Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1942, Page 6, Image 6

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    Summons Delivered
Charging Campus Coeds
T'.'.o long arm of the law school
last night knocked at the doors
of nearly 30 University coeds and
presented them with summonses
charging “breach of promise,”
“defamation of character," “al
ienation of affection,” and other
serious offenses.
Patrolman Jim Willcox, who
had the difficult task of making
the calls, was nearly overcome by
the subtle evasions, the subdued
fright, and the sudden change of
expressions to which he was ex
posed. Never before had he seen *
suck. obvious attempts to suppress
emotion. Cautious approaches
and puzzled faces. Questioning
eyes and faltering glances. Hes
itant speech and twitching fin
gets Yes, and bewildered, pale
faced housemothers.
Charge Made
“You’ve been char ged with vio
lating a city traffic ordinance.
You are to appear in circuit
court tomorrow at one o’clock to
answer charges.” the patrolman
in uniform told hi3 victims.
“Well—uh, what for?” respond
ed one girl, quite bewildered.
“ME?" replied another as she
wrinkled her nose.
“Say, what is this?" exclaimed
one student as she indignantly
took the summons from the offi
cer’s hand.
Most of the organizations on
the campus were approached dur
ing the dinner hour. Laughter
and talk suddenly tapered off.
Girls stopped eating to exclaim,
“Hey, the law,” “Isn’t that an of
ficer?” or to whisper, “What has
she done?”
Some of the older girls wore
a knowing smile, for they had
previously become acquainted
with the law school’s method of
delivering invitatipns to their
biggest social event of the year,
the winter formal dance to be
held tonight.
Wesley House Party
“The Little Red Schoolhouse”
will be the theme of Wesley
house’s Friday night party this
Pie auctions, games and other
similar entertainment will be
features of this spree, which be
gins at 8 p.m. Louise Rickabaugli
and Roy Smith are in charge of
the program, and Margie Robin
son is refreshment chairman.
So deliglit
* Roses
* Gardenias
* Carnations
* Camelias
* Orchids
»>iaall, larga
For the many liouse danees ani
v\ i111 an eye l'or Valentine > l>a\
send a delightful eursajie.
$1.25 and up
Eugene Flower Home
'hone Go4 Patterson and 13th Streets
J.t't us ail work us haVil to win this war
us Abraham Lincoln strove to save his
country onee before. If we pull together
it eun be done. lioll up your sleeves now
ami let’s sail in.
Advance Given
By Educators
Superintendents H. B. Ferrin
of Cottage Grove and Homer J.
Dixon of Junction City enumer
ated ways of securing teaching
jobs at the school of education’s
junior faculty meeting Tuesday.
The speakers referred especial
ly to interviews, letters of appli
cation, preparation, and experi
Although the prospective teach
er should not “grill” the superin
tendent, he should be encouraged
to ask him about the type of
program the school is sponsoring,
advised Mr. Ferrin. The Cottage
Grove man also urged that teach
ers visit the prospective school
and community before signing a
contract, and emphasized person
al appearance to be of outstand
ing importance.
Students who feel themselves
to be “jacks of all trades,” do not
impress Mr. Ferrin, who would
rather the prospect identify him
self with fewer jobs well done.
Letters of application, accord
ing to Mr. Dixon, should contain
the following information in this
order of importance: (1) co-cur
ricular experiences in college, (2)
adequate preparation in teaching
fields, (3) Normal-school train
ing (preferred even with high
school teachers), (4) grades, but
not as all-important, for knowl
edge of adolescence and ability to
work with pupils should also he
counted, (5) does the individual
finish what he starts? (6) con
duct patterns, (7) is he frank—
will he admit that he is not ca
pable of doing a certain thing?
These letters should be sent to
the superintendent, not the school
The men also emphasized that
recommendations should be from
good sources, should be written
honestly and intelligently, and
should avoid trite expressions
such as “by and large,” “Although
not brilliant,” “generally speak
ing,”- etc. In place of such ex
pressions, specific examples of
activities in class, how problems
were met, and accurate data tend
better to identify the student.
The speakers suggested that
the University teacher-training
program could be improved by
keeping the young candidates as
close to teaching and learning in
the secondary schools as possible,
because there may be a tendency,
despite methods classes, to re
enter secondary schools and lec
ture in the manner of a Univer
sity professor to grade school
Superintendents Dixon and
Ferrin did not agree with a criti
cism which has been directed
against education graduates;
namely, that they were not able
to supplement the textbook with
rich illustrative source material.
Ducklings meet OSC Rooks in
Igloo tonight.
Get Your
Valentine Gift
from a large
selection of
40 E. Brdv 769 W. 6th
Ex-Student to Interview
Future Marine Officers
Lieutenant Maurice J. Kelly,
XL S. marine corps and former
student, will visit the campus
February 13 and 14 to interview
applicants for the officer’s train
ing school at Quantico, Virginia.
Lieutenant Kelly was graduat
ed from the University last June
and then enlisted in the marines.
Roy N. Vernstrom, staff sergeant
in the Portland public relations
office reports that Edward J.
Green, another of his former fel
low students, is now at the ma
rine “boot” camp in San Diego
with hopes of entering the signal
corps on completion of his train
Frosh-Rook Cage
(Continued from pane four)
ington high. Len and A1 Popick
of the Frosh teamed with Wen
dell Weatherly while prepping at
Lincoln high.
Jim Finlay, Rooks, and Royal
Denton, Frosh both hail from
Roseburg high, and Marion Regi
hato, Rooks, and Bob Erlandson,
Frosh, played together at Klam
ath Falls high.
A Portrait
And This Time
Make It
Delicious, fresh, hand-dipped candies of all kinds
in attractive gift boxes of all sizes and prices.
Gives you
£3 E. Broadway
Phone 4128
Protection, Too
On the land, it s the ARMY. On the sea, it's
the NAVY. In Eugene it’s the NORTHWEST
CITIES GAS COMPANY which offers you all-out ■+
protection. Always striving for a new goal of help
tul service, it lias achieved a position as a community
Its growth has corresponded with that of the
1 niversity. and the use of its facilities on the campus
lias resulted in mutual benefit.