feooJ&i 04 Q4444A? Obecjost Ji/tuAi ^beciab JpOR the first time in over 23 years the University of Oregon is op erating under war conditions^ The peace that followed “the.war to end all wars” ended, for the United States of America, on December 7, 1941. Since that day the black clouds have steadily acquired a darker hue. And the only silver lining lies in the fact that Americans are not only dis couraged—they’re mad. * * # ^JOLLEGE students, perhaps more than any other class of Amer icans, have been the victims of that vicious pair, “Old Man Gloom” and “War Nerves.” For no other group of Americans are so directly affected, as a group, as the college student. It has disrupted his plans, destroyed his most Cherished dreams. To a certain extent: that is true of all American youth but especially is it true of the college group. And the war tever invades even the campus itself. Air raid wardens have been appointed from the faculty to patrol the campus, with the aid of deputized students. Myriad, defense councils are set up under a unified command to take care of many pos sible emergencies—not in Hawaii, the Philippines, or Singapore, but right here on the University of Oregon cam pus. Committees to fight fires, ad minister first aid, clear the campus of debris, rescue persons trapped in bombed buildings, provide food and clothing for students whose residences have been destroyed, establish and maintain communications in spite of raids, set up first aid stations and emergency hospitals, and to dissem inate information have been set up and are now operating. Yes, on the University of Oregon campus. * * * DUT in other, perhaps more import ant ways, the Avar has invaded the campus. Innumerable proposals, de signed to shorten the length of time between enrollment in the University and graduation, have been made. Sev eral are being seriously considered. One proposal would send Oregon stu dents trooping to classrooms six days a week instead of the customary five. Another would lengthen the class periods to one hour, instead of the present 50 minutes, starting classes at 7 :30 in the morning. Under this pro posal the first class period would be from 7:80 a.m. until 8:30, the next from 8 :40 to 9 :40. etc. Still another proposal would cut out the vacation between winter and spring term, moving graduation day approximately one week closer. An other proposal would put the Uni versity on a four terms a year basis. In other words, a regular term of school would be offered during the summer months instead of the short summer and post sessions which have been offered in the past. * * # ^5^1iL of these proposals are fairly obvious ways of shortening the average student's school days. It doesn't take a master mind to figure out that it students go to school four terms a year instead of three that they will graduate in three years instead of tour. Also if a student, signed up for 15 hours of class work each week, actually spends 15 hours a week in class instead of the 12 hours and dO minutes he now spends, more material can he presented to him during any particular day, week, month, or school year. Furthermore, if.classes are held six days a week, instead of five, the class can cover more ground than is possible at present. It is not difficult to figure out ways that the school year could be con densed and shortened. It is compara tively easy to plan how it would be possible for professors to load more work on their students. The question is, “Can the educational process be speeded up without making a lower ing of educational standards neces sary?” “How much ‘laming’ can be crammed down a student’s throat?” There are, no doubt, many students woh would take the sped-up program in their stride. A little more midnight oil burned, a little bit darker circles under the eyes during exam week, a few more pounds of superfluous flesh lost, would be the only noticeable dif ference. Bu twould the majority be able to thus adjust themselves to tak ing their education in concentrated form? And what of those who didn’t make the adjustment? JN a military campaign, a general must, before attacking a particular point, deckle on two major questions: “What will it cost in manpower and materials to capture that point?” and “Is that point of sufficient strategic, military importance to warrant the expenditure of that much manpower and materials?” This situation is much the same. The University administration and the State Board of Higher Education are the high command. These serious times have thrust new, more serious questions upon the high officials of the State System of Higher Educa tion, who already were faced with problems of gargantuan proportions. They it is who must decide, “Which plan or plans will accomplish the nec essary end with the least sacrifice?” i¥ * 'j^'TTERE can be little question that some sort of speed-up would be desirable. Even under the best possible circumstances far too many young American men will be unable to fin ish their education before their coun try calls. There is both an immediate and long-time advantage from the point of view of national good in a man having finished his college train ing before he is needed in the armed forces. The immeditae advantage lies in the increased value of such a man to a nation at war. Such a man is fitted for a position of leadership and it is leaders rather than the rank and file that the nation desperately needs. The long-time advantage to the na tion lies in the problem of national re adjustment to the period of peace. Eew can doubt that the United States will face more gigantic problems of economic, social, and political re adjustment as soon as the war is over than ever before in American history. It is imperative that the nation then have a sizeable body of citizens, who are trained along broad educational lines—a body of citizens who will have some conception of why the problems arose, who Mill have some idea how to cope with such problems. # * & rJpiIAT the University program will be sped up seems highly probable. How it will be done is quite another question. Perhaps none of the methods already proposed will be adopted. Per haps several will be. Each has its own drawbacks and faults. The six clay week proposal would undoubtedly put a ranch heavier load on the student. One more day of class each week, one less day in which to catch up back asignments or get ahead on future ones. The same ob jection could be raised against the 60-minute class hour program. And the suggestion to abandon spring va cation could be argued against, with perhaps less validity, on the grounds that students need that rest period. From the point of view of the stu dent the four terms a year suggestion is probably the most satisfactory. But there again certain students need the summer months to earn money for the rest of the year. However, accord ing to present proposals, the setup would be such that a student could start school any term. Thus if it were necessary for a student to drop out for one term he could do so and come back the next term. Thus he would be no worse off than he would have been under the three-term system and those students who could go to school throughout the entire year would be much ahead. i* # # 'JpHE main sticker in the four-terms a year proposal is a financial one. Just how the state system would finance such an extra term and. ob tain additional faculty members for the four-term setup is not quite clear. But perhaps that hurdle could be cleared. One thing is certain. The days ahead are not going to be pleasant for anyone. President Roosevelt, him self, has warned that sacrifices will be required of all. Strange and un usual words from the head of the wealthiest democracy in the world. Many have suggested that a curtail ment or complete elimination of the University social schedule would be in order. Perhaps the strangest fact of all is that such suggestions have come from students themselves and they weren’t bookworms either. President Erb has already indicated that in his opinion a curtailment of social activ ities is-n logical step. It is obvious that if the school program is to be sped up, students must study more in order to keep up. The time for that extra study has to come from some place. Where else could it come from other than the social activities? m * * URTHERMORE, many students will have an extra load during the next few months or years. Those who are taking part in the civilian defense program will find strange, new duties to take.up a large share of their time. President Erb has warned that there will be no lowering of educational standards because of such drains on the students’ time. ‘‘They can’t eat their cake and have it too,” he said. Even as some shout, “Shorten the school year. Shoot the students through and get them ready for mili tary service,” others are advising, “Add practical courses to your cur ricula—courses that will train stu*. dents for the defense effort. Add navi gation. topography, army and navy accounting, m i 1 i t a r v photography, etc., etc.” There is little question that there is a need for some such courses. How many such courses are actually needed is a serious problem. Some work in such courses is already offered in courses now on the schedule such as geology, geography, ousmess account ing, etc. * * * pRESIDENT Erb has already prom ised that the University is “going to do some of that” although he lias expressed a doubt concerning the ad visability of “cluttering up a Univer sity curricula with a lot of credit courses in little specialties." An at tempt will be made however, he protfn ised. to add those courses which the army and navy offices really wish added to the schedule. Such programs are also being car ried out in other Universities. The University of California has prepared a “national service list of courses re lated to war needs” from their pres ent curricula. Each student is required' to take one course from that list each semester. # # # JJOWEVER, Dr. Erb has pointed out that the war department ^ expressed a desire that the univeiK' sities and colleges supply students who are “broadly trained.” It is mani festly impossible for an ordinary uni versity or college to turn out men trained in all the special subjects which they will need while in military service. War department heads have expressed a desire that institutions of higher learning devote themselves to turning out students with good, gen eral educational background and leave the specialties to the special schools intended for that purpose. That does not mean that certain courses will not be added but it does cast doubt on the necessity for a large number of highly specialized courses. And so, the University, its students, faculty, and administration, girds it self for war. The University has its place in the war program as definitely as any institution in the nation. And each student, each faculty member, has his place in the program like the tiny parts in a mighty, well-oiled machine. It is a grim job ahead.—II.0. JleA, Peiit&L B if}owe By CONNIE AVERILL While we can’t hope to HARMONize with your customary columnist, not being the dirt-digging type by nature, a gal’s technique comes in handy at times if for nothing else than wrangling tidbits past the censor. Yes, yes, this war is getting mighty close to home when we find, at the risk of disclosing coveted military secrets to our Nipponese brethren, that there will^ ^ be no more pleasure trips to Skinners butte nor in the vicinity of the rather less romantic reservoir. What we want to know is how our secret Gestapo, DON LEMONS, found out1; Dear Whiz, but wasn’t Christmas vaca tion a Cupidic spree ? Three AOPis re turned to the campus wearing the latest thing in engagement rings: FRANCES JOHNSTON, Alpha Chi pledge, took CLINTON CHILDS’ SAE pin on the train coming back; GOLDIE PUZISS greeted the New Year wearing LEN BARDE’S Sammy pin; and we’d like to meet the Santa Clauses responsible for the dia monds sported by Alpha Chis MILODENE GOSS and BARBARA TODD. Stranger than fiction is the becoming ly bashful attitude of Phi Delts DICK ' CARLTON and DOC HAYES. They insist they “don’t know a thing” about what'3P> going on around the campus. WILL REYNOLDS, ATO, planted his jewelry on Gamma Phi JANE FURROW. (Please turn to page three)