Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1942, Image 4

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The W'ebfoots from Oregon, out hit and oulfieltled by the W ild
cats of IJnfieid, nulled through with a 14-8 win in yesterday’s ball
Kamo played at .McMinnville.
Reports from the game were incomplete because of a powerline
failure during last night's storm.
Johnny liuhaio, slugging first baseman, paced the Oregon hitting
Ifll&t: V\ 1 l 11 LUlll MUglCS.
Warren Taylor and Bob Rieder
divided the mound duty for the
Lemon and Green with Ted Filip
and Peterson behind the plate.
Pitcher Gilbert was sent to the
showers and replaced by H. Hag
doran for Linfield. Rich did the
This was the second pre-season
contest for Oregon. Thursday
<loach Hobson's crew deflated
Track Schedule
April I 1—University of Port
land at Eugene.
April 25—Oregon State re
lays at Eugene.
May 2—University of Wash
ington at Eugene.
May 9—Washington Slate at
May Hi—Oregon State at
May 28—Northern Division
meet at Seattle.
May 30—Pacific Coast Con
ference meet at Seattle.
Crowd Rulings
No ruling limiting Pacific
coast conference football crowds
to 5000 or any other figure has
been issued to date.
Coast league baseball has been
ordered to play to an attendance
not exceeding a 5000 average for
the season.
A chapter of Alpha Omega Al
pha, honor medical society, re
cently was installed at Wayne
Tennis Matches
Varsity and freshman tennis
elimination (tournaments con
tinue today at tlie courts.
the ' Portland Pilots, 11-8, with
Sandgren on the mound.
The team will return home to
. . . oik- of the smartest swimming coaches in the game, resigned
yesterday. He’s pictured here with Gerry Huestis, senior dash-man.
Frankie Baker ami Johnny Williams, ranking; No. 1 and No. 2,
have stepped out in front, in the varsity elimination tournament, along
with Joe Iiooney, No. i frosh last year. Baker drew a bye in the first
round and drove out a hard-fighting Bil’Farrell 6-2, 6-2 yesterday
afternoon. The blond Olympian came through with some streaking
mid-eourt smashes to down sophomore Farrell.
Johnny Williams, who also drew a bye, went on to take Hank
- Howard, 6-2, 6-4, m his match.
Joe Rooney opened his march
with a smashing 6-1, 6-3 victory
over Smokey Stover and then
walloped Brown 6-3, 6-1.
Howard, Dunischen Lead
In the freshman race it’s been
Howard and Art Damschen all
the way with John Jensen coming
back after one defeat. Howard
and Damschen have each taken
three straight matches.
Results of yesterday’s matches:
Varsity opening: Frankie-Bak
er-Noble, 6-0, 6-0; Bill Farrell
Bud Steele, 6-3, 11-9; John Mc
Gliment-Lloyd Manning (reached
Sigma Nil Mermen
Splash Chi Psis’ 38-9
A largo Sigma Nu swimming team rolled over a thoroughly out
splashed ( hi 1’si eluli, US to i), in an 1M meet swum in the Men's
pool yesterday. The other two scheduled meets were forfeited, the
Yeomen to the Ai'Os and the Canard club to the Campbell club.
The semi-finals begin next week.
The White Star boys swept every event, but the next to the last.
Jim a aruey suu it'll uu'in imi
with a win in the 40-yard free
style, closely followed to the line
by teammate Cruiser Dick Ash
com. Chi Psi Van Metre was a
close third. The time was 21.9.
Koy Temple thrashed to victory
in the 40-yard backstroke ahead
of Don Malarkey and lone Lodge
man Johnny Gleason in the fast
time of 27.5. Ray Wakefield con
tinued the Nu parade of wins by
grabbing the 40-yard breast
stroke. John Rafetto anchored
down second place while Chi Psi
A1 Gat'd was a weak third. The
time was 28.4.
Nus Keep Going
The Nu natators were right at
home in the relays, too. Their
120-yard medley relay team of
George Green, Dick Asheom, and
Jim Carney plowed right home in
1.18.1 to decisively dunk the Chi
Psi's Tom Huston, A1 Card, and
John Gleason. The other relay
event, the 120-yard freestyle, was
forfeited by the Chi Psis.
Hut the Lodgemen salvaged
some face out of the entire
meet in the last event swum,
the (it)-yard individual medley,
Chi Psi Tom Houston, their
outstanding' swimmer, took a
elose win from Sigma Nil’s Ma
larkey and Hafetto in the
sparkling time of 37.2. The fi
nal score totaled up: Sigma Nu.
38; Chi Psi, t).
Debater Takes
Leap in Future
One of the speakers of the high
school debate tournament did
President Roosevelt one better by
gaining one year rather than a
measly one hour. He presented
some modern evidence which he
stated, "It was published quite
recently, March 24, 1943."
My, how time flies.
Mother !s Honored
Westminster house honored
mothers of members and the
church league basketball team
at a I^otluck last night.
uled); Jim Ricksecker-Chuek
Larson, 6-3, 6-0; Johnny Williams
Alien Gai'd, 6-4, 6-2; Hank How
at'd-Leu Lonigan, 2-6, 6-4, 6-1;
W. D. Brown-Johnson, 6-0, 6-0;
Joe Rooney-Smokey Stover, 6-1,
Results Listed
Varsity quarter-finals: Frankie
Baker-Bill Farrell, 6-2, 6-2; John
ny Williams-Hank Howard, 6-2,
6-4; Joe Rooney-W. D. Brown,
6-3, 6-1.
Varsity Add: Allen Gard-Len
Lonigan, 6-0, 6-0; Bud Steel-John
Noble, 6-3, 7-5.
Freshman elimination: John
Sports Staff
Fred Treadgold
Si Sidesinger
Erling Erlandson
Tommy Mayes
Nancy Lewis
Bill Stratton
Virginia Wells
June Hitchcock
Jean Frideger
Harry Glickman
Joe Miller
Jensen-Bob Rowan, 6-1, 7-5; Wil
son Reed-Hugh Crawford, 6-3,
6-3; John Jensen-John Williams,
6-3, 1-6, S-6; Fred Howard-Ken
Hamilton, 7-5, 6-4.
Varsity elimination matches
continue today, beginning at 9
a.m. when McCliment and Man
ning meet. The winner of this
match will then play Ricksecker.
Howard will play Stover and Gard
will meet Brown. Opponents for
Steele and Farrell have not been
named as yet.
. . . ho hit {ho majors at an early age. Will he make good his ccine
baek this season?
Swim Coach
Vacates Post
Mike Hoyman, varsity and
freshman swimming coach at
Oregon for seven years, who has
led Webfoot tank teams to four
northern division crowns and
three mythical Pacific coast ti
tles, announced his resignation
from that post yesterday.
In a letter to Anse B. Cor
nell, he stated: “Under the pres
ent setup I am being hampered
in my professional development
and advancement in the field of
school health education, because
of coaching duties. My relations
with the ASUO and with the —»
swimmers has been so cordial
during the past 10 years that it
is with regret that I find this
step necessary.”
Hoyman's Record
Hoyman has a most enviable
record. His teams have won more
championships, and he has turned
out more stars than any other
coach on the Pacific coast. Only
in 1934 and the 1041 season did
his team fail to win the northern
division flag. In 1934 they won
the dual meet title, but failed
in the conference meet, and placed
second in the division in 1941.
One of his most enviable
was leading the mermen to vic
tory over.the highly-famed Olym
pic club. They had not been beat
en in five years, and the Ore
gon squad eked out a 38 to 37
win over them on their trip south
this season.
Division Meet
In the northern division meet,
Oregon amassed 88 points, the
closest contender being Wash
ington with 30. This was the
first time such a score had been
made in that meet and was also
the first time any northern di
vision team had taken evqptf
first place.
Perhaps one reason for Hoy
man’s continual success, is the
fact that he is never beaten on
paper. Before the Washington
meet this year, Oregon was a
decided underdog, but Hoyman
couldn’t agree. He remarked that
no team could beat him on pa
per; they had to do it in the
Hoyman was absent during
1939 and 1940, when the coach
ing duties were taken over by
Ned Johns and Russ Cutler. No
statement has been made as to
who will be his successor, and no
appointment is expected until the
athletic board meets April 13. ’’I*’’
H.S. Hoyman’s Book
Published, Distributed
The second volume of "Develop
ing Health Instruction in Oregon
High Schools,” by H. S. Hoyman.
assistant professor of physical
education, and specialist in school
health education, has been pub
lished and distributed to Oregon
high schools.
The book deals “mostly with nu
trition, first aid, and communica
ble diseases, and affords a cur
riculum guide for high school
teachers and principals on nine
najor health problems. According
Lo Mr. Hoyman, the book has
been designed for work in the
establishment of health courses
and for use by major and profes
sional students in health and phy
sical education.