Grad Given Fellowship To Mexico Stanley L. Robe, Eugene, for mer University of Oiegon stu dent, has recently been appointed ■B Roosevelt Fellow by the Insti tute of International Education for study at the National Univer sity in Mexico City, it was an nounced Tuesday by Dr. Leavitt O. Wright, professor of romance ^languages at the university. Robe is one of a small number of advanced students of Spanish chosen by the institute for the development of cultural relations between the Latin American countries and the United States. His fellowship will run from Feb ruary 15 to December 15 of this year. Much Travel A research project on linguistic geography will occupy most of Robe s time while in Mexico and will require a great deal of travel throughout the country. It will serve as background material on Mexican coloquial Spanish for the '“'development of a dictionary of the Spanish of the Americas con templated by the Committee on Latin American Study of the Am erican Council of Learned So cieties. Robe has just completed a term’s work at the University of Chicago where he worked with Professor Amado Alonzo, head of the Institute of Philology at Buenos Aires, Argentina, under a scholarship of the American Council of Learned Societies. Student Panel He has also been appointed on a panel of five students by the ^gtate department, two of whom will be chosen for study in Latin America under the terms of the Convention of Buenos Aires for the development of cultural rela tions between the countries. Employment Office Has Phone Service Again Telephone service at the em ployin'^ t office has been dead for i .veek, but one line will be operating tomorrow, Miss Janet Smith secretary, said Monday. Students who have been wait ing for jobs from the office are asked to drop in instead of wait ing for a telephone call. Pickett Joins USN Jim Pickett, ’41, is now in the navy, stationed on the destroyer, U.S.S. Wright, according to word received by the Emerald. Pickett, a law graduate, was junior class president and a member of Skull and Dagger. He was affiliated with Alpha Tau Omega. i • ■» Edward G. Robinson, Marlene Dietrich in 'Manpower' — also — THE THRILLER 'Charlie Chan in Rio' A BEST SELLER 'How Green Was My Valley' with Walter Pidgeon and Maureen O’Hara — also — Zasu Pitts and Slim Summerville in 'Misr Polly' r Oregon ^Emerald Monday Desk Staff: Fritz Timmen, city editor Bette Reames Marge Robinson Betsy Wooten Night Staff: Ruth Jordan, night editor Jean Schneider Marty Kortge Maureen Conklin Club Sponsors Poetry Prize Sponsored by the American was appointed to fill Frost’s po ganization established in Ameri can colleges to encourage literary effort ana criticism, the Ted Ol sen poetry prize of $25 is to be awarded for the best original poem or group of poems submit ted by an undergraduate in any American college or University. The contest, named to honor Ted Olsen, author of “A Stran ger and Afraid,” and "Hawk’s Way,” will be closed by March 13, 1942. The prize-winning poem will be published in the Parch ment, the Quill magazine. Manuscripts will be judged by poets or critics of national repute. If a group of poems is submitted it must possess some organic unity. Girls Allowed II p.m. Leave Girls will be given 11 o’clock permission to attend a benefit dance for the Red Cross Wednes day, January 14, Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, dean of women, af firmed Monday. The dance, one of two to be sponsored by the Eugene and Springfield Youth League, will be in the Wintergarden. Two bands secured are Art Holman’s and Vern Winkler’s. All proceeds from the admis sion price of 40 cents will be given to the Red Cross. For this reason Mrs. Eddie Scroggins, chairman for the affair, asks that all who are able support the ef fort by attending. Eagle Scouts Asked To Aid in Defense All Eagle Scouts on the cam pus are requested to report to Jim Thayer, phone 318, where they will be registered for ac tive or reserve defense duties in connection with the campus. Thayer emphasized it was par ticularly important for stu dents living outside organiza tions to get in touch with him aince they were especially hard to contact. Calendar Closes Wednesday Noon The deadline for reservations on the winter term social calen dar will be Wednesday noon, as announced by Mrs. Alice Macduff, assistant dean of women. Mrs. Macduff said that all houses and organizations plan ning social affairs should enter the dates on the social calendar in her office before that time in order to be certain of dates. EDGAR BERGEN and CHARLIE McCarthy in Took Who's Laughing' and FIBBER McGEE and MOLLY Press Heads Pick Woman As President Ninety editors and publishers returned to their homes Saturday afternoon as the twenty-fourth Oregon press conference came to a close. During the no host luncheon, in John Straub Memorial hall, Mrs. Mary E. Brown, editor of the Redmond Spokesman, was elected president and George Turnbull, professor bf journalism, secre tary. Oregon Grad Mrs. Brown was graduated from the University of Oregon in 1926, and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Mr. and Mrs. Brown had served as CQ-editors of the paper until Mr. Brown entered defense work at which time Mrs. Brown took over the editorship. She will be the first woman president'of the press conference. TumbOll Reelected George S. Turnbull, professor of journalism, was elected secre tary for the twenty-second con secutive time. But two men have served in the capacity of secre tary since the conference was first held in 1919. A unique feature of the lunch eon was the presentation of awards to publishers and editors in whose papers the ten outstand ing stories of the year appeared. Presentation was made by a broadcasting crew from Dean Al len’s senior class in editing, Mary Lois Dana, Mimi O’Donnell, Charles Boice, and Ted Harmon. Prizes were com cob pipes. Students to Outline YW Term Activities Members of the YWCA public ity club and all other University students are invited to attend a meeting for the purpose of out lining winter term activities this afternoon at 4 o’clock in the “YW” bungalow. The date of an evening pro gram will be arranged and plans will be made for publicizing a Thursday lecture to be sponsored jointly by the YWCA and YMCA. Seven Pledged The dean of men’s office an nounced Friday that seven more men students had been pledged by campus fraternities. They were: James Popp, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Warren Stone, Delta Upsilon; James Mutz, Sig ma Phi Epsilon; Henry Mears Jr., Chi Psi; Ray Blatchley, Sig ma Chi; Ray Peterson, Alpha Tau Omega; and Don Bridenstine, Phi Delta Theta. Believe It or Not DON'T GUESS CALL JESS GODLOVE The Plumber 31 East 7th Ph. 547 DON’T MISS! 'YOU BELONG TO ME* with BARBARA STANWYCK and HENRY FONDA Student Delegate to Report on Trip East Genevieve Working, UO dele gate to the National Student assembly in Ohio, will give a re port of her trip and the Decem ber convention at the YWCA cabinet meeting in the "YW” bungalow this afternoon at 4:30. Reports from student commit tees on the student war fund, the Heart Hop, and regular commit tee business are also on the calen dar, according to the president, Lois Nordling. Oregana Gets Hand Lettering Hand lettered heads for the title pages of the 1942 Oregana are being made this week by Whitson Cox, architectural major. The heads are being made on white cardboard and will be pho tographed to proper size to fit Oregana pages. Heads being made are the fol lowing: administration, architec ture and allied arts, business ad ministration, education, journal ism, law, medical school, music, physical education, social science, arts and letters, lower division, military science, ASUO, Oregana, Emerald, speech and radio, music, drama, concerts, Dad’s day, per sonalities, candid year, AWS, WAA, living groups, honoraries, intramurals, football, basketball, minor sports, frosh sports, and swimming. Graduate Honored by Civil Engineers Group Chester C. Fisher, ’03, Salem, received a certificate of life membership in the American So ciety of Civil Engineers Friday in Portland after 30 years as a corporate member. An employe of the U. S. bu reau of reclamation for 30 of the 38 years since his graduation from Oregon, he has since added to his bachelor’s degree in the sci ence of civil engineering the de gree of civil engineer from Ore gon with the presentation of a professional thesis in 1912. Mr. Fisher is the father of Ed na B. Fisher, freshman in music. Send Me A Delivery Man Smart Coed! She wants her laun dry done quickly and efficiently. She wants her clothes to come back fresh and clean. She calls for the NEW SER VICE delivery man. Phone 825 New Service Laundry 839 High St. Sophomore student union com mittee meets at 4 p.m. today in the College Side. Order of the “O” will meet Wednesday noon at the Phi Delta Theta house. Wear sweaters for Oregana pictures. Initiations will also be held. The Fellowship of Reconcilia tion will meet at Wesley house tonight at 8 to “study the stands which Harry Emerson Fosdick, Oswald Garrison Villard, E. Stan ley Jones, Norman Thomas, Al bert Edward Day, and the Chris tian Century have taken with re spect to the war. Colored movies of cargo load ing will be shown at 7:30 Wed nesday night in 202 Chapman by the Propeller club. Anyone inter ested in foreign shipping may come. YWCA cabinet meets this af ternoon at 4:30 in the “YW” bun galow. YWCA publicity club will meet this afternoon in the "YW" bun galow to organize plans for the winter term. All University stu dents are welcome. An Episcopal communion serv ice will be held in the men’s lounge of Gerlinger hail at 7 o’clock Wednesday morning. Breakfast is to follow immediate ly and will be over by 8 o’clock. This is a fellowship to which all Episcopal students are invited. Twenty-six states are repre sented in Bennington college’s freshman class. SIDE PATTER Pat Taylor Well, it looks as though there’s been considerable dam age done to the trees around here . . . especially the trees Fir & Three . . . There’s a rumor that charm in’ Charlie Eaton, Sigma Chi’s problem chile back in the boom years, is. now ■ a prisoner of war at Wake island; even if it isn’t true, it’s too good not to print. . . . We’ll bet if it is so, he’s giving the Japs ho end of trouble. . . . Theta’s Shirley Oillett,,is the spittin’ image of a Jon Whitcomb il lustration. . . . With all the red coats the gels is wearin’, looks like they was visiting fire men. ... Jean Frink, Alpha Phi alum, leaves Wednesday for S. F. where she will mar ry Bill Feasley, Phi Delt, who’s in the marines. ... A beootious Buick is Jimmy Driscoll’s car. . . . Jack (the) Ripper, D.U., is a’most licked before he starts with a name like that. . . . Next time you catch a case of chillblains, come Collich Side, catch cup chilibeans, jol ly chili, old beans. See you ... on the late shift, nacherly.