(JO Nominates Heads Tuesday ASUO and class officers are to be nominated in four separate nominating assemblies Tuesday, April 7. The general student body offi cers will be nominated at a spe cial student assembly at 11 a.m. Three class assemblies have been planned—the class of ’43 to meet in 207 Chapman; class of ’44*in 10^,.Commerce; and the class of '45 in 203 Villard. All class meet ings are set for 7 p.m. Those students planning to run for a student body office must, according to the ASUO constitu tion,' present their declarations of intention to run and certifi cates of scholastic eligibility, signed by the dean of men or the dean of women, to Jim Frost, first vice-president of the student body, who is in charge of all elections. These pa pers must be turned in not later than midnight Sunday, April 5. Conclave Scheduled “■ ' The annual Westminster con ference at Kitson Springs, Ore gon, has been scheduled for April 11 and 12. Dr. A. E. Caswell and Drr Paul B. Means will be feat ured speakers. New officers will be installed. ElvinOverton To Play Critic Elvin Overton, visiting profes sor of law, will be seen in the role of Bernard, the critic, in Ferenc Mol nar’s "The Guardsman," which is being produced by the Very Little Theater, April 15 to 17. Overton, however, is no new comer to the stage. He took prominent parts with the Ten nessee Players at the University of Tennessee, and later numerous roles in Very Little Theater pro ductions at Macon, Georgia, where he was on the faculty of Mercer university. Versatile Among his many prominent parts were those of the movie producer in “Stage Door,” the juvenile in "The Bad Man” and “Penny Wise,” and the barkeep er in “Outward Bound.” Overton came to Eugene last September to take the place of Carlton E. Spencer, professor of law, who is now serving with the armed forces. His role in “The Guardsman” will be his first lo cal role, and will probably find him in one of his most difficult posi tions, that of keeping peace be tween the fiery and romantic ac tor and actress, played by Mar vin Krenk and Saverina Graziano Smith. St. Mary’s University owns a 53-na.sspnp'pr bus. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 13th and Pearl Holy Weekend Easter Services 9:30 Good Friday Services 12-3 Easter Day—Choral Communion 6:30 Communion Services 8:00, 9:30, 12:30 Morning Prayer and Services 11:00 Corporate Services for Students 9:30 Rev. E. S. Bartlam, Rector Phone 4606 or 4808 Miss Caroline Hines, Student Advisor Ph. 4605-J or 4808 YOUR PORTRAIT Kennell-Ellis iH'H'H'H'W'H; Yeomen Elect Bob Rockstein Robert Rockstein, sophomore in science, Monday was elected president of the Oregon Yeomen, independent men's organization. Vice-president for the coming year will be Bob Sabin. Newell Cornish will serve as secretary, while Fred Rugh will act as treasurer. The new officers will be in stalled Monday, April 6, in Ger linger hall after a pothick sup per, according to Dave Knox, re tiring president. Early Risers (Continued from page one) ic, “Easter in a World at War.” Featured in several numbers is the Eugene high school a capella choir led by Glenn Griffith. The program is as follows: pre lude, Everett Fulton; call to wor ship, Eugene high school a capel la choir; invocation, Rev. Oscar Payne; congregational singing of “The Church's One Foundation,” led by Glenn Griffith. Meditation, “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” by Frederick Maker, Eugene high school a capella choir; reading from script; ad dress, “Easter in a World at War,” Professor Gertrude Boyd Crane. More Program Anthem, "Lost in the Night” by Christiansen, Eugene high school a capella choir, soprano solo by Doris Horton; congrega tional singing led by Glenn Grif fith, “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”; benediction, Rev. V. T. Speece. The cooperation of the Eugene ministerial association; the ad ministration of the University; Don Hunter, University techni cian; and Eugene Christian Youth council was acknowledged by the Student Christian council. Westminster group is in charge of preparing the programs, the Episcopalian group of decorating, Elsie Brownell of the publicity, and the Eugene Christian Youth council of the ushers and music arrangements. Doris Winter HE Miss Doris Winter, instructor in home economics, has been home with influenza for the past sev eral days. She is expected to re sume her classes next week. CLASSIFIED ADS READER ADS Ten words minimum accepted. First insertion 2c per word. Subsequent insertions lc per word. DISPLAY ADS Flat rate 37c column inch Frequency rate (entire term) : 35c per column inch one time a week, 34c per column inch twice or more a week. Ads will be taken over the telephone on a charge basis if the advertiser is a subscriber to the phone. Mailed advertisements must have suffi cient remittance enclosed to cover definite number of insertions. Ads must be in Emerald business office no later than 6 p.m. prior to the day of insertion. • Lost LOST—Alpha Gamma Delta pin. If found please phone 1780, Helen Skjersaa. A PAIR of glasses in a brown case, with Carolyn McKinley's name on it. If found, call her at 729. • Help Wanted IF YOU wish to earn spare money in your spare time, and during summer vacation we have a proposition that will interest you. We are distributing a new Unabridged Dictionary priced to fit the average income; on our easy payment plan. In ter ritories where this deal is be ing sold at present, our men are making from $40 to $100 each week. For full particulars see Mr. Brasseur, Eugene ho tel, after 5 p.m. Friday, or all day Saturday. Prince Mcitchabelli's Adorable little star-studded flagons fillet! with the year's most popular fragrances Potpourri. Christmas Rose, Frosted Pine. A cologne trio to intrigue every feminine fancy. In Lo-vely Gift Box $1 u ssells ivir: ■.r, ;...unwii -'..Mi*!,*: m ,’ l-’j • s n„.:!’ . a "•> .-i:!1 o'! ' • 1-’ • ’Mli'Uil! . ili.iiitili: "1 OF THE WORLD The light or' tire world for which wo are fighting. The light 'which floods the world at the turn of a switch. LET'S KEEP them both brightly SHINING jml * l YOUR NO. I LADY to a CLASS A DINNER A combination of IIouio cooked dinner in a dig nified atmosphere at reasonable prices. EUGENE HOTEL 222 E. Broadway Phone 2000 DJXIXO BOOM AND COFFEE SHOP