Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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ClxUlt&i Men Hike.. . .
Whether it's a picnic bid for Sunday at Fiji Meadows or a Junior
Prcm offer you’ll want to dress to make him wake up and take
notice. Here are a few of the specials those scarce males go for.
Tailored dresses with big floral prints against plain colored back
grounds. The fellows like prints that have just a few colors that
do something for you. None of the multi-colored deals that make
you look like a florist shop on
leg.* They say plain-shoes with
emphasis on good lines are the
thing. No heelless sandals for
campus— remember. His dreams
will come true when he sees you
in a trimy navy with white, yes,
n huge white collar. For them
what knits—a new version of the
cable sweater is what He will
need. They like girls that have
taken the initial step. If it’s
smart- it's monogrammed. This
year’s college wardrobe looks like
n can of alphabet soup. Also a
neat solution to the borrowing
These 100 per cent wool check
mate slack and jacket suits are
tail', red to perfection. Men like
’em double breasted and cut to
liang straight from the shoulders.
Scarlet woolen suits get their
vot. ■ any election day. Nailheaded
plafcorms in dancin’ platforms
get the nod. Split personality in
tailored woolen skirts are ap
proved for bowling.
Two-piece cotton suits look neat
to men. Remember your colored
click-y for a fast pickup. Wrin
kle-proof rayon jerseys are a
season's favorite. At first the boy
ft-ie -J will say your glazed chintz
play dress looks like a table
cloth., but he’ll get used to it.
Get something in white jersey.
The;, go for that. The short fel
lows vote for nailhead wedges for
cl.ir.ces. A flower muff for proms
is a new one and will carry an
ext \> lipstick. Try a few of these
Miggastions, look dashing and
J’ai.i ■ public morale.
cttauAe. cMecdli
Pane. GamfUiA
Social Soenti
Dere Diary: This week the last
slice was taken from the social
calendar when heads of houses
said “thumbs down” on prefer
ence and exchange desserts, leav
ing us a couple of campus dances
and the usual house dances. The
popular picnic term is emphasiz
ing rushing and extra weekend
activities are being planned by
the Greeks to be climaxed Sat
urday evening with the all-cam
pus sing.
Frosh Glee is the popular
weekend date with its three big
attractions—Jan King's Seattle
orchestra, pledging of 20 fresh
man activity men to Skull and
Five houses are having dances
Saturday evening and the law
school has scheduled a picnic on
its already crowded social calen
dar for spring term.
Formals are being given by
Sigma Kappa with Quintet from
Hunger playing; Sigma Nu, Art
Holman’s band, and Zeta Tau Al
Beacher’s theme is being pre
sented by Phi Sigma Kappa.
Delta Delta Delta “Priorities
of 1912” is a short silks radio
—By Lois Hulser.
All Out for Summer With New
Summer Merchandise
Made of .licor !>oml>eru's, short sleeves, round
ito.-k von popular and now .
Each $3.,95
ka rye floral prints, wide skirts an especially
idee palliation pin. $2 95
's'i":T fabrics. A lovely pft. 75c
<'wiuprisinjr trousers and jacket. La rare floral
| nn,s. hind Suit $2.49
l.aru'o pi'intod shcor lin >;is an appealing prad
1:1,110,1 Each 59c
New ;nnl novel style' for beauty ami utility.
Patent is fashionable.
Buy Them Nov/, $2.95 to $5.95
20-30 Broadway
9>wina 1
Male, Wail
Living- in the blissful state of
marriage for three years now
seems to have had very little ef
fect upon the opinions of women
held by Irvin Mann, charming
and gracious queen of the law
school junior weekend. For Queen
Irvina I, although perfectly sat
isfied with his won spouse, still
feels that most women have
never found out what they are
living for.
“Most of them can’t even toast
a sandwich,” he groaned. (Seems
to indicate that Irvina goes for
the domestic type.)
Lovely Court
Surrounded by his court of
three lovely lads, the queen nerv
ously reached for a cigar before
exploding, “All college women
are frivolous no matter where
you find them. They gauge their
success on their dates and how
many times they will be taken to
the College Side for a coke. They
have a false sense of values. Most
of them come to college directly
from high school and they are
not mature enough to live an
adult existence.
“I do think, however, that col
lege women have the edge on oth
er wonfen after graduation in
that they learn how to carry on
an intelligent conversation. I also
think that women in business
could be as capable as men, but
they do not have the native abil
Depends on Heart
His queen for any weekend is
“real and sincere.” If she pos
sesses these characteristics she
will naturally be intelligent and
“I have no suggestions for her
improvement,” he grinned mis
chievously—and not at all in a
regal manner—“because she can’t
do' a thing about it. She is a vic
tim of circumstance.”
Observation: Whether married
‘or single all men profess either
a glowing resentment, a burning
disgust or a raging compulsion
Oregon W Emerald
Women’s Page Staff:
This issue:
Joanne Nichols
Betty Ann Stevens
Barbara Lamb
Elsie Brownell
Peggy Wright
Joanne Dolph
Lois Hulser
Marge Curtis
Peggy Overland
about women. It’s their defense
mechanism and varies with the
number of degrees Fahrenheit
which are present around the
heart at the moment!
Calling all ducks! The weekly
social swim will be held Friday
night from 7:30 until 9 o’clock in
Gerlinger hall. Swimming is free
for both boys and girls with ac
tivity cards. The bathing suits
and towels are furnished, but
don’t forget a bathing cap.
The “A” and "B” baseball
leagues swing into the final lap
led by the Highland house and
the Orides, and Hen hall, Univer
sity house, and Hilyard house, re
Rumor has it that the play
with OSC is based on a military
theme. Sounds like fun!
—By Peggy Wright.
Fur Storage
Time to store your
furs in a safe place
NOW . . . our refriger
ated cold storage vault
is the safest place in
town—keeps your furs
in the finest condition
all through the heat of
stora eg
* Keep them safe from Moths
* Keep them safe from Heat.
* Keep them safe from Fire.
* Keep them safe from Theft.
Phone 1090
9t& Smakt ta fetuj,
AVe'vc just received a new shipment of
adorable new sweaters, cardigans and
slip-ons, long and short sleeved . . .
every one 100' i wool . . . Perfect for
school, play, or work . . . for now and
later . . . priced as you like them!
Cardigans .. $3.50 $4.50
Slip-Ons ... $2.50 33.50
English Cousins . $5.35 $7.95
Little Miss English $8.95 $7.95