Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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To Feature
Musical Quiz
Quotations such as “Come on,
folks, let's dance,” from Kay Ky
ser’s show, will be the type of
answer wanted at the Holland Fri
day night, when the houseboys
of the University stage their own
n#rvate musical quiz in conjunc
tion with the regular show and
dance. The entire program and
routine to be followed in the
quiz will be staged according to
Kay Kyser’s style on the radio,
with which most students are ac
College men and coeds from
all the houses are asked to be
on hand to take part in the pro
gram and from those present, the
contestants will be picked to take
part in the contest. Many prizes
will be given for the winners as
well as several “booby” prizes
for losers and runners-up. There
Will be a possibility that a few
“• of the contestants will be picked
from the public.
Along with the musical quiz
which will provide the novel fea
ture of the evening, will be Vern
Minkler and his band to play for
the patrons’ benefit. Minkler has
several original arrangements of
his own and his big 10-piece band
along with their vocalist will play
numbers at the request of danc
ing patrons.
Mr. Erickson also reports that
to top off the Friday night fes
tivities there will be a big floor
show which he has signed for the
week, Ah Hing and Company,
^fhis will also be staged in con
junction with the musical quiz.
Song Leaders
Planning and rule making for
the all-campus sing were under
way yesterday afternoon when
Dr. Theodore Kratt, dean of the
njusic school, met with song lead
ers to formulate a schedule of
Dean Kratt suggested a grand
finale number, with all groups
uniting to sing one song spontan
eously, without a large amount
of formal rehearsal. This idea
met with the approval of the
group, and several numbers were
It was also decided by vote
that the singers should wear in
formal dress, that piano accom
paniment might be used, and that
men’s and women's groups should
. . . proves a legal point in the law school-junior Weekend feud over
roadside signs. Shown at the lawyer-wrecked signs are Betty Jane
Biggs, Weekend promotion chairman, and John Busterud, Weekend
Campus Survey Yields
Silly’ Opinions of Fifth’
Do you know what a “fifth”
is ? Doesn’t anyone know what a
“fifth” is?
Ever since the law students baf
fled passersby with an addition
to the Junior Weekeend signs
employin gthe mysterious word,
bewildered persons have contin
ually raised puzzled eyebrows and
finally shrugged the whole thing
A survey of the campus yield
ed the following definitions: From
a freshman woman, “It’s an ex
tra person at bridge.” Another
added: “A fifth is one part which,
when added to four parts makes
five.” A sophomore asked, “Is it
alternate in presenting their
Judges for the sing, to be held
April 25, have not yet been def
initely decided upon, .Dean Kratt
said, but Chester Duncan of Port
land is one possibility.
Notice of a meeting on April
25 of all the groups at the music
school was given.
a drink?” A junior remarked,
‘‘About the only ‘fifth’ I know is
a ‘fifth’ of Scotch.” Said a senior
woman, “I could give you a def
inition of a music fifth.” After a
brief confab at the Theta house,
a junior woman brightly said,
“We think it’s a bore.” A Phi Delt
senior declared, “I would say it
has something to do with liquor,
wouldn’t you ?” A senior at Hen
dricks stated emphatically, “It’s
a goodly portion of liquor.” An
other thought that it was a mu
sical instrument.
According to Webster, a “fifth”
is either: “the interval embrac
ing five diatonic degrees, the tone
at this interval, the harmonic
combination of two tones a fifth
apart, the fifth tone of a scale
reckoning up from the tonic—
To try to clear up some of the
general confusion, vague rumors
from the law school indicate that
a “fifth” is really a “legal term
meaning a self-motivating chat
tel such as a car.” There is still
some debate as to the accuracy of
the statement, however, so sug
gestions have been made that you
consult an “embryonic lawyer.”
Y es,
Are Scarce
However, we still have a good selection of "Brownies"
and low priced Kodaks.
Every Roll Guaranteed by Manufacturer
Try Our High-Grade Finishing—You'll Like It
Unioersitij ‘CO-OP’
Ray Schrick, air raid warden
Dorman Alford
Bette Armstrong
Margaret Brooke
Klsie Brownell
Ruth Kay Collins
Joanne Dolph
Rob Edwards
Carol Greening
Ruth Jordan
Flora Kiltler
Nigfit Staff:
Ted Bush, night editor
Shirley Davis
Marjorie Pierce
Copy Desk:
Joanne Nichols, city editor
Bill Stratton
Fred Kuhl
Chuck Politz
Betsy Wootton
Joe Miller
Advertising Staff:
Barbara Thomson, day manager
Arliss Boone
Betty Edward
Dorothy Bruhn
Edith Newton
Layout Staff:
Matilda Baricevic
Norma Trevorrow
Office Staff:
Leslie Brockelbank
SAM Returns Favor
Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity has
extended an invitation to the en
tire campus to attend its spring
dance at the Osburn hotel, Friday,
April 17, from 9 until 12:15 in
appreciation of hospitality shown
members when the chapter house
burned fall term.
Mona MacAutey
Marjorie Major
Roy Nelson
Edith Newton
Peggy Overland
Betty Ann Stevens
Janet Wagstaff
Mildred Wilson
Marjorie Young
Barbara Younger
Pi Delta Phi
Adds Eighteen
Pi Delta Phi, French honorary,
has recently chosen 18 persons
as new members, Robert B.
Knox, president of the honorary,
announced Monday. One special
member and three honorary mem
bers were named in addition to
the fourteen students.
The fourteen students chosen
from the campus are: Mary Ann
Campbell, Philip Reiter, Betty G.
Friedman, and Mary Louise Vin
cent, of Portland; Mary E. Earl,
Elene L. Douglas, Doris Cleeton,
Jeanne Parker, and Nicholas V.
Riasanovsky, of Eugene; Merlin
C. Dow and Robert J. Forsyth, of
Medford; Lila M. Furchner,
Grants Pass; Dora Jean Huston,
lone; and Allene E. Meek, Sil
ver City, Idaho.
Howard L. Ramey, of Port
land, now in military service, was
chosen a special member because
of his continued interest in
French. Honorary members are
Mrs. V. A. Riasanovsky (Nina
Fedorova), Mrs. Laurence Le
Sage, and Gerald M. Spring, for
mer German instructor at the
University of' California in Los
Angeles, all now Eugene resi
The men’s edition comes out
tomorrow morning,
She’s a good
friend of yours
The girl behind "the voice with a !
smile” is known to everyone. You
have learned to count on her
when you make a telephone call.
low meet her sister
—also a Bell System girl. She’s your friend,
too, although you’ve never heard her voice.
Here she is on the final assembly line at one
of Western Electric’s great plants. Like the
15,000 other women in the Company, she
does her work well. She’s proud of the part
she plays in making telephone equipment
for this Nation . •.. and for the armed forces
of the United Nations.