Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1942, Image 1

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    Sopltominel the &mefici.l&c &i
tUeiA Uotodl at an e^c.pe’iimenial tup.
&ff jauAnali&M—OnteApAetcdion.
Card Holders
Three Named
A wave of ineligible activity
men rolled over the campus last
Tuesday when seven office holders
and Junior Weekend workers lost
their jobs because they did not
hold class cards, but the tide re
ceded somewhat Friday when it
was revealed that three of the
—BMOC held cards after all.
Said Richard Williams, educa
tional activities manager, who
had first announced the ineligibil
ity, “The educational activities of
fice regrets that a mistake has
been made.” He then named Max
Miller, appointed chairman of the
Junior Weekend terrace dance;
Dorothy Patterson, elected sec
retary of the freshman class; and
Frank McKinney, elected vice
president of the senior class.
These three, said Williams “do
possess class cards and are elig
ible to hold office.” He then,
again, expressed the regrets of
^e educational activities office.
Last Time
No More Cards
For the last time the students
of Oregon will vote by means of
the class card system when they
go to the polls Tuesday. Ban
ished by order of the ASUO ex
ecutive committee, the cards will
not again sponsor such a head
line as “ASUO vote declared il
legal,’’ which ran on May 9 of last
•Sunning this year for top of
fices are Les Anderson, Steve
Worth, John Busterud, Mary An
derson, and Nancy Riesch. Only
the first three are actual con
tenders for the top post of ASUO
First Two
The first two, Anderson and
Worth, were nominated as a mat
ter of course after fraternity
and independent blocs had made
their choice. The third, Busterud,
is a dark horse similar to Jim
Frost last year. He entered the s
race at the last moment, submit
ting his petition and certificate
of eligibility at 10 p.m. Thursday
night, only two hours before the
Only unexpected note in the
nomination ceremony that was
gone through Tuesday was a
bombshell speech by Jack McCli
ment, who, blasting both sides,
commented upon the TNE spon
sorship which Anderson was al
leged to have and the faction ri
valry which he accused Worth of
fostering. McCliment made his
speech under cover of a nomina
tion of his sister, Elaine, for jun
ior representative. The nomina
tion was immediately withdrawn.
No Poll Tax
The day before the nominations
the ruling came from the exec
comm making the class poll tax
illegal, but still another term had
the politicians, for the ruling did
rot go into effect until next
term. With the class card ruling
was an amplification of the 2
point activity participation rul
ing so that students in activities
are required to be enrolled in at
least 12 hours of school and hold
a GPA for the last term regis
tered in the University of 2 point,
as well as a 2 point cumulative.
Late Entry
Complicating the race is the
last-minute entry of John Bus
terud, appointed March 23 to head
Junior Weekend. Reaching out
into broader paths than the Week
end chairmanship, Busterud stat
ed that his name will appear on
the ballot without bloc affilia
tions. Passing over elections of
previous years, he said that his
wish was that the students would
not vote a straight ticket, but for
the best man.
Similar hope was expressed by
Jim Frost last year when, then
business manager of the Emerald,
he threw his hat in the ring at
the last moment. Loud cries were
then raised by independents that
his enthy was merely for the
purpose of splitting their vote,
but, as yet, no such cries have
been sounded on Busterud's dec
The reason Busterud gave for
running was “because of the way
bloc meetings have been going
lately. Politics,” he felt, “have
become un-democratic and I don’t
think we need to run things like
that on this campus.”
Not explained by Busterud was
the word “lately” and he was,
therefore, apparently unaware of
the words of an Emerald edito
rial of April 27, 1928, which
read, in regard to student body
elections, “Cut and dried—that’s
what most students remark with
a secret sense of vanity in their
penetration.” Possibly the only
difference which could be no
ticed today is the absence of the
“sense of vanity” for, through re
peated performances, the neces
sity for penetration has dimin
No Sully . ..
JWS isn’t with us today,
The sophomores are running the
But we follow tradition and give
you this pome
Though Sully’s a hard man to
I hate these bathroom faucets
That turn off with a spring;
It takes a Phi Bete to wash both
At once with the doggone thing.
UO Student
Loses Life
In Crack-up
Leonard H. Bailiff, Jr., former
Oregon student, was killed in the
crash of an Army advanced train
er in the Mojave desert yesterday
as an unexpected storm swept a
flight of seven planes from their
course. An attempt to parachute
to safety brought death to an
other of the men.
The planes were en route from
Mather field, Sacramento to
Tucson, Arizona, when a storm
broke up the flight, sending six
of the group scurrying for shel
ter and causing the crash of the
twin-motored plane in which Bai
liff was riding as a flying cadet.
With Bailiff were three commis
sioned officers, one other cadet.
Active on Campus
Bailiff would have been a jun
ior in journalism at the Univer
sity this year had he not enlist
ed in the Air Corps. Active in
campus affairs, he wrote sports
and gossip for the Emerald, be
longed to Skull and Dagger, was
a member of the rally squad, act
ed as co-chairman of the sopho
more informal last year: Despite
his activities, he was a three
point student.
The Civilian Pilot Training pro
gram gave Bailiff his first flying
in Eugene last winter. An excel
lent student, he was admitted to
advanced training classes in Cor
vallis in the spring, continued air
work during the summer in Port
land. Last November he enlisted
in the Army Air Corps to be
come a navigator. His untimely
death prevented his receiving a
commission May 2.
SDX Initiates
Thirteen Taken
Formal initiation for f o u r
northwest newspapermen and
nine undergraduates will be con
ducted Sunday morning in Ger
linger by Sigma Delta Chi, na
tional professional journalism fra
Undergraduates will be initi
ated at 9 a.m., the others at 10
a.m. Breakfast in the Anchorage
will follow the ceremonies.
Active newspapermen to be ini
tiated include: Dave Hazen, Ore
gonian interviewer; Fred Colvig,
Oregonian Sunday editor; Denny
Landry, Portland UP manager;
and Gordon McNab, AP Portland
Ken Christianson is in charge
of arrangements for SDX.
'01 ^lliee 9 Suva' Gait
A month of tryouts and audi
tions for roles in “Of Thee I Sing”
ended yesterday as the “Sing”
casting committee revealed final
The cast, as announced by
Chairman Earle Russell, includes:
Mary Staton Krenk as Mary
Turner; Larry Celsi, Wintergreen;
Aldine Gates, Diana Deveraux;
Jerry Lakefish, Throttlebottom;
Jim Bronson, Fulton; Dave Zilka,
Lippman; Joe Montag, Gilhooley.
Dick Turner, Senator Jones;
Chuck Boice, Senator Lyons; Al
an Foster, Jenkins; Pat Howard,
Miss Benson; Lee Ghormley,
French ambassador; John Noble,
Gerry Berry, singing soloists; Bob
Whitely, White House guide; Ear!
Holmer, senator from Massachu
etts; John Williams, chief clerk;
Elbert Wilson, doctor; Bruce Mc
Intosh, Chief Justice; Dick Ash
comb, Vladimir Vidovitch; Ed
Moshofsky, Yussef Yussevitch;
Helen Holden, dance soloist.
. . . “Stephen Douglas" Worth, “Marcus” Anderson and “Hairfes*
Joe" Montag pose .with “Judge” Torgeson prior to the battle of wit**
"t the ADS “Mud Sling Swing" tonight at Gerlingcr. Dark horse
candidate John Busterud handed in his petition an hour after Ills*,
picture was taken.
•; .
*0f Thee S Sing7
Mary Krenk Signs
Pale-faced, soft-spoken Mary
Staton Krenk, leans back in
Dorothy Durkee’s toplqss con
vertible and smiles gayly as a
crowd of people clamor for her
autograph. “Now smile a little
more,” says quiet Horace Rob
inson, and snaps the shutter on
the first of publicity shots for
“Of Thee I Sing.”
The wheels move faster and
faster as production speeds for
ward to May 9, the night of the
traditional canoe fete, the night
set for this year’s Kaufman-Rys
kind grand slam at the perver
sion of human life known as poli
From the Guild hall window,
open to the April breeze, came the
wavering first attempts at unity
on “Love Is Sweeping' the Coun
try.” Director Robinson snaps an
immortal moment when Larry
Celsi, as the fabulous Winter
green, coyly slips four votes into
a ballot box. Kay Holman, tra
ditionally seated at someone’s pi
ano, aids the chorus of drama
students to sing “Happy Birth
day to You” to Mrs. Ottilie Sey
bolt, associate professor of drama
and director of stage placement.
One coed after another becomes
thrilled, momentarily, as her
name comes up for the dancing
and beauty chorus, which entails
a priceless opportunity to parade
about in a bathing suit and san
Director Robinson, as unlike
Welles as his appearance is sim
ilar, directs simply without flour
ish, closely followed hi all his
production plans by assistant di
rector, Guild veteran Dorothy;
Last night. Earle Russel, cast
ing- head, announced the feature
cast, chosen after a, month’s try
outs and auditions. Committee-*
men Elaine Lee, Lorraine Long-,
and John Williams put the final
o.k. without suggestions from Di
rector Robinson, who sat bade
and awaited results.
Plans begun several years ago
were abandoned, and finally re
vived under the stress of an
empty, muddy millrace and the
sacl prospect of a. waterless canoe
fete, much to the taste of Rob
inson, nursing a secret yearning
about musicals ever since the
smash “With Fear and Trem
bling" done previously. Students
are waiting to sec what the east,
of student talent, numbering sev
enty-five, can do. Campus politi
cos aren’t so sure someone isn't,
being funny; players wonder about*
GPAs when it’s over.
Choral Union
Students to Solo
For the third successive yea**
the University choral union and
the University symphony orches
tra will unite in a gigantic mu
sical production. This year they
will be joined by the Eugene
Gleenaen, making a total of some
800 people who will participate*
in the event.
Announced yesterday were stu
dent soloists: Margaret Zimmer
man, soprano; Ray Leonard, bari
tone, and Lee Ghormley, tenor.
Says dynamic Dr. Theodore
Kratt: “It's a tremendous thing!”
The energetic doctor adds the di
rectorship of the tremendous