Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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    rkJltafci 2)<u*tr
9n the AWS
It’s a women’s world . . . watch
their Heart Hop on February 10.
Highlights of the week . . . .
Dean of Women Maris and AWS
cabinet from Oregon State ar
rivin’ here today to visit sister
cabinet . . . Dean Maris will in
formally speak at Chapman at 4
on Personality . . . banquet and
fireside’s being planned by Eliza
beth “Steedie” Steed as evening’s
entertainment for the guests. . . .
Things to Come . . . Heart Hop
February 10 . . . Betty Kincaid
named by Lois Nordling as hop
The piquant beauty of the but
terfly and the carefree madness
of its flight... yours. In these
scampering Hoolygan Kicks by
Paramount. You must see them.
* Thru the Week
* On Friday
You will enjoy
our fine quality
Sea Foods
Phone 2309
Fish Market
39 East Broadway
chairman . . . dance from 2 to
5:30 in the afternoon ... at four
sorority houses . . . and a GIRL
DATE BOY affair.
Women in Defense . . . another
big week . . . Kwama members
are getting a headquarters for
Red Cross work established on
the campus ... at Chapman hall
. . .' there will also be instructors
for knitting and sewing on hand
. . . Phi Thetas are in charge of
the sewing materials . . . Kwamas,
Words of the Week . . . Marge
Dibble, “I wish the Phi Thetas
would have more ice skating par
ties. A few more times and I’ll”
. . . Marge Curtis and Rohda
Harkson, “And how many refu
gees can you take in, madam?”
. . . Lois Nordling and Betty Kin
caid, “The Heart Hop will be the
best yet” . . . Nancy Riesch,
“You should have been to the Phi
Theta assembly last week,” but
Carolyn Holmes says, “My fresh
man asked me if it was ‘repu
sory’ to go it it” . . .
And still it is a women’s
world. Barbara Lamb.
Announcement has been made
of the engagement of Miss Paul
ine Ewan, junior in physical edu
cation, and William Hobart of
Tacoma. Miss Ewan, also of Ta
coma, is a member of Alpha Omi
cron Pi. No date has been set for
the wedding.
WO l/Ua+ne+i
9*t ^bejenie
Now that all the gals’ houses
have decided to be patriotic and
buy bonds, to help win the war,
the next big problem is how to
find the necessary money to pur
chase said bonds, so the whole
thing becomes a sort of What
Can - We - Give - Up - Now
week that will end, we hope, in
lots of money for bonds.
Some houses are giving up des
serts, both the ice-cream at the
end of every meal and the food
eaten at exchange desserts. Oth
er houses are giving up their *
house dances, or having radio
dances instead of formals. The
Down-With-Desserts group in
cludes the Kappas, the ADPis,
the Alpha Gams, the Alpha Os,
Highland house, and University
house. The Pi Phis, Susie, and the
Sigma Kappas are not having
formal house dances winter term.
Especially violent knitters are
the Gamma Phis, who made 14
sweaters, according to the legend,
Hilyard house, the Pi Phis, and
University house. Orides collect
ed over 80 sweaters for a Bun
dle for Britain drive.
Some of the houses are mak
ing other contributions toward
defense. The Alpha Gams are
saving tinfoil, metal tubes, and
paper; the Alpha Os are making
their own dance programs to save
money that can be spent for de
Finger-Tip Length
Camel Tan Fleece
Reversible for
Spring Weather
Smart fleeces with equal
ly smart gabardine on
the “weather” side. Be
smart and sensible at the
same time.
Reversible Goats
Corduroy rents in finger-tip lengths, with
water repellent poplin on the reverse side.
• *
fense; Hendricks and the Dee
Gees are sewing for the Red
Cross; the Thetas are taxing
themselves for money for bonds;
the ZTAs are asking each girl to
buy defense stamps and all the
upperclassmen in the Alpha Xi
Delta house have signed up to
work in the filter center, and
they have midnight to 6 "San.
shift Sunday morning.
—Mary Ann Campbell.
WASHABLE rayons and
cottons, these are exciting
new fashions with gaiety,
c o 1 o r a n dy originality.
Made in plain color, small
or Hawaiian prints, yon
will love them for wear in
the “house,” on campus,
or for afternoon.
son. Nelly Don, Joyce Hu
bute and Martha Man
ning. Sizes for juniors,
regulars and petite half
$2.25 - 2.75
20-30 East Broadway
Shopping the Town
And you’re out^
for a big evening. <
Chen Yu 1-2-3,
will make for a
Mystifyin’ Manicure to go with
your new formal. The lacqueral
goes on first, to make for
smoth polish applying. Next pol
ish in those marvelous Chinese
shades. Then a coat of the new
Chip-Chek, which cuts drying
time, and makes your manicure
last longer without chipping. At
MILLER’S for $1.50 plus tax.
Stuff . . .
The miracle
crepe swansglow
blouse from
would really be a practical pur
chase. Just right to wear under
your suit for a little dressiness,
yet plain enough to look well
with your sport suit. What’s
more it’s washable! In blue,
gold, rose, white, red, green—in
short sleeves for $2.25 and long
sleeves for $3.25. On the main
Budget Bliss ...
If you’re yearning for a new
dress but your pocketbcok just
won’t stand it, PENNEY’S
$2.98 prints will make you hap
py. Styles to wear under your
coat now and to pop off to class
in—come the sunshiny days. For
example: a red two-piece dress
with a polka dot design. The
skirt is pleated all around. The
blouse is worn on the outside,
jerkin style ... a shirt style col
lar and short sleeves . . . all
make for a good buy.
Gal's Pal..
Jane I r w i 11,
who makes those
sweaters “de
signed to be lived
ixi, xxcio aaucu cl xav> w
to her creations. A new rein
forced sleeve fashioning to pro
vide for any tug-o-war you put
your sweater to. Made of im
ported wool, these sweaters
really look hand-knit—-and only
cost you $2.98 at the BROAD
WAY. They come in pink, aqua-,'
white, yellow, and blue.
* * *
a' Flutter. J
Dorothy Gray’s,
new Flutter Per
T UlVilUiiV
IQ Ull 111
trimmin’s and would make a
nice gifty come February 14.
A heart-shaped sachet for your
hanky box and the tiny bottle
of perfume in a celluloid case all
for the price for $1.50 at the
TIFFANY - DAVIS cosmetics
$ * *
Party Girl..
Have you
glanced at the
winter term so
cial calendar of
late? What with
house dances, the Triad, the
Military ball, and Gamma Al
pha Chi, you’re going to be
busier than two bees puttin’ the
B on the B.F. You’d better start
early to find that new formal
and BEARD’S is the place to
start. One beautjus numbah is
made with a white silk jersey
blouse draped across the front,
with gatherings down the front
and at the sides of the blouse
This skirt is made of paper taf
etta with a white flower print
on a green background. A flow
er with beaded center and of the'1
sam ematerial as the skirt is on
the right shoulder of the blouse.
Short sleeves and much swish
for $17.95.