Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University
of Oregon. Subscription •■ates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second
class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
HELEN ANGELL, Editor FRED O. MAY, Business Manager
Associate Editors: Hal Olney, Fritz Timmen
Ray Schrick, Managing Editor
Jack Billings, Acting Xevvs Editor
Betty Jane Biggs, Advertising Manager
Elizabeth Edmunds, National Advertising Manager
tieien Kayourn, i^ayout Manager
Helen Flynn, Office Manager
Lois Clause, Circulation Manager
jvaiuuiauui, j-«uc rmiuag,
Co-Sports Editors
Corrine Nelson, Mildred Wilson
Co-Women’s Editors
iici u idling, nsaisiawi iu'inagwig ijuiiui
Joanne Nichols, Executive Secretary
Mary Wolf, Exchange Editor
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Boston—
Los Angeles—rSau Francisco—Portland and Seattle.
Investment in America ...
JpOR the practical-minded,buying UnitedStates defense bonds
falls into the same category as buying Fuller brushes or
Beautyrest mattresses. Practical people must be convinced of
the soundness of their investment, no matter how trivial. Any
bank or financial establishment is convincing as to the sound
ness of a defense bond.
Salesmen may wax poetic about defeating the forces of hate,
oppression, and treachery by aiding the forcess of progression,
love, generosity. These arguments contain a profound tritth
even if we are not a nation of saints, which of course we are not.
However, as long as “life, liberty, and the pursuit of the
Japs” are the aims of this nation, buying defense bonds should
l)e a pleasure, not a troublesome burden. We take pride in
being people who, in 150 years, have built something worth
fighting for. If fight we must, we should be happy that we are
the generation that can do it.
* * « «
defense bond is not only a financial investment; it is an
investment in the World Series, 1952; in the right to vote
the Democratic ticket and cheer the elected, or to vote the
Republican ticket-period; in the right to suffer with grand
pappy Yokum, or Dick Tracy; to listen to Jack Benny and
cat Jello,
Quite a few Americans have given up things like aluminum
haircurlers, suspenders, and new tires for the good of their
country. Many have given 11p big things; for example, their
lives. One was named Colin Kelly and he dived his airplane
loaded with dynamite onto the deck of a Japanese warship.
No one told him to; it just seemed a good idea at the time.
Perhaps he was thinking of the football team of which he was
captain at college; maybe he was thinking of the three years
he had taken Conga lessons and he still could only waltz; or
maybe it was thoughts of his two-year-old son and. the diph
theria shots recently given him, courtesy of the United States
department of health. Anyway, it’s pretty certain he wasn't
thinking about the place of the proletariat in a totalitarian
state, lie simply had a deep and abiding convinction that
America was a darned swell place in which to live.
it * * *<
defense bond is more than a monetary or military invest
ment ; it asssures a man’s right to read the Encyclopedia
Britannica or Esquire, to wear a sport jacket or a tuxedo,
and above all to breathe air that is free and clean. If he believes
in these privileges, he is an American; if he is an American,
he will buy defense bonds in order to go on believing.—B.R.
A Must’ in Fashion ...
JMAG1NE the campus on a nice sunshiny April day . . . stu
dents with sleepy half-closed eyelids paying no attention
to the droning of professors . . . strolling couples, free from
(dasses, regretting the .barren Millrace . . . tennis matches in
progress. Suddenly the sleepy sunshine-steeped campus is dis
turbed by the terrified moaning of the air raid sirens. Then
added to the din of shrieking whistles comes the metallic
warning of bells, of pounded saws, and other percussion noise
makers. A gas raid!
Chemical warfare will celebrate its 27th birthday April 22.
It was on such a <nic,o sunshiny April day that the Germans
launched history’s first gas attack and within 10 minutes Al
lied casualties reached 15,000
# # ft
JT was a »fw weapon then. The French and English forces
were totally unprepared for it. “It can't happen here,”
the administration vowed when the United States entered
World War 11. Every citizen in vital defense areas on the Pa
cific coast will soon be issued gas masks—gas masks that must
be kept within reach at all times.
Educating individuals on what to do and how to act when
the percussion instruments join the air raid sirens in signal
izing a gas attack is also being carried out by the government.
* # * » v
JpKOFESSOR P. R. Washke. instructor for Lane county de
fense council, attended a three-day state-wide school period
Nocturne With One Flat
Roses grow thorny,
Petunias grow high;
Too bad Pat Taylor
Wasn’t a Pi Phi.
MEMOS FOR MEN: Barbara -
jean Tuttle reigns as the new Al
pha Chi house prexy, while Mary
Jane Dunn, of telegraphic fame,
takes over the Tri-Delt reins . . .
Exotic ex-Oregon Bev Tobin at
the Military ball; an example of
what campus males dream about
all winter . . . the prevalence of
corsages, while five Thetas or
dered their own ... all the red
formals flitting about the McAr
thur pasture . . . sources point to
Phi Delt Bill Hopper and Deegee
Bonnie Robin seem to be able to
hold a steady course . . . we know
what makes house mothers gray:
pdroxide . . . the freshmen who
danced like sparrows at the MB,
y’know the kind, from limb to
limb . . . Favorite song-of-the
weekend: “Little Stone Hut, how
I love thee.” . . . the chap, Fred
Freed, from Princeton, who stole
the MB away from others by his
wavy hair and white tie and tails.
the attitude of most students at
the Sir Thomas Beecham (and
his buddies) performance was
above all expectations. Most stu
dents showed appreciation for the
music, and a genuine desire for
encores so they wouldn’t have to
be in by 10:30.
But being a sparkling person
ality, Beecham proved his worth,
especially during the lighter,
more enjoyable portion of the
program and Chabrier’s “Es
pana.” Somewhere from the bal
cony we heard one coed scream,
“Gosh, Methusalem, that sounds
like one of Cugat’s rhumbas.”
. . . One of the most appreciative
listeners was Theta Marge Dib
ble, and we’re mighty proud of
her . . . why don’t they ban fresh
men from concerts; they’re the
ones to leave so early and ob
viously ... we couldn’t find Hal
lock anywherg, either . . . The
Sigma Chis rate a medal for good
behavior, too, for they politely
and quietly sat through the con
cert. ... As one student said about
the concert, “It was swell; every
thing was so quiet that you could
hear a coke bottle drop!”
GOSSIPATTER: With the mill
race now dried up, the oft-quoted
slogan may well be changed to
“spring term at peuw!” . . . .
seems to us that the Emerald
contest for a “Cover Girl” might
have a little undercover politics
behind it . . . Up for dinner Sun
day, the Thetakis found a new
way to make their guests leave
without any forceful action. As
the phonograph was playing, a
Conga chain started and before
the guests knew it, they, were out
on the sidewalk . . . easily one of
the best pianists on the campus is
Phyllis Taylor, whose evident
knowledge of black and white
keys is better than any artist . . .
At the MB Saturday p.m., some
jolly sophomore danced by the
(Please turn to page seven)
THERE'LL ALWAYS BE . . . By Chas. Politz
—»«*».. m
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fmrom mi£VP~~~
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GogAA B&mhcdi . . .
The Future of Sabotage *
While the president Monday evening was telling the United
States and the world that we had been compelled to yield ground” a
submarine, presumably Japanese, fired with timed fury at the coastal
oil refinery between Goleta and Elwood, about 25 miles from Santa
Barbara, California.
According to the reports there was little damage done and per
haps it will be the answer to the critics’ cry of a need for something
to awaken the American people
to the dangers of this war. Many
a columnist has expressed a be
lief in the value of an enemy ac
tion against a coastal city to
arouse John Public.
Why Now?
The axis action was undoubted
ly executed to weaken the
strength of the president’s speech
on foreign peoples. The enemy
propagandists will hoot and jeer
at the democratic assertion of a
victory for the United Nations
by playing up how easily their
submarines “are” shelling our
supposedly defended coastline.
The real danger in the attack
lies within the reports of the fifth
column activity. Responsible per
sons in the Santa Barbara area
noted the flashing of signal
lights from a hill to a ship in the
sea, this on the deadline night for
all enemy aliens.
No Kidding Now
Without a question we are now
well aware we do have active
fifth columnists on the coast.
Previous to this time the accu
sation lacked definite, specific
The shelling should expedite
the Federal Bureau of Investiga
tion's problem of applying drastic
actions to eliminating undesira
bles. No longer can we afford a
moment's doubt as to the patriot
ism of any individual.
It would appear that the prob
lem of enemy aliens will not be
half as hard to solve as the diffi
cult situation of disloyal citizens
that have attained their Ameri
can rights within the past few
years and do not come under any
alien enemy legislative action.
Traitors Have Advantage
The "Benedict Arnold” few
will have far greater freedom of
movement than the most respect
(Please turn to pai/c sci'cn)
where lie was advised by national experts on tasks civilians
should perform during a bombardment crisis. He, in turn, lias
passed this information on to citizens giving 35 lectures to full
houses in the last few weeks.
Tales of the usage of gas (which may smell like anything
from garlic to shoe polish) have been buried beneath head
lines of incendiary bombs and other war atrocities, yet Japan
has put into play the deadly lewisite gas which camouflages
its fatal effects behind a geranium perfume.
The Pacific coast is all too vulnerable to attack as the sub
marine shells Monday night at Santa Barbara proved. Gas
attacks may be next. But before they come, the federal gov
ernment insists that gas masks will have already become a
“must" in everyone's wardrobe this season.—B.J.B.
Haawww—it does something to
a guy this hint of spring, and
running across Bette Miller in
the Burd it was decided to find
out why she has a strong desire
to be a photographer and stuff.
Bette has the wanderlust and
likes to go places, she says, so
she decided to make it practical
or at least to provide an excuse
for following the birds south in
winter and vice versa. Result:
study of journalism on the side
with lots of photography so as to
be a news photographer and woftor
on PM or Life.
In the Beginning
It all started last summer when
Bette thought it was time to de
cide on something to help her
make a name for herself, so tak
ing a note on Toni Frissel and
Margaret Bourke White, darned
successful as news and advertis
ing photogs, she decided to do
Landscape and Structure
Landscapes and structural
shots are the most interesting to
Bette, but she also thinks she’d
like to do a bit of advertising
and women’s fashions. And best
of all, Bette believes, is the fact
that photography as a career nofe^
only offers new and interesting
experiences all the time but is an
avocation which is new enough to
promise greater things.
Scenery Time
Soon more people will be going
to the coast or mountains for
spring picnics, so don’t forget to
take your camera, as what is
more fun than an underexposed
shot of Jasper with his pants
rolled to his knees and him strug
gling across a creek with Matilda
clinging to him like a mustard
Was that when the lens fell
A new type of racket has put
in an appearance at Iowa state
college. A friendly stranger en- ▼
gages in a conversation with oth
er students and leaves his bags
in their room. Then he goes alone
to get the bags and in this case
took a typewriter and $20.