Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1942, Image 1

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Miss Jepson
To Talk Here
At Silver Tea
Miss Helen Jepson, singer, con
cert soloist, and star of the Met
ropolitan opera, will speak at a
silver tea in behalf of “Bun-*
dies for America” at the alumni
room, Gerlinger, Thursday at
Miss Jepson, who was here sev
eral years ago under the concert
series, is making “Bundles for
America” her main interest, ac
cording to Mrs. Mary E. Brockel
bank, chairman of the tea. Pro
ceeds <from the tea will go to the
local chapter of Bundles for
Singing at a concert at Cor
vallis tonight, Miss Jepson will
be in Eugene Thursday, then on
to Salem, where she will sing Fri
While here, she will be the
guest of Dr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Dr. Erb Hears
Dorm Group
Members of the. dormitory food
investigation committed met
Monday and Tuesday afternoons
with President Donald M. Erb to
discuss ways of conserving food
costs in their living organization.
Charles Lundquist, senior in
business administration, Hall
Simmons, sophomore in business
(administration, and Dick Elen
nett, sophomore in business ad
ministration met with President
Erb on Monday. Dan Mercer,
senior in architecture, met with
t^ group also at their Tuesday
The student group will meet
with Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed,
director of the dormitories, and
Miss Helen Goodenow, dietitian
for the dorms, at 4 o'clock Thurs
day afternoon to discuss further
improvements in dorm conditions
which have been suggested by
students living in the dorms.
Old Stuff
We would liked to have wrote on
the snow.
’Twould have made a good pome
as you know,
But the Ninth Army area
Would have had mass hysteria,
■%> we just had to let the thing'
go. —J.W.S.
. . . Bob Hasson, left, relieves Harry Gliclanan, center, and A1 Popicli
at the air raid tower atop the libe.
Ethereal Gazers Spy
More Than Cute Gals ,
Taking sunbaths in spring-like weather, huddling around a
couple cf heaters that don’t work in cold weather, or whistling
at coeds and playing cards in any kind of weather isn’t the
only thing that inhabitants of the observation post find to do,
in spite of indications to the contrary at times.
Vitally important since the recent bomb-scare, the observa
tion post has direct connection with the Eugene filter center in
the armory, where reports of
planes are sent.
Six men’s living organizations,
Chi Psi, Beta Theta Pi, Phi Kap
pa Psi, Theta Chi, Sigma Alpha
Mu, and Kirkwood Co-op are now
taking over the 24-hour shifts,
each house supplying two-man
Last Month
Living organizations running
up and down the ladders last
month were Sigma Alpha Ep
silon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Al
pha Tau Omega, Kappa Sigma,
and Phi Delta Theta.
In charge of the observation
post, under Dr. Luther S. Cress
man, head of the anthropology
department, is Bruce Hamby,
John Warren, and Lou Torgeson.
Only staff members are allowed
to brave the hazards of ladder
climbing, and no one else is al
lowed on the roof ox the library,
according to Dr. Cressman.
Even an air attack seems pos
sible after Monday’s coast shell
ing and the observers are al
ways on the look out for such
a possibility.
Since no civilian planes have
been allowed in the air, excepting
regularly scheduled transports
and mail planes, it is a near cer
tainty that the drone of a power
ful engine through the night sky
means a war plane in deadly ser
Whenever a plane is heard, or
seen in the daytime, a srnaM re
port blank, supplied especially for
the purpose, is filled out and the
information phoned in on the
post’s special wire to the filter
(Please turn to pacte cli/lit)
rWo*n,a+i rd. IaJqaIA . . .
Coeds to Elect
Chiefs Thursday
Three elections under one gavel will be held Thursday afc
11 a.m. in Gerlinger hall when officers for the AWS, WAA, and
YWCA will be nominated and elected by the assembled coed
population of the campus, according to Elizabeth Steed, presi
dent of the associated women students.
Nominations for the AWS election will be presented by the
senior members of the AWS cab
inet, following a rule inaugurat
ed last year. Other nominations
may be made from the floor, say
election officials.
Grade eligibility is to be
checked by phone as soon as
floor nominations are made.
Kwamas, sophomore women's ser
vice honorary, will be on hand to
pass out ballots at the door.
Positions open are president,
vice-presidertt, secretary, treas
urer, sergeant-at-arms, and re
porter. WAA and YWCA elec
tions will be held after the AWS
Officers of the AWS for this
year are Elizabeth Steed, presi
dent; Maxine Hansen, vice-presi
dent; Marge Dibble, secretary;
Nancy Riesch. treasurer;' Marge
Curtis, sergeant-at-arms; and
Barbara Lamb, reporter.
WAA officers are Hope
Hughes, president; Gertrude Pu
ziss, vice-president; Mary Ander
son, secretary; Virginia Bubb,
YWCA officers whose offices
expire at the end of the year are
Lois Nordling,. president; Abbie
Jane White, secretary, and Betty
Pratt, treasurer.
Silent Film
Almost Talks
A silent film that almost talks,
today’s educational activi
ties movie, “The Passion of Joan
of Arc,” is a culmination of many
silent techniques, a portent of
the talking- picture.
The film is largely made up of
enormous pictures of faces, sep
arated by dialogue titles. It is in
reality a gallery of living por
traits which drew forth tremen
dous acclaim and was hailed as a
"work of art” on its release in
The casting of the picture is
remarkable, especially for the
time the movie was filmed. Each
player was chosen and presented
as an individual in the real world
instead of as a famous and highly
paid favorite charmingly inter
<ricasc turn to page eight)
Summer Plan
Shows Gain
“Nearly every department of
the University will offer courses
during the summer sessions; the
principal exception is the- law
school,” Dr. Dan E. Clark, direc
tor of summer sessions, said
Tuesday. In past summer sessions
law had been offered but this year
it is eliminated because of a lack
of demand for law courses.
The summer sessions catalog
will be ready for distribution
about March 25 when interested'
persons may obtain copies.
Sled School
Students desiring to enter med
ical school or nursing will find
that numerous preparatory cours
es are obtainable. Mathematics'
will interest those who wish train
ing for the army and navy. A full,
schedule of social science courses
will be offered including econom
ics, geography, history, political,
science, psychology, and sociol
Arts, Letters
In arts and letters courses in
English, French, Spanish, and
German will be offered as in reg
ular sessions. The art school will
offer a variety of courses. The
physical education department
will offer an unusually large
range of courses for summer ses
The school of education will be
busy with a large number of
teachers. Many teachers will be
working for their high school
teacher's certificates.
Former summer sessions have
numbered as many as 900 stu
dents. Last summer's seessions'
enrolled 713 in the first and 323
in the second session. More cam
pus students than usual are ex
pected this year, but there may
possibly be a decrease in out off'
state students.
Dr. Clark stated that it is im
possible to estimate the numbers
at this time since no one knows
how war conditions will affect
During summer sessions school
will start at 7:30 a.m. with full
hour classes and 10 minute inter
(Please turn to page eight)
. . . Wingless Victory’s Mrs.
fieedU Mate *7ban a QaLlan, . . .
Cruelty Takes Subtle Form In 'Victory'
Cruelty in its most subtle form
will be the high point of the char
acters the Reverend and Mrs.
Phineas McQueston, played by
Adrian Martin and Pat Lawson in
the romantic drama, "The Wing
less Victory.”
Heads of a plotting ring to rid
Salem of Oparre, Nathaniel Mc
Questcn's bride, they display the
type of crue'ty that was typical
of the old Salem days of the 19th
The Reverend Phineas McQues
ton is one of the town leaders.
He shows clearly his hatred of
Oparre, and he tries through the
most subtle methods to make
Oparre, a stranger in a strange
land, unhappy.
Mrs. McQueston is a typical
wife of the puritanical era. Obed
The date of “The Wingless
Victory” has been changed
from March 1 to March 5 be
cause of the all-star basketball
game being played in McAr
thur court that night.
ient, acquiescent, complacent, and
good natured, she is wi ling to
believe that men are superior to
There is a display of East In
dian curios in the circulation sec
tion of the library. They were
loaned to the drama division by
Mrs. Paul Means and by Dr.
All those desiring tickets,
please call at the ticket office in
Johnson' hall sometime before
Fiiday as the tickets are selling
Salem, Massachusetts, the set
ting for the play, was originally
named Schemeccta, and later
changed to Scholem, or with the
English spelling Salem.
. for three days, a Maxwell
Anderson character.