Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1942, Page 5, Image 5

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    V hat will it be, swimming or basketball? This weekend will
provide a four-ring sport program between Oregon and Oregon
State in swimming and basketball. On the docket are freshman
and varsity swimming, and the same in basketball. It goes
something like this. Friday you might drop up to the Igloo and
watch the Ducklings and Kooks fight it out in the second of
their four-game war. In all fairness we should warn you that
Warren's Ducklings will probably get beat by three points.
Saturday if you plan on going over to Corvallis to see the
game we suggest that you go early so that you can catch the
freshman tank meet in the morning and the varsity splash
in the afternoon.
Plenty of Swimming
How do things stack up? The frosh mermen will be out to
» reap a bit of revenge for a beating two weeks ago when the
Kooks dunked them in a close meet—the margin of victory
coming on the last race, a relay. As for the varsity meet—we
look for the Beavers to do a lot of swimming in vain. The
aqua-1 lucks should practically drown the OSC lads.
Of course the Staters have the advantage of their own
tank and if we can believe everything they say, it will
make a lot of difference. After getting water splashed in
their faces all the time during the last meet, the Beavers
went back to Corvallis screaming that the Oregon tank was
too short and that the sides were too slippery.
The column can’t help but think what the score would have
been if Mike Iloyman hadn’t lost Cub Callis and Bob Irvin
"Civil War" Saturday
What about the “civil war" Saturday night, you ask. Well
brother, my hopes will go with the Ducks but my other clean
shirt would go on the Beavers. Any small thing might decide
the game. The last four games between the two clubs *ha\a
been too close for anyone to become brave and try to pick a
winner. The record book shows that after Oregon had walked
"^Ttver the Beavers in the first game last year, 41 to 31. tliev
barely scraped by in the second, 3G to 35 on the strengtl
of Ilanlc Anderson’s late prayer shot. The next one went tf
th(> Beavers on Valenti's foul shot, 24 to 23. Oregon grabber
the last one 37 to 36. Add to that the 47 to 35 last-second wii
this year and if you feel like picking a winner go ahead.
The game Saturday night will be a toughie. It will be
as hard a game as Oregon will have this year. John Mandic
has regained the form that had the experts raving earlier
in the season. The Beavers are very much at home in their
own little “cracker box” they call a gym. The one dark
spot for the OSC lads is the doubt concerning whether
Paul Valenti will be out of the infirmary in time to play.
^Right now he’s having a tussle with a few influenza germs.
A Legend or hour Losses
I'm not one to doubt the word of the Oregonian’s sports
editor, L. H. Gregory. Mr. Gregory lias said that since the
founding of the Northern division conference back in 1923 no
team has won the crown with more than four losses. The “Dope
Book” that is issued by the University says that *in 1937-38
Washington State, Oregon, and Washington tied for first with
eleven wins and five losses. Technically, Mr. Gregory is still
right as his statement says that no team has won with more
than four losses and I guess a team hasn't won the title if there
are two other teams tied with them. That could be disputed,
however. Incidentally, the Cougar won it that year and then
for three years a Washington team didn’t get a smell of the
title till Washington State ran off with it last year.
Pot Shots
We hear that Ilank Anderson is doing a bit of all right with
his basketball tutoring at Baker. Wonder if lie's teaching the
boys that corksrew shot of his. Heaven help the other hard
working coaches if he is.
Denver’s bolting from the Big Seven conference left
lots of sports writers in that section with a good many
nasty adjectives to spit out.
Denver to that conference is what the southern schools are
to Oregon. A place where you can take a team and get a decent
amount of money out of it because of the large stadium and
good crowds. One writer wrote very nicely about a Utah tttate
Dtuiver basketball game, saying, “The Buffs pbiyed a nice
game, holding Utah State to 53 points while they were ringing
up 35.’’ While writing my last column I must have gone to
sleep or either the linotype operator threw in a “State" too
"•much. It was an Oregon supporter, not and Oregon Stater, who
hooked the Oregon State warmup. And I still warn you, better
bring it back—Oregon may come back from Corvallis without
any warmups at all.
it m
1 Splailtd 04t . . . jack (lokUtAjost I
He swept the 100, 220, and 440-yard free
style races at the Oregon-Oregon State meet.
He's well built and has blond curly hair.
What’s his name?
Sure, lie’s Jack Robin:on, Oregon’s amaz
ing sophomore dista. ee swimmer. Would you
like to meet him?
Jack conies from Caldwell. Idaho, and left
behind a trail of records in that state. He
came to Oregon because he wauled to swim . . .
and, believe you me, that's what lie’s doing.
Had Sloppy Stroke
Records or no records, Jack was far from a
finished product when he came here last year.
His stroke was sloppy, his kick was off. The
varsity swimmers laughed at the freshman
who slapped the water with his hands and
called him “Jack Rabbit’’ Robinson. In fact,
they all agreed that he was one of the loudest
swimmers they had ever heard.
With a fighting heart and under the
eyes of Coach Mike Hoyman, the lad from
Idaho splashed onward. “Last year he
changed everything but my kick and this
year he changed that, ’ ’ the swimmer who
scored 15 points at the OSC meet said.
Jack, many believe, will become one of the
outstanding distance men ever to enter Ore
gon. He's flashed through the 220-yard free
style in 2:17 and has taken the 440 in 5:08.
Lugs Oil Barrels
During the summers at Caldwell Jack keeps
fit by wrestling barrels for an oil company
and by swinftning.
Regarding Saturday’s coming dip with
the Beavers he predicted without hesita
tion, “We’ll take it in a breeze.” But, as
all of the others, he’s looking for faster
times also.
It has been rumored that Jack is planning
to write a book in collaboration with one of
his professors and that he has received offers
from Hollywood but to these he says, “No.”
Fijis, PiKaps,
Grab ’A’ Tilts
The Beta “A”s hit their high
water mark, ripping through an
outclassed Gamma hall club, 38 to
11, while the ATOs really came
on in the second half to swamp
Omega hall, 42 to 19. The Fijis
overcame the Sig Eps in a vicious
battle, 22 to 18, and Campbell re
captured a lead they had lost to
Sherry Ross hall to triumph, 21
to 18. The windup games of the
“A” league gave the SAEs a 36
to 7 rout of the Phi Psis, and the
PiKaps a 22 to 10 lacing over the
luckless Canard clubmen.
A smart looking, smooth work
ing Beta aggregation got from
under the wire in a hurry and
ran up 18 points, before the Gam
ma men dented the cords. Jim
Rathbun was unveiled as Beta
big gun for the afternoon, pow
ering 14 markers into the net,
most of them made in the first
half. Jim “Nookie” Newquist
took over in the second half, also
hitting for 14. But the slick Beta
teamwork was the thing that be
fuddled the hallmen. The count
was 20 to 2 at the half.
Betas Hit .500 Average
The Betas put in their shock
troops in the second half to let
Gamma pull the score tighter at
* 23 to 10, but the varsity came
back to hit with a flurry of bas
kets near the end to make it 38
to 11. A1 Peterson made 8 of the
Gamma points and galloped with
the Betas, but he had nonde
script support. Every Beta point
was made on field goals, and they
canned a near .500 per cent of
their attempts.
The first half of the ATO
Omega hall game was close and
tight, but Omega pulled their
usual “floperoo” in the second
and the Taus ran away with an
easy win. The fast break of both
clubs made action fast, but the
hall men tired from the hot
pace, and it was soon ail ATO.
Ralph Dunn kept the scoring
leadership of the “A” league
tanking- 19 points. Vic Collin
bagged 9 to complete the main
Tau scoring.
The Omegans kept astride at
first with Don Jones dropping 10
in, and Kenny Inahara playing
a fast floor game to give the
seemingly sluggish ATOs an an
xious moment. But the second
half was a Tau track meet.
Fijis Gallop On
A scrapping Fiji band over
came an early Sig Ep lead and
ground out a hard carved 22 to
18 win. The SPEs led 11 to 9 at
halftime, but the Fiji galloping
tactics slowly wore down the
crippled Sig Eps. Rough play
flared in spots, and feeling was
intense throughout the contest.
Battling Bill McKevitt was a Phi
Gam firebrand, leaping way up
to snare rebounds and crowding
10 markers through the cords.
Six foot 4 inch Hank Voderberg
flipped the tie breaking bucket
and played a rugged floor ball for
Fiji. The hard-trying Sig Eps had
Bill Mayther and Maury Salomon,
both with stellar play in defeat.
Sherry Ross hall kept their
stained record intact, once
more losing, this time to the
Campbell clubmen, 21 to 18.
Campbell jumped way in front
on 9 points by “Nobbsy” Mor
ris, but the hallmen shifted to
a fast break offense and over
took them, getting in front, 14
Oregon*# Emerald
Sports* Staff
Fred Treadgold
Wally Hunter
Erling Erlandson
Tommy Mayes
Nancy Lewis
Bill Stratton
Virginia Wells
June Hitchcock
Jean Frideger
Harry Glickman
Joe Miller
to 13, at the end of the third
quarter. Oly Kigo, former St.
Mary’s frosh flash panzered
through the Campbell defense
to count 10 markers.
But, unaccustomed to being in.
front, they slowed down and the
clubmen tied' it up with seconds to
go at 18-all. They got the ball,
and Bob Signer arched a gar
gantuan shot that earned the $64
question. Somebody hit a foul
shot for them, and it ended 21 to
Roblin Guns in PiKap Win
The Canard club held Tommy
Roblin in the first half, but using
a few tactics he picked up on the
gridiron last fall, he bulled his
way clear and got in the open to
notch 12 points to lead the Pi
(Please turn to page seven)
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