PC P*GE 2: The GPA Counts For Activities t t, PAGE 4: ?! The U of W Huskies Are Plenty Husky VOLUME XLIII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1942 NUMBER 53 UO Defense Plans Boom Bacot Plans Extra Group For New A Fairs Forums THREE BELLS AND ALL'S WELL '—Photo by Kay Sohriek All may be well, but it’s still plenty cold in the air tower atop the libe as the wee small morning hours roll around. Don Ellingson, left, and Clinton Childs are two of many guards who give their time to keep the watch for nearby planes, friend or foe. Their story of the “night watch’’ as told to Emerald reporters at 3 a.m. yesterday is reported below. Three BellsandAllls_ Well What’s Going On ^ By JACK BILLINGS “Don’t shoot! Our eyes aren’t slanted, oee?” There they cowered, close against the outside wall of an elevator shaft, in the glare of a flashlight, the managing editor with a speed graphic grasped in a shaking fist, the reporter with a small notebook clenched between chattering teeth. Each was pointing to his occi dental^ arched optics. But that’s almost the end of the story. Let’s start at the begin BALL HEAD Emerson Page is newly-ap pointed chairman of the annual Senior Ball. The ball, scheduled for McArthur court January 31, will be the first all-campus for mal of the year. Page was ap pointed Tuesday by Pat Lawson, senior class president. ^Two New Pledges Gregory Olney was pledged by Phi Sigma Kappa and Robert A. Johnson by Delta Upsilon, re ported the dean of men’s office. ning. Once there was a photographer with ideas and a reporter who thought he liked excitement. One night, after the paper was all put to bed and tucked in, the photog rapher decided he wanted to get some pictures of a real live ob servation post. The nearest one appeared to be on top of the University library. Adventure Beckons But of course the photographer and reporter couldn’t just walk up and say, “Hold it, boys’’ and shoot_ the pictures. That was too easy. They had to do it the hard way. They had to sneak up and “shoot ’em’’ when they weren’t looking. So, at 2:30 a.m. they kissed the pressman good night and set off through the street-lightless fog to blaze new trails. Two-forty five found them at the rear of the library, barking shins and things, looking for the fire es cape leading to the roof. With the speed graphic loaded, primed and cocked, the photographer led the way up a shaky step ladder which made dubious connection with the fire escape. Remembering that two hands were better than one the report er mouthed his notebook and as (Please turn to page three) Faculty Men To Augment Discussions Plans are under way for a series of study groups to supple ment the recently announced cur rent affairs forums, Dan Bacot, executive secretary of the forums and of the campus YMCA, re vealed last night. The study groups will meet Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes day, following the forums. Group members will discuss material of fered in the forums, and faculty members will offer additional ideas. Stenographic reports of the forums will be made by Janet Wagstaff and Mary Peck, and study group members will base their discussions on the steno graphic reports, Bacot said. Study groups will meet in the YMCA hut. An experimental forum will take place at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 207 Chapman. Topic will be “The World We Want Tomor row.” Plan Erb Talk It is planned to secure Univer sity President Donald M. Erb tc speak on “Education and Peace” (Please turn to page eight) Petition Date Looms In ASUO Job Offer Would-be secretaries of the ASUO must have their peti tions submitted to the educa tional activities office in Mc Arthur court before 5 p.m. today, according to Lou Tor geson, ASUO president. Candidates for the position will be interviewed by the ex ecutive committee at 4 p.m. Thursday, Torgeson said. A vacancy in the committee was created when Bette Mor fitt, elected secretary-treasur er last spring, was graduated at the end of fall term. • NAMED BY F.D.R. •z- ><* ymY. i ii wnftat President Roosevelt Monday named Dean Wayne L. Morse as a member of a 12-man war labor board to adjust labor disputes for the duration of the war emer gency. Dean Morse is now in San Francisco carrying out duties in connection with his position as Pacific coast maritime labor mediator. Dean Morse Gains Post Wayne L. Morse, dean of the law school, was yesterday ap pointed to a 12-man war labor board empowered with the au thority to impose final arbitra tion upon disputants in any la bor - management controversies that might interfere with contin uous production of war materials. The defense mediation board, of which Dean Morse was a mem ber, was displaced by executive order creating the new board. It will absorb all the functions of the old board and most of its members. Makes Own Rules If necessary, the board may use mediation, voluntary arbi tration. or arbitration under its own rules to effect a settlement. However, the executive order pro vided a procedure for settling disputes that might interrupt vi tal war industry work 1. The parties at issue shall resort first to “direct negotia tions or to the procedures pro vided in a collective bargaining agreement.” 2. Failing to achieve settlement < Please turn to pac/e eii/ht) Campus Split Into Eight Raid Areas Plans for defense of the Uni versity of Oregon campus have now been nearly cofnpleted, ac cording to Dr. Earl M. Pallett, executive secretary. Dr. Pallett, who was recently appointed air raid warden for the campus by the Lane county de fense council, reported Monday that the campus had been divid ed into eight defense districts. Two assistant air raid wardenn have been appointed to be respon sible for each district in time oi air raid. District A, which includes the University press, health service, pool, heating plant, and exten sion building, will be under the direction of Robert C. Hall, as sociate professor of journalism and supervisor of the press, and Harry T. Shea, supervisor of the men’s swimming pool. Districts Lasted District B. including the art. and architecture building, Mc Clure, journalism, Friendly, Vil lard and Deady, will be handled by Dr. Charles Secoy, instructo - in chemistry, and Dr. Henry W. Schoenborn, instructor in zoology. District C, which will include Fenton, commerce, Oregon, tho YMCA and the YWCA buildings, is under the supeiwision of Dr. Daniel Gage, associate professor of business administration, and Dr. Waldo Schumacher, professor of political science. District D. taking in the area from Condon and Chapman to tho art museum and library, is to bo directed by Willis Warren, execu tive assistant to the librarian, and James C. Stovall, instructor in geology. Cleric Becomes Warden District E, to be captained by Dr. Paul B. Means, head of tho department of religion, and Clif ford Stalsberg, University cash ier, will include Johnson, the fac ulty club, the drama studio, Hen dricks and Mary Spiller hall, Su san Campbell, and Gerlinger. District F. covering the men's dormitory, the news bureau, sev eral small buildings and the ten nis courts, will be supervised by Dr. Kenneth S. Ghent, assistant professor of mathematics—a-riffr Lawrence E. Hartwig, assistant professor of law: District G, which includes tho tI’lease hint to page eight) Navy Clarifies Officer Traning Plans Clarification of the require ments for students at the Univer sity who wish to enlist in the na val reserve has been received here by Dr. Howard R. Taylor, head of the psychology depart ment. In order to qualify for enlist ment, students must be native born, unmarried citizens of the United States and not under 19 or over 28 years of age on the date of enlistment. They must also meet the physical require ments set up by the navy for all classes of the rank of ensign. Upper classmen Pri vile go ci College juniors and seniors reg ularly enrolled may be enlisted prior to graduation provided they submit a certificate from the registrar of the school attended that upon graduation they will have the educational qualifica tions required. Enlisted students will then be continued on inactive duty until they have completed the work for their college degree. The educational qualifications required by the navy are that students upon graduation have one of the following degrees: bachelor of arts, science, educa tion, philosophy, business admin istration, commercial science, journalism, laws, or any engin cerning degree. They must also submit a certified transcript of their college record which must include at least two one-semes (ricase turn to page six)