the Educational Activities office. Comedian Bob Burns studied civil engineering at the Univer sity of Arkansas, and today rates as something of a technical ex pert in aviation. I' I MR. & MRS. NEWT SIDE PATTER Pat Taylor Biggest news since finding out that Salomey is a Ham mus Alabammus with a zoot snoot and a drape shape (stop the car, Gaylord!) is that the KKGs had five—count ’em, five Phi Beta Kappas in their graduating class . . . Ruth Hall, Marge Clear, Bet ty Plankington, Katie Thomp son, Pat Parker—beauty mit brains to go with . . . How about that? . . . Crack of the week: Marge Cole, who left last Sunday to marry Fiji Gil Geitner of the Air Corps, said that after buying her trous seau that she didn’t have enough money to buy bird seed for a cuckoo clock . . . Bob Newland, the track man, is one-track as far as Carolyn Vaughn, Gamma Phi, is con cerned . . . Those darlin’ boys, the Phi Delta Thetas, are making sure the girlies are going to be hard put to con coct a costume by having a “Teepee Town War Dance” . . . May we be so unoriginal as to say that Theta’s Ann Whitman shows us quite a bit. And if, arfter the weekend, you-all deecide you’d like a little healt’, come College Side, catch fresh salad bowl . . . nuttin’ but vitamins. V for vitamins, don’t cha know. See you on the late shift. Oregon ^Emerald Herb Penny air raid warden. Ray Schrick, air raid warden Advertising Staff: Paul Thurston, day manager John Jensen Cecil Sharp Kappas Display Brains as Well The Kappa house is well known for its beautiful woman but per haps not so much for its brainy ones. Which shows that the Uni versity of Oregon campus has overlooked a good thing. The Kappa house has seven graduating seniors. They are probably average Kappas, phys ically. But five of the seven were chosen to be Phi Betas. And new there is a slightly suspicious look given when the Kappas are men tioned. Kwamas Picnic Present Kwamas will hold a picnic for old Kwamas on the campus today. All will meet at 10 a.m. in front of the Kappa House and the picnic will be held at Swimmer’s Delight. The picnic will last until 4. CantfuiA, Gale+tdasi Episcopal' students will meet Sunday evening at 6:30 on the third floor of Gerlinger hall. A program led by Maureen Conklin will be given. Prospective WAA initiates should get in touch with Beverly Getts before Monday, May 4. ROTCers Face (Continued from page one) upon the satisfactory completion of which they will be commis sioned. Further instructions from the War Department reference to the enlistment of advance course ap plicants in the Enlisted Reserve Corps are expected shortly. Those applicants who have paid fees for physical examina tions will be refunded such fees. Also, applicants who decline to join the Enlisted Reserve Corps under the new conditions, may withdraw their applications. Students enlisting in the En listed Reserve Corps will be de ferred' from active duty during the period they are enrolled in the advance course. Friend or Enemy? They’re taking no chances Day and night thousands of civilian volunteers at Army author ized observation posts report Aircraft Flash Messages to Army “filter” centers—by telephone. From this information, each plane’s course is charted on filter maps... relayed to operations boards such as the one shown above—by telephone. Should checking prove the aircraft to be an enemy, the telephone would play an important part in the defense strategy... in warning endangered communities... in mobilizing civilian defense units. Bell System men cooperated with Army authorities in design ing and providing the telephone facilities used by the air defense system. This is but another example of a war-time job well done.