Upperclassmen Eligible For Navy Commissions Upperclassmen studying- for virtually any college degree were made eligible yesterday for immediate commissions as probationary ensigns in the United States Navy, because of modification by the Bureau of Navigation of a previous order, it was announced by Commander A. J. Bvrholdt. director of naval officer procurement for the Thirteenth Naval District. The new order makes both seniors and juniors eligible for commissions in the dock, engineering, ordnance, construction an-i aeronautical branches, anu moiifies curricular requirements for each of these departments, Those accepted will be permitted to continue their college courses at their own expense until they receive their degrees, when their probationary commissions will be changed to special service com missions. Applications Applications will be received at the office of naval officer pro curement, 301 Exchange building, Seattle. Deck department qualifica tions have been broadened to in clude candidates for degrees in bus ness administration or com merce, while bureau of aeronau tics requirements have been modified to accept students who are majoring in aeronautics, high frequency radio ele'ctrnics, com muaicatioqs, internal combustion me -hanics; civil engineering, me teo-rology,.Architecture and geol ogy, regfu’dless of the degree tc be -ec-piy^V 'A \ tf ' Engine,tjring Similarly,.! applications wil be ace-pted for the enginering de partment from majors in elec trie.il, mechanical, diesel, and ch lViiiabdngUibeYhig, physics and rac.o electronics, while qualifica tions ’ "for the or dnance depart meet'have been broadened to in clude majors in mechanical, elec trie.il, chemical, industrial, ad ministrative and radio engineer ing and in physics with a back gr* and of mathematics including differential equation. If addition, construction corps eligibility has been modified tc inel ide majors in naval architec tut . Oregon Sharpshooters Compete at Corvallis Oregon's sharpshooters will I •. • up arms against other r. hwpstevn contenders at Cor v ' s Saturday when they enter a ..re-man match for tlie North v ■ era Intercollegiate ehampion sh:- , Captain Harvey Blythe, « ■ ’ll, anounced. Toe team is sponsored by Sc >bard ami Blade, military In-: n-ary, who paid for a trip to Cortland recently that includ ed hie teams winning from the Pc' land Gun club. Two tryouts will be held in the KO:C shooting range Tuesday in... I and Thursday night at 7. DGs Hold Elections I 'Ita Gamma sorority has cl ed the following officers: f'lith Borda, president: Mar go. t Ann Jackson, vice-presi de: . Marguerite Magill. record* ii s secretary; Margaret Kemp, co- ‘spending secretary; Eliza b Edmunds, treasurer; Nancy M'eLynn, assistant treasurer; Kve yn Mitchell, social chair i.i.t ; Betty Bevil, rushing chair man, and Phyllis Hortsman, as fis'.ant rushing chairman, were chos ?n. Dr. Breen Expected Quirinus Breen, assistant pro fess >r of social science, was calle 1 from the campus last week when his mother-in-law dies! ii: ■Washington. He is expected U return today. Emerald Linotypist III Stan Minsall, Emerald linotyp ist, had his appendix removed at the Sacred Heart hospital on Saturday, March 14, after a sud den attack of peritonitis. He is now reported well on the road to recovery at his home and should be back on the job be fore many days. Betsey Steffen Elected New Phi Beta President Betsey Steffen, junior in Ro mance languages, was elected president of Phi Beta, national music honorary, at a meeting last week at the home of Mrs. Ingham. Other officers elected were: Kay Daugherty, first vice presi dent; Ruth Baker, second vice president; Phyllis Taylor, secre tary; Connie Riddell, treasurer; Marie Roghndahl, asistant treas urer; Margaret Zimmerman, his torian: and Donna Williams, re porter. Despite its present low stand ing, the University of Chicago grid team has won more Big Ten championships than any other team. Intercollegiate athletic compe tition has been abandoned by Bard Colelge. 'Measly' Betas Bedding Down At Pill Palace Having lost the “measly” Canard Clubber, the infirmary now holds only three victims of the measles, three “measly"’ Betas: Quentin Sidesinger, Da vid Fortmiller, and Bruce Ste phenson. Others marking time in the ailment castle are: Wretha Johnson, June Chesney, Sarah Whitton, Peggy Smith, Eliza beth Steed, Clara McCormick, Chester Sergeant, Eleanor Sie wart, and Norman King. Chi Os Pick Officers Chi Omega’s new officers are Helen Mullen, president; Alice Trullinger, vice-president: Jane Kaarboe, secretary; Dorothy Oregon Squad Enteft National Rifle Match The Oregon ROTC rifle team has entered a national 10-man match sponsored by the war de partment, Captain Harvey Blythe, coach of the firing squad, an nounced yesterday. By getting their sights lined up late in the ninth corps area matches to win several matches, the Duck marksmen were classed in the upper third of the nation’s collegiate teams and thus were made eligible to compete fo'^'na tional honors. A five-man team will enter the Hearst’s Intercollegiate Rifle matches at an early date, Cap tain Blythe said. Routt, treasurer; June Hitchcock, pledge trainer; and Joanne Dolph, chapter correspondent, it was an nounced this week. &