Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1942, Image 1

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    PAGE 2:
''MHow to Say it. . /
Words in War
Oregon Nine Meets
Wa^ngton at 3 p.m>.
• • •
(5^ A<fain
Council Deserts Problem;
IFC Grants Men Permission
. . . Throttlcbottom is f
recognized by Queen 1
Eleanor Engdahl, who
takes his pin for the big j
campaign, “Of Thee i [
sing" rally, which has £
been postponed until *
Tuesday. !
To dessert or not to dessert is
a question that is to be left up
to individual fraternities, the in
terfraternity council ruled Thurs
day, according to Bill Bradshaw,
president of IFC.
“The IFC decided to follow the
same program in regard to des
serts it has done before,” Brad
shaw said, “and it is up to the
discretion of the individual houses
whether or not they wish to have
them. Unless it is shown defi
nitely that general campus opin
ion is against desserts, or unless
University officials rule to abol
ish them, the houses will prob
ably continue this practice.”
There was no discrimination
made in the ruling' between pref
erence and exchange desserts,
houses being left to their own
choice in the matter.
As to whether or not the girls
would attend, Bradshaw said he
understood the ruling passed by
heads of houses prohibited only
desserts held at women's living
organizations, and that houses
would be free to accept invi
tations extended by men's houses.
Phi Beta Kappa Appoints
29 New Senior Members
The Oregon chapter of Phi Beta Kappa yesterday an
nounced the names of 29 Oregon seniors who have been ap
pointed to membership in the national honorary in liberal
arts and sciences.
The new members are June Louise Johnson, English; Clyde
LeRoy Rose, business; Elizabeth
S. Plankington, English; Roy
James Hensley, business admin
istration; Marjory Eileen Clear,
English; Hope M. Hughes, his
tory; Marian Christensen, educa
tion; Billie Jean R. Dexter, Eng
Carol May Cook, English; Kath
ryn C. Thompson, history; Ger
al# Ackman Huestis, history;
Patricia Anne Parker, journal
ism; Dorothy Lucille Retzlaff, so
ciology; Caroline Elizabeth Steed,
Kenneth Romain Boyle, ro
mance languages; Clinton Star
buck McGill, psychology; Helen
Lucile Angell, journalism; Janet
Evangeline Morris, psychology;
Ruth Hall, general social science;
Elaine Beverly Ferry, romance
(Please turn to page three)
Winged Victory
The CPT boys will learn to fly;
They’re going to the south to sail
> the sky.
The managers of all the houses
now sigh
As they wipe a drop from a tear
stained eye,
And think of the house bills
they’ll be shy
"When CPT boys learn to fly.
Rally Postponed
Mr. Wintergreen has been
rained out! Afraid that his plat
form of love would not stand up
under Oregon's spring showers,
his cohorts have postponed the
campaign rally for the “Of Thee
I Sing" presidential candidate un
til Tuesday.
Campaign Manager Bob
Whitely announced yesterday the
possibility that Joe Montag, of
great campaign, no term fame,
may run in opposition. His plat
form is expected to be: universal
conscription for males of all ages
and descriptions (purpose: to af
ford Mr. Montag the run of the
feminine field).
Deadline for political signs will
now be Monday. Presidents of all
living organizations are asked to
make sure that their signs are
ready. Clint Paine, chairman of
the rally squad, will have charge
of all signs.
Plans for the Sunlight Sere
nade, outdoor musical attraction
of Junior Weekend, got under
way Thursday when John Bus
• • 0
Grades Fly Hiah
Zooming GPA's seem to be
indicated from some of the high
scores earned by primary and
secondary civilian pilot training
ground school finals, it was ob
served by J. C. Stovall, CPT co
ordinator, Thursday.
Out of the 19 students in the
secono’ary class only 7 fell below
an average of 90 for the four-part
exam. These were all in the up
per SOs. High secondary score
was earned by Walter Smith, who
led both classes with a 99 top
average. John Cordell came
through with a 98, George Ev
ans a 96 and Hall Simons and
Paul Blais tied for fifth place
with a score of 95.
Stovall remarked that high
scores in both finals could be
credited to the extensive back
grounds presented by Orville Var
dy, primary ground school in
structor, and Ben Wohler, sec
ondary instructor.
Leading primary scores with an
average of 93 was Charles Put
nam. Tieing for second place were
David Casey and Don Richardson
with Robert Kronberg and Wil
liam Wilson both totaling 91
points. Wilbur Bishop, Franklin
Lockwood and George Oldfield
all earned 90.
Top scores for the CPT district,
Inspector J. H. Vaughn remarked,
measured up on a par with results
from other schools all over the
United States.
Practical flying, which will be
gin Saturday in Klamath Falls,
is based in part on the knowl
edge of principles gained through
ground school study it was point
ed out. The near 60 students en
gaged in the two CPT programs
have been leaving the campus for
the southern Oregon city since
the beginning of the week. A
final few will leave the campus
The United States Naval Re
serve announced yesterday that
20 year cid sophomores and
freshmen will be eligible for
class V-7 when they complete
their !)3 credit hours. Students
who qualify under these new
regulations should see C. F.
Kossack immediately.
Sophomores interested in the
Y-l program of the Naval Re
serves must enlist before the
end of spring term. Sophomores
accepted in this program will
be deferred for at least one
more college year. Additional
information can be obtained
from C. F. Kossack, 107 Deady.
Representative of campus or
ganizations should be in the
Oregana office between 1 and
2 p.m. to get the panel pictures
of each group, according to
Emerson Page, outgoing busi
ness manager.
Miss Durkee Says Sing’Cooperation Wonderful’
Piling flashing examples of the
latest in bathing suit on a desk in
the drama studio, Dorothy Durkee
sighed blissfully, “Beautiful,
aren't they—and they’re all do
9 After more than a month’s
concentrated work and more
than twenty-eight rehearsals, she
still loves her job as assistant di
rector to Horace Robinson for
“Of Thee I Sing,” and claims that
“it’s getting more exciting all
the time.”
“The costumes are coming in
thick and fast now, the white sat
in leotards and capes for the
dancing chorus, the bathing suits
for the beauty chorus, and some
old band uniforms for the French
ambassador chorus,” she contin
ued. “The principals are getting
their own, Jerry Lakefish has
been groveling about in the sec
ond hand stores (he's Throttle
bottom, you know), and Jim
Bronson has borrowed one of
Dean Virgil Earl’s suits, plus'
padding,” she said.
“You know,” Dorothy ex
claimed, “in all these reheasals
we've had, none of the principals
have missed once, unless they had
classes. And that isn't all-stu
dent cooperation is wonderful;
those football players, for in
stance, take their parts very se
riously, and are really good.”
Rehearsals and production pro
ceed like clockwork as a result
of careful charts, and a large blue
notebook which contains an abso
lutely complete record of stage
arrangement, dialogue and stage
•'business.” Dorothy displayed it
proudly, explaining that "This is
(Please turn to paejc three)
terud, Weekend head, named Cor
vine Nelson, journajism major,
as chairman of the festival. It
will be held Saturday, May 0,
the sunken gardens of the out
door music auditorium behind ti t>
music school.
The serenade will be especially
for the enjoyment of mothers at
tending Mothers' Day, held in
conjunction with Junior Weekend,
but students are invited to at
John Stehn, director of the Uni
versity band, is helping to ar
. range the program. The bawl
will play several numbers.
Other program attractions are:
Bob Carlson, cornet solo; Bernic>
. Franetovitch, vocal solo; Eliza
beth Walker, violin solo. Tho
winners of the all-campus sing,
Alpha Omicron Pi and Alpha Tan
Omega, will sing their winning se
lections. The Alpha O trio \v:d*
also sing a special number.
Queen Eleanor Engdahl and her*
court will be introduced at th«
beginning of the program. T1 o
band will play a march when tbo
Queen comes in. Verne Selim Ui
slated to direct the band. Tori
Harmon will be master of cere
Members of Kwama and Phi
Theta Upsilon will serve pun "h
and cookies. The exact order a!
the program will be announced
next week.
AH Star Game
The Independcnt-Greek' all-star
softball classic will be the feature
outdoor and athletic event oi*
Junior Weekend, announced Jun
ior class president Pat Cloud ami
Weekend chairman John Bustenid
last night. The event will be belli
Saturday afternoon, May 9, at 1'
At Larsen and Hank Burn©
have . been appointed cocharr
men, it was also repealed by
Busterud. Admission will be free,
in contrast to the 15c charged
at the all-star basketball game.
The idea for the show, whir A
fills the void left by the Cano©
Fete for an outdoor event, camel
(Please turn to paye six)