Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1942, Image 1

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'Untimely Move'—
Frosh Activity Ban
All-Star 'A' Team
Announced Today
350 ‘Women SfriatUf . . .
Smarties to Party
With Mortar Board
In Gerlinger Tonight
More than 350 University coeds having GPAs of three-point
or better, will put away their pencils and pens, mark their
places in their textbooks, and turn off the midnight oil for
an hour tonight as they change from studious book-worms to
social butterflies to attend Mortar Board’s annual Smarty
Party dessert at 6:30 in Alumni hall of Gerlinger.
The feminine Phi Bete pros
pects will be entertained with a
humorous skit and musical num
bers. Elizabeth Steed, AWS presi
dent, will act as mistress of cere
monies. Billie Christensen, Mor
tar Board president; Hope
Hughes, Lois Nordling, and Helen
TAngell will assist Miss Steed.
Special guests are Mrs. Astrid
Williams, honorary member; Mrs.
Hazel P. Schwering, dean of wo
men; Mrs. Alice B. Macduff,
assistant dean of women; and Dr.
L. F. Beck, associate professor of
psychology, and Mrs. Donald M.
Erb, Mortar Board advisors.
Campus clothes are in order for
the affair.
Invitations were issued to the
coed intelligentzia during the
dinner hour at campus living or
ganizations last night. Those
having the necessary scholastic
-^erage inadvertently omitted
from the invitation list are urged
to attend.
Last year approximately 200
freshman women were similarly
honored for their intellectual
Girl Piggers
Invite Boys
Friday Night
The belles of Oregon balls will
turn beaus this Friday night,
with coeds on escort duty for the
Champagne Waltz. This reverse
dance, the first big girl-date-boy
affair of the year is backed by
Gamma Alpha Chi, national wo
men’s advertising honorary.
Gerlinger hall will be the set
ting, 9 to 12 p.m. the time, $1
the price of admission, and t'or
mals the attire.
Girls Walk Outside
Among other points for fem
inine attention, Chairman Mary
(Please turn to faijc eiijht)
Yell King Bids Due
Certificates of eligibility and
intention to run for yell leader
will be accepted at the educa
^ tional activities office until
noon Saturday, February 28,
according to word received late
last night from Jim Frost, first
vice-president of the ASUO.
See story page 3.
—Photo by Ken Christianson
. . . but Billie Christensen, Phyllis Collier, and Frances Cox
plan for more.
. . . by Betty Lou Brugman for Greek Tommy ttoblin and
Independent Chuck Boice.
Beecham, Symphony
Captivate Audience
“I understand,” said Sir Thomas, “that 10:30 is your bed
time, but perhaps if your elders and betters will allow, we
will have a little more music. ’ ’ So saving Sir Thomas Beecham
and the Seattle Symphony added the finishing touch, “Sere
naae oy uenus, to a notable con
cert evening.
With a hypnotic baton, he
accomplished the unbelievable
feat of holding a student audi
ence to McArthur court’s hard
bleachers during a two-hour pro
gram of the heretofore boring
Mr. Mozart and the little-known
modern artists.
The audience was well-behaved
with the exception of a lone coke
bottle echo which caused Sir
Thomas to turn his head. The
pauses between the Mozart sym
phony No. 38 in D major were
breathless with silence instead
of the usual scattered applause.
Perhaps the most effective per
formance was that of the "Chasse
Royal et Orage” by Berlioz. Sir
Thomas flung his baton like
Thor hurling thunderbolts in this
tone poem of a royal hunt and
a forest storm.
(Please turn to page three)
FAITH . , .
. . . portrayed by Fat Howard.
Dream Game
Stage Ready
A pipe dream that started in
the Emerald sportsroom burst
into a starry glow Wednesday
night,, March 4, when hand-picked
Independent and Greek basket
ball all-stars tangle in two tilts
with the funds going to aid the
student war effort.
The ticket drive starts today,
and all houses are expected to
go 100 per cent. Tickets sell
for 15 cents, Russ Hudson, di
rector, announced. The first. liv
ing organization to have a full
roll call at the game will re
ceive a silver cup.
Crow's Nest
"Crow’s nest” officiating will
get its previow on the UO cam
pus in the “B'' all-star game when
Keith Bannister and Ray Segale
call the infractions from some
where in the vicinity of the glass
backboards. This will be the first
time that this type of refereeing
will be tried on a court of the
magnitude of McArthur.
Halftime and between-game
entertainment are shaping up
spectacularly, Earl Russell de
clared, and we are going to be
hard put to take care of all of it.
Ted Hallock has arranged a hot
( Please turn to page seven)
Oil Well Hit
As President
Speaks to US
(Compiled from radio press
(See diagram page S)
For the first time in history an
enemy submarine intentionally
shelled the coast of the United
States last night at the same mo
ment that President Franklin D.
Roosevelt was making his radio
appeal to the American people
for an all-out offense effort
against the Axis powers.
The huge black messenger of
death from the land of the rising
sun, stood' a mile off the coast of
southern California and poured
at least 12 heavy shells into the
hills and canyons a few miles
north of Santa Barbara. The sub
blew up one oil-well pump, while
disbelieving natives gasped aw
geysers of sand and branches of
trees filled the twilight skies.
Their objective was apparently
the nearby oil refinery.
Citizens of the shelled area
were not prevented from hearing
their president speak, however,
as radio stations were not ordered
off the air until some time after
the speech. No deaths or injur
ies resulted from the attack.
The Iastj assault on U. S.
shores came during the first
world war, when a German
U-boat attacking barges off the
coast of Cape Cod, Maine, over
shot themselves and landed a few
hells along, tlufshore line, doing
little damage.
As the war drew nearer and
nearer to Home, with a capital
(Please turn tc fage eight)
Thomas Beecham
’Tweren't Beecham’s directing
The crowd was respecting,
We were just curious
To see the man furious.
Calling All Sailors
Commander R. E. Kerr, Unit
ed States navy, retired, will
speak to those interested in the
naval reserve tonight at 7:15 in
the faculty room of Friendly
See complete story page 8.
yVr in felanh 'Ue'iAe. . . .
'Victory’ Opens Friday
me wingless Victory by
Maxwell Anderson will be pre
sented February 27, 28, and
March 5. It is a rousing drama
cf a sea-going captain, who
through a voyage to the Malayan
islands, brings back a native
princess for a bride.
Written in simple, effective,
blank verse, the play turns to
the Puritanical Salem of the early
19th century for its setting.
‘Other Woman’
Pat Howard, playing the part
of Faith Ingalls, is the other
woman. In love with Nathaniel
McQueston before he leaves, she
is astounded at his bringing back
a bride from his voyage.
The box office is open and all
Those desiring- seats for the
play, “The Wingless Victory,”
should eall at Johnson hall, or
if they are season ticket hold
eds, call 3300, extension 2I(i, for
holders of season tickets should
call 3300, extension 216, for their
reservations. Those who wish,
choice seats should call at John
son hall in person for reserva
The cast includes: Kathleen
Daugherty. Adrian Martin, Jim
Bronson, Bob Farrow, Jean Per
son, Chuck Boice, Pat Lawson,
Pat Howard, Alan Foster, Magda
line Mola, Dick Turner, Dorothy
(Plcast' turn to payc ciylit)