Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1942, Image 4

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Thursday, April 2, 1942
Baseball Team Goes North
Oregon If Emerald
Sports Staff
Fred Treadgold
Si Sidesinger
Erling Erlandson
Tommy Mayeg
Nancy Lewis
Bill Stratton
Virginia Wells
June Hitchcock
Jean Frideger
Harry Glickmaa
Joe Miller
Ducks Make Debut
Against Pilots Today
Mentor Hobby Hobson, with his band of baseball experts,
pulls away from Eugene today at noon, headed for Portland
on the first leg of their three-day trip. A last-minute change
in the schedule sends the Ducks against Portland U today
instead of Friday as formerly announced.
The tilt with Linfield at McMinnville, which was called
for today, has been moved ahead till Friday. The remainder
of the slate, which includes a
T racksters Speed
Through Time Trials
Oregon’s varsity cindermen liolil their first time trials Wednesday
in preparation for the Portland University dual meet that looms only
10 days away. None of the events wer-i clocked, hut Hayward re
marked (hat the times were fair.
Not all (Ik- ev-nts wore staged Wednesday. All the track events,
except the 220 and the two mile wen- run, hut the field events will
wait until Saturday.
Some of the races wili be run again the intersquad meet Saturday,
nui: uim ii laio
»um ci £_, > 1111 in ini' i
the following .Wednesday. All the
field events, including the pole
vault, high jump, weights, jave
lin, and broad jump will be staged
Saturday and in the final trials
All the events were run short
today, hut Hayward announced
that he would probably run the
regular distances in the trials
The 75-yard dash, which has
taken the place of the 100, was
won by Ralph Kramer. Tuck
wilor, second; Butler, third;
Simpson, fourth; Alexander, fifth;
Day, sixth.
tO Sprints
There was no 220. The 300-yard
race, replacing the -110, was won
by l-'.d Reiner, titan Ray was sec
The 000, an abbreviated form
of the half mile, was won by
Don Wilson. Boylon (fresh
man), second; Shelton, third;
Weills, fourth.
The three-quarter mile, in
place of the mile event, was won
by Wilfred Ross who usually runs
tae two mile. Bruce Maxey was
Kramer, who won the sprints,
repealed in the high lur dies. But
ler was second; Day, third;
Simpson, fourth. There wore five
hurdles, with 10 yard's between
them and a 15-ya,-d start and fin
Old Sol played the Webfoots a
favor Wednesday and the track
was fast and dry. Bob McKinney
was the official staiter. He was
graced with two managers yes
terday, but there still is a need
for more.
James Freeman Clarke
A politician thinks of the next
election; a statesman of the next
Track Managers
There is sliil a need for
more track managers. Anyone
interested should contact eith
er Coach Hayward or Bob Mc
Kinney within the next few
Some of llio frosli track aspir
ants rail in the time trials with
the varsity Wednesday, blit most
of them worked out on the lower
end of the trai l;, under the tutel
age of Bob McKinney.
Because of the abundance of
sprinters on the varsity, as well
us the frosli squad, the year
lings were forced to run a sep
arate heat. The 75-yard event was
won by Wally Still. Herb L:\w
rence was second, Willis Elliot
third, Leroy Weinstein fourth.
The entire frosh squad, with
the exception of tlie field men,
were massed at the lower end of
Hayward field yesterday and run
through the mill by Bob McKin
None of the runners were seg
regated, and they all ran short
Theta President
Mrs. Paul Friday, district presi
dent of Kappa Alpha Theta, has
been a guest at the Theta house
since Monday. She will leave Fri
day morning.
double header with Willamette at
Salem, Saturday, stays intact.
Duck Hitting Strong
An abundance of hitting power
is possessed by the Webfoots,
Hobson declared this week. His
pitching he describes as “fair,”
and comments favorably on the
fielding defense.
The lineup which Hobson
will employ against the Pilots
today probably will have Bill
Carney in left field, Dick Whit
man in center, and Hank Burns
in right. Infield should stack
up with John Bubalo at first,
Don Kirsch at second, Bob Far
row at shortstop, and Bill Ha
mel at third.
The opening backstop assign
ment will rest between Ted Pilip,
Portland U transfer, and Bill Mc
Kevitt, junior from last year’s
No Pitcher Named
No pitcher has been named by
Hobson who has the following
on hand: Bob Rieder, Nick
Begleries, Bill Thompson, A1 Wi
mer, Nelson Sandgren, Marty
Conlin, and Earle Russell.
Pilots Cop One
Revenge will be in order when
the Ducks meet with the Pilots. A
year ago Portland slipped over
a fast one when they captured
the second contest 11 to 9 after
dropping the first tilt to Oregon
6 to 5.
Reports have it that the Pi
lots are built around seven
veterans while the remaining
men are comparatively untried.
These lettermen are Vince Pes
ky, pitcher; Bob Carney, catch
er; Jack Drath, first base;
Carl Ewing, shortstop; Stewart
Munsey, third base; Jack Fried
hoff and Wilfred Gallagher,
Coach R. L. (Matty) Mathews
also has Bernie Harrington, A1
Decker, Bob Deagel, Sanford
Shapkin, and Harry Foltz as
Frosh Slate
Game Wit
Franklin Hi
Another fielding and batting
practice occupied the attention
of the University of Oregon
freshman baseballers yesterday.
The Ducklings open their season
Friday, April 10, against Frank
lin high of Portland. The game
will be played at Eugene.
Frosh coach “Honest John”
Warren knocked the ball around
to his infielders and outfielders
in a lengthy drill, and declared
that his team looked good de
According to Warren the
freshmen lack batting punch, and
he plans to occupy his attention in
improving the hitting of his
. . . looks on as his charges groom for the coming Portland meet.
Si g Eps Nudge SAEs*
in Swim Tiff, 26-21
The Sig Eos continued their
drive toward the IM swimming
championship dunking a battling
SAE aqua-team, 2(> to 21. In the
other meet swum, the Phi Delts,
who drew a bye in the first round,
ended any title aspirations that
the Theta Cliis had by drowning
them in the waters of the men’s
pool, 3G to 12. The Canard club
also won, by forfeit from Sigma
Hal Harris continued to be the
main SPE point-getter. The dark
April 2. 1941
Le=> Steers Groomed for Record
Attempt. An injured heel threat
ens Steers’ chances of upping the
record. . . . Pacific Tests Duck
Sluggers Today. Webfoot baseball
team makes debut here today.
April 2. 1939
Wandering Webfoots Get Wel
come. Basketball champs come
home. . . . Oregon baseball nine
divides aeries with Pacific.
April 2, 1935
Coach sought for all fresh
man sports on the University of
Oregon campus.
April 2, 1930
“Dangerous Stan/' the Greek,
Back on Tennis Team. Almquist
returns to bolster Oregon net
April 2, 1924
Rain Halts Baseball Practice.
. . . Reinhart worried over pitch
ing. Grid team looks good; line
haired Long Beach lad captured
easy firsts in the 40-yard back
stroke and freestyle and anchored
the Sig Ep 120-yard medley re
lay team to a win.
Oonyne Cops First
A1 Conyne grabbed another
SPE first in the 40-yard breast
stroke and a second in the 60
yard individual medley, whiclj^
went to SAE Clint Childs, being
the only first the Sig Alphs man
aged to rack up.
The SPEs forfeited the final
event, the 120-yard freestyle
relay because they had the
meet won mathematically. Dean
Van Lydegraf swam dependa
bly for the Sig Eps counting a
good number of points.
The Phi Delts show a team of
natators that were balanced, in
every department, and they were
untroubled in thoroughly sub
merging the Theta Chis, 36 to 12.
The Rattlers captured only one
first place, the 120-yard free
style relay taken by Younger.
Putnam, and Bob Anderson. The ^
Phi Deits were supreme in the
Prep Relayers
Run April IO
The sixth annual Hayward re
lay classic, second only to the an
nual state meet, is billed for Hay
ward field Friday, April 10.
Divided into three sections, at
least 22 class A, B, and C schools
are expected to be present. Two
of last year’s champions are ex
pected to defend their titles, Mo
lalla in class B, and Vernonia in
class C.
Vancouver, class A champions,
will not be in competition this
year because of an out-of-state
ruling. Another strong team.
Medford, will not be in the meet
this year.