Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1942, Image 1

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Princess oparke . . .
... a South Seas character comes
to Eugene in tonight’s drama,
“The W ingless Victory.”
(See story column four)
Coeds Reverse
Roles Tonight
Gamma Alpha Chis became so excited about their Cham
pagne Waltz scheduled for tonight that they couldn’t wait;
they printed 8 o’clock on all publicity signs. However, the
time is £ p.m.—the place, Gerlinger hall.
Coed models will display spring sportswear and dress-up
creations in the fashion show, intermission feature. Muriel
Defense Drive
Started Anew
l3y Torgeson I
Oregon students will set the
pace for the rest of the nation '
when they start buying defense
bonds and stamps this morning, ^
according to Leu Torgeson, stu
dent body president and head of j
the campus defense committee.
Today the individual pledging ]
campaign for bonds and stamps j
will reopen to give the houses i
another opportunity to reach the j
100 per cent mark.
^Seventy-five cents per person j
on the campus was the average 1
pledged by 522 people contacted 1
during the initial 12-hour cam- f
paign period. I
Last night pledge books were
again distributed to house repre
sentatives and the Kwainas. At
12:30 today the white-sweatered
girls will be at a row of desks
between Oregon and Chapman
buildings to receive pledges from
any students who have not been
contacted through their living
organization. j
All houses are expected to go
100 per cent on the pledging
which will obligate them to pur- ,
_ ^nhacn stamps or bonds of the
(Please turn to page two)
Stevens, sophomore in social sci
‘nce, will read the script for the
■vent, whi'e Art Holman’s or
:hestra will furnish a scintillat
ng musical background m tune
vith the dance theme.
Sale of tickets for the girls
urn-escorts affair will continue
n women’s houses. They may
ilso be procured tonight at the
ioor, according to Kathleen
3rady, head of ticket sales.
As previously announced girls
ire taking a turn about where
ocial amenities are concerned,
’hey wil send boutonniers, call
or the boys, furnish cigarets,
heck wraps, and take elates
Committee heads are: Mary
lllen Smith, general chairman;
Kathleen Brady, ticket sales; Pat
Vright, patrons; Emiy Tyree,
rograms; Bette Workman and
Jaxine Cunning, decorations;
cnita Simon, orchestra; Bar
arajean Tuttle, publicity; Mari
an Marshall and Jeanne Routt,
ashion show; and Betty Mae
.ind, cleanup.
. . . Will steer YWCA course.
i l'hotn hr jiennei.
. . . AW S’ New leader.
Songbird Jepson Tours
To Boost Victory Spirit
She held up two fingers to
ooked as if she meant it.
Sitting comfortably at a lone
itudio of KORE yesterday nooi
jiously posed for pictures and
'ollowing her 12:30 broadcast
. . . Metropolitan opera star sweeps through Eugene
iorm a “V” for victory and
microphone in the suburban
i, lunchless Helen Jepson gra
chatted easily with visitors
for “Bundles for America.’’
In her first 1942 cross-country
concert tour, the Metropolitan op
era star is not only building mor
ale with a song, but is also de
veloping in women throughout
America the will to win the war
by giving until it hurts. “Morale
building is our job,” she told her
radio audience.
“I give a broadcast urging
Americans to support ‘Bundles
for America’ in every city where
I am scheduled to sing,” she ex
plained, “and even if I'm not sing
ing in certain cities, I stop to tell
them about the movement.” In
one mid-western stop, she gave
four talks in an hour and a half.
She was able to steal a day
from her concert tour to come to
Eugene to visit old friends and
speak at yesterday’s tea because
her singing engagement took
her to the Corvallis campus Wed
(Plcasc turn to page three)
ubniKturj j'UZISS .
. . . Honored by WAA
(I’hoto by Kami U-Kllix)
Wingless Y
Flits on Stage
At 8 Tonight
The macabre curtain of a New
England nightmare will raise to
night at 8 when “The Wingless
Victory” flies across the Guild
hall stage. The play promises to
be one of the most entertaining
given this year.
One of the important cast
members is Durian, the four
year-old daughter of Princess
Oparre and Nathaniel. This role
is played by Charlotte Louise
Means, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Paul B. Means.
Charlotte was born in Singa
pore, coming to this country when
she was 20 months old. She has
several lines in the play, and is
wearing her native costume,
which was brought buck from
There are still tickets left for
Friday night, but they are selling
fast. Anyone interested should
call at the box office in Johnson
as soon as possible.
The dates for the play are: Fri
day and Saturday, February 27,
28, and Thursday, March 5. It is
to be held in the Guild hall at
This is the third American dra
ma to be presented this year. The
other two were “Three-Cornered
Moon,” a gay tale of Brooklyn
family life, and “Of Mice and
Men,” a gripping tale of wander
ing farmhands in California.
Maxwell Anderson, author of
“The Wingless Victory,” is an al
ready famous American play
wright. Noted for delving into
historical legend and history, An
derson has previously written
two epics of the American way
of life. “Winterset,” and “High
Tor." The latter was produced' on
the Guild stage last year.
Mr. Anderson is said to rank
with Robert Sherwood and
Thornton Wilder as an exponent
cf serious drama in the modem
American theater.
YWCA Elect
New Officers
Apparently good things run in
threes—Marge Dibble, Gertrude
Puziss, and Abbie Jane White in
this case. These three coeds were
elected to the presidencies of
AWS, WAA, and YWCA, re
spectively, Thursday morning in
Gerlinger hall by the feminine
Other Officers
Miss Dibble will be assisted by
Corrine Nelson, new AWS vice
president. Miss Dibble was for
merly secretary of the organiza
tion, and Mrs. Nelson was presi
dent of Orides, independent wo
men's group.
Miss Mary Jane Terry, new
vice-president of WAA. steps up
from sergeant-at-arms. President
Puziss was this year’s vice
Second in command of the
YWCA group will be Genevieve
Working, former regional officer,
President White was secretary of
the organization this year.
Other officers of AWS were
Neva Haight, secretary, now pres
ident of ICwamas, Rohda Harkson,
treasurer; Gerd Hansen, sergeant
at-arms; and Betty Ann Stevens,
Beautiful Set
"I think they elected a beauti
ful set of Officers,” said incum
bent Elizabeth Steed Thursday
Completing the new crew f- v
WAA are Janet Ross, secretary,
ex-custodian; Babs DuPuy,
treasurer; Beverly Goetz, custo
dian; Audrey Hannum, sergeant
(Please turn to page seven)
Harvard Man
Will Lecture
Phi Delta Kappa, men's pro
fessional fraternity in education,
and the University lectures com
mittee are jointly sponsoring' to
night's speaker, Harold E. Wil
son. Mr. Wilson, associate profes
sor of education at Harvard uni
versity, will speak on “Education
Faces the Future” at 7:30 p.m. in
the faculty lecture room of
Friendly hall.
The Harvard man will arrive*
from San Francisco, where ha
has been a principal speaker at
the American Association of
School Administrators’ conven
tion this week. An author, con
tributing widely to periodicals*
and having written several publi
cations dealing with his field,
social studies, Mr. Wilson should
prove a rare treat for faculty
members and students alike.
Tonight’s lecture will serve a
dual purpose as opf'n February
meeting for the local Phi Delta.
Kappa chapter and a public,
meeting for all persons interested.
Ballot Ballad
Political schemes
Always give me the themes
For sarcastic poems full rare.
So I hate to say so,
But as far as I know,
The women’s elections were
fair. —J.W.S.