Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    -Radio Students
Will Air Show
The radio workshop, under the
supervision of Marvin Krenk, in
structor in speech, will present
two dramas over KOAC tonight
from 7:30 to 8:30.
The first drama, “What We De
fend” is by Bernard Schoenfeld.
It takes as' its theme the tracing
of the historical rise of different
governments that have tried to
tempt the United States, either
by suggesion that, if allied with
-^fehem, this country could rule the
world, or by taunting the Unit
ed States, saying it is luck and
luck alone that has been respon
sible for its present power. The
drama shows the untruth of their
Principal Roles
The principal roles of “What
We Defend" are taken by Don
Merrill, and Ted Hallock. The
play has 35 separate parts, which
calls for some adroit doubling on
the part of the radio workshop
The second drama, “His Name
Was John,” was written by Mr.
Kr^nk, arid is based upon the
cliches and terms that are pres
ent in different typical family
situations. The drama is experi
mental in that some of the dia
logue is used as a montage.
More Cast
The part of John as a young
boy is taken by Norma Baker,
and the part of John as a grown
man is played by Harold Martin.
Pat Stannard plays John’s moth
er, Muriel Meier plays his sister,
and Don Moss has the role of his
Elaine Voss and Claire Lyon
have charge of sound, and Kath
erine Hardenbrook and Frank
Watkins are the music crew.
“Anything Goes”
The starting of a new feature,
was also announced. Written by
Ted Harmon and Larry Celsi, it
will, this week, be a take-off on
“Romeo and Juliet.” Any resem
blance to the original one by W.
Shakespeare, is purely coinci
dental, say the authors.
High School Debaters
Will Convene Friday
Marvin A. Krenk, instructor in
* speech and secretary of the Ore
gon high school debating league,
announced recently that the sec
ond annual league tournament
will be held on the campus Friday
and Saturday, April 3 and 4. He
is expecting more than 100 stu
dents to attend. Mr. Krenk will
direct the tournament.
Besides the regular contests in
public discussion, extemporaneous
speaking, after-dinner speaking,
and debating, something new will
be added to the proceedings. For
the first time competition in
radio speaking will be held. This
is expected to be the most popu
lar contest on the schedule.
Nothing Sacred
(Continued from page tzvo)
Friday, Carold Boone; Saturday,
Mona MacAuley (who still gets
too much publicity), and Sunday,
Babs Read. Which is real batting
in the Synthetic Blonde league.
And as for Sister Read, she did
n’t wait long enuf for the Army
mud to cake on the boots of four
year steady Don Turner before
she started to go out again. But
she wasn’t with Phi Delt Jim
Cuzzens the other night as Miss
Awful Truths reported.
A Bit of Patter—Beta Bob
Koch leans out of second-story
Deady and shouts, “Jimmy New
quist'll get ya' if you don’t watch
Two Alfa Gams were talking
in front of the Side. Said one to
the ether, “Why he's soo-o-o-o
dumb, he’d even cut the lab pe
riods in the Love and Marriage
. . . arc now working on plans for the annual Frosh Glee. From left are, Dorothy Patterson, Ted Yaw,
June Hitchcock, and Lou Felsheim.
Theater Workshoppers
Take 'Art’ to Heart
Those strange people running around in white or near
white coveralls with green stitching on the backs, are not
mechanics, hospital attendants, or representatives from an
asylum. They are members of a University class-theater work
Following two of them over to their classroom, an old resi
dence converted into “Ye Olde Worke Shoppe,” I soon found
people with buckets of paint,
long boards, and large flats for
To the Dark Rooms
Bob Stedman and Barbara
Parker were sent over to the
“Morgue,” a dark little set of
rooms in the basement of Friend
ly hall, for a number of flats in
specified sizes.
I went along, out of curiosity,
and was shortly engaged, note
book, pencil and all, in the pro
cess of carrying back some of the
In the “Morgue” there is a
great selection of choice items,
which have been used in previous
University plays. Anything from
church pews, old trees, chairs and
tables, mummy cases, and stair
ways may be found hidden away
in the dust and cobwebs.
isacK /*gam
Then we went back to the
“Worke Shoppe” and I had a
chance to catch my breath and
look around.
The ex-kitchen is now the paint
room; the pantry is the storing
place for dry paints; the front
room contains a long table, sev
eral saws, and other tools which
the members learn to use with
great dexterity.
Class Work
Classwork includes making the
sets for the plays, setting them
up, changing them, and taking
care of all the back-stage work
during a play. During the year
each member of the class learns
to do all phases of the work.
One member of the class, Bob
bie Wilson, was building an arch,
nailing strips of boards and fit
ting the rounded pieces together.
Horace Robinson, director of the
group, was sawing quarter round,
preparatory to nailing it in place
on a large column.
Part of the ceiling of the front
room has been removed to enable
the building and handling the
larger flats occasionally required
for walls and doors. The other
two members of the class, Anita
Hamprecht and Louise Rossman,
were canvassing the town for
necessary props.
Once inside the house, it is not
hard to imagine all sorts of
strange settings for plays, from
the old colonial house, which is
being used in the present play,
“The Wingless Victory,” to old
caves, outdoor scenes and splen
did mansions.
The house, undoubtedly, has at
mosphere. From its paint-bespat
tered walls, to the long table on
which the sets are made, the tone
of the “Work Shoppe” is that of
the theater.
The final touches on the sets
are put on at the Guild hall stage
in Johnson hall. Some of the
painting is done there, as in the
case of ceilings and flats used for
side walls.
Sign Entries Received
For Junior Weekend
Several entries have already
been received in the Junior Week
end roadside sign contest, Betty
Jane Biggs, promotion chairman
for the celebration, said Wednes
day. The contest offers six prizes
of $2 each for verses on phases
of Junior Weekend. The signs
will be displayed along Thir
Deadline for the contest is
Saturday, April 4, Miss Biggs
said. Entries should be submit
ted to Miss Biggs at the business
office of the Emerald.
The signs will be changed
weekly, with prizes for each win
ner whose verse is used. It is per
missible to enter more than one
verse and win more than one
Sir Walter Scott
Affection can withstand very
severe storms of vigor, taut not
a long polar frost of indiffer
Grad Comments
On Internees
Mrs. C. W. Woodin, the for
mer Frances Jordan, Oregon
graduate, recently evacuated from
Manila, has commented on the list
of persons believed interned at
Manila, which has been supplied
by aides to the Philippines resi
dent commissioner.
‘■It was an extremely strange
list of names,” she said. “I know
scores of the prisoners. Names
and initials are most accurate, but
the thing that is most strange is
that the list omits the names of
many of he most prominent
Americans in Manila.”
She went on to say that many
persons who were too old and ill
to escape were not listed.
Mrs. Woodin was married to
Charles W. Woodin in Manila in
1934. He finished his course at
Oregon the same year that Mrs.
Woodin graduated from the Uni
versity. The Burrough Office
Equipment company, of which
Mr. Woodin was an employee, or
dered all wives to return home
as relations with Japan became
more hostile.
Woodin was in frequent com
munication with Mrs. Woodin un
til December 7. He was a naval
reservist and Mrs. Woodin be
lieves that he joined the forces
immediately, although she has
had no word from him since the
war began.
April 13 Band Concert
Will Spotlight Pianist
John Stehn, assistant professor
of music and director of the Uni
versity band, announced yester
day that the spring term concert
of the band will take place Mon
day, April 13, at 8 p.m., in the
University school of music audi
torium. Guest soloist with the
band will be Henri Arcand, Port
land pianist, Mr. Stehn said.
Mr. Arcand will play Francis
Poulenc’s “Concerto in D. Mi
nor” and David Bennett's “Rep
artee.” The band will perform
Henry Purcell’s “Golden Sonata,”
Debussy’s “His Respects to Sam
uel Pickwick Esq., P.P.M.P.C.,”
and Ernst von Dohnanyi’s “Tolle
Admission will be free of
Plii Beta, music, dance, and
drama honorary, will meet at 4
p.m. today in the music school.
Phi Chi Theta meeting at noon
today upstairs at the Side. In
stallation of officers.
Sigma Delta Chi meeting to
day at 4 p.m. in 104 Journalism.
Oregon *§ Emerald
Elsie Brownell
Joanne Dolph
Boh Edwatiis
Ted Goodwin
Carol Greening
Ruth Jordan
Mona MacAuley
Marjorie Major
Bette Miller
Roy Nelson
Copy Desk:
John Mathews, city editor
Kelly Snow
Mary Wolf
Ted Bush
Night Staff:
Bob Edwards, night editor
Betsy Wootton, assistant
Miriam Hoffman
Beverly Bean
Jack O'Harra
Don Dill
Advertising Staff:
Elaine Dahl, day manager
Ruth Kay Codings
Shirley M. Davis
Barbara Gunning
Pete Lamb
Office Staff:
Yvonne Umphlette
Lorraine Davidson
Maureen Conklin
Ten words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word*
Flat rate 37c column inch
Frequency rate (entire term) :
85c per column inch one time a
week, '
84c per column inch twice or more
a week.
Ads will be taken over the telephone on
a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Majled advertisements must have ouffi
cient remittance enclosed to cover
definite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business office
no later than 6 p.m. prior to the day
of insertion.
• Lost
LOST Alpha Gamma Delta pin.
If found please phone 1780,
Helen Skjersaa.
A PAIR, of glasses in a brown
case, with Carolyn McKinley’s
name on it. If found, call her
at 729,
Edith Newton
Margie Robinson
Betty Ann Stevens
Janet Wagstaff
Mildred Wilson
Peggy Overland
Marjorie Young
Margaret Brooke
Ruth Kay Collins
Dorman Alford
If you've lost any
thing, look for it
at the University
Be sure to call for all
items before Tuesday,
March 31, when they will
be sold at auction.
Take a hint, and
to the University
Depot today!