fl(G4*et MowUA Coed-of- Week Spurns "Play-world* Activities By BETTV ANN STEVENS A.n activity woman who doesn't believe in too many .activities is vivacious Janet Morris, who seriously explains this paradoxical statement with, “On our campus too many people spend too much time in activities. It's more or less of a play world. I think tljat the purpose of activities is to teach students to take responsibility and aieo learn how to deal with people, and how to take hard knocks, ar,f I think that's the only purpose of activities." Sense of Humor .Janet, who is certainly one on the campus, doesn't look the. typical, competent, activity-wo man type at all. She is tall, dark, and has large blue eyes which re fle;t an engaging sense of humor. She is in the Collegiate Who's .Who, is chairman of the forth coming Love and Marriage se ries, has been a Kwama, Phi Theta, and Amphibian, besides having been chairman of the World Student Service fund, and chairman of the Tag day sale. Skdng, swimming, fencing, and basketball are some of the spe cial likes of this effervescent spo rtswoman. Although she made the honor roll last term and has a grade point average well over a F, she still manages to find time to be a bridge fiend. jn o reeves Peeves evidently aren’t in Jan et'!? vocabulary, for she is one of those persons whom nothing par ticularly seem? to irritate. Her hobby fis., “people,;* and , because she likes meeting people so much she plans on taking personnel wotk when she graduates. She added, with a twinkling smile. “However, it's very indefinite at pres .*nt, as all things are." fiat and 2uill /iHHOUHCed Mary Louise Vincent, junior in English, is winner of the $5 prize ir. the 1911-12 membership con test sponsored by Pot and Quill, woe: on’s creative writing honor ary. Miss Vincent's selection was announced at the initiation meet ing held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Eric W. Allen. Active in many campus affairs, M i so Vincent is affiliated with Pi Beta Phi, social sorority, Kwaraa, Phi Tlieta. and is prominent in YWCA functions. Other neve members of Pot and Qm.i are Jan* Ward. Audrey Lyuds, Muriel Stevens. Norma Trevorrow, Epvily Tyree, and Mary Lois Dana. •'How can .we part?" as the ha nor said to the baldheaded maxi - Barometer. of the most active activity-women Coed ol the Week Planning; the forthcoming Love ami Marriage lecture series is this week's coed, Miss Janet Morris. McCoy - eJlaley In a Christmas setting. Miss Florence McCoy, of Portland, an nounced her engagement to Wen dell Haley, Eugene. The wedding is planned for late spring. Miss McCoy is majoring in English and will be graduated from the University this year. Mr. Haley, now employed at Boe ing, was graduated in the class of '41. Skinned Miss Eula Elwood, Mashfield, became engaged to William H. Skinner. Portland, over the Christmas holidays. Miss Elwood is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, social sorority, and Mr. Skinner is affiliated with Kirk wood Co-op. No date has been announced for the wedding. A smart spy could get any of our military secrets. He could pretend to be a photographer for Life.—Texan. 1 START THE NEW YEAR with NEW FURNITURE Why not elenn up the room with the beyinniny (»•' the new year. See our bookeases. end tables, and study desks FURNITURE BY FOLSOM :u»:» Olive Kuyone, Ore. *1wa cJieadU y/Jne (letteA... By MILDKED WILSON and CORRINE NELSON Women’s Page Co-Editors We were going to give you a preview of our significant and campus-quivering New. Year’s resolutions — but sadly enough any exposition of that type would now be in the nature of a post mortem. So,—blandly ignoring the death of those poor frail crea tures we’ll skip on to a few mis cellaneous items. jJ: s': s»t Item one under “Things That A muse Us” is the first change* on the winter term schedule. The course listed is second-year Jap anese and the nature of the change—dropped course. We find that the omission isn’t the result of administration prejudice — it was just that H. J. Noble, asso ciate history professor, and the regular instructor of the. course, has been called to work for Uncle Sam. One wide-eyed coed—observing the notice, queried. “Well, golly, hew are we going to train our fifth columnists?” Maybe we’re just pettish but there is one small thing about this otherwise nice institution that makes us do a slow burn. To be more specific it is the regime in the periodical and ref erence reading room — where a student so much as opens his mouth to whisper “Whattimeis it?" or “Howaboutadate?” and several attendants pounce on him, frowning ferociously and hissing for silence. And yet all conversa tions which they—the attendants —have, are carried on in a low shout, their little swinging doors sway back and forth with the rapidity and general sound effect, of a small machine-gun and books, which are returned to the shelves snap into place with a resounding crash. Of course there are other places to study—but it’s the principle of the thing. * * * We always get a good laugh out ol the horrified shriek .hat the majority of these faultlessly groomed coeds utter when they look at their hair in a mirror. Every lock beautifully in place, ribbon just right—but they de velop a mild case of hysteria at “The curl’s completely out,” or “Isn’t it just terrible? I can’t do a thing with it.” The subsequent renovation usually takes about 30 minutes. At the end of this time every lock is beautifully in place, ribbon just right. . . . The really funny angle is that tycMtio+i Pnetute While You re Skidding, ~ Plan Spring a la Mode By JEAN FRIDEGER While you're skidding1 to class on icy sidewalks warm yourself by planning some smooth spring combinations such as ... . The newest of the new—are those blue-grey jersey wrap-around coats that are making a hit in winter resorts. Wear them with a jersey beret of the same color. . . . For a shiny finish so you'll star at any prom try a plain color glazed chintz formal in some Cuban color. Washable chintzes will be shown for play dresses and bathing suits come the first daffodil. (lacfttu&m No, I will not be bitter When you go— Only a little tired, And cold as snow. No, I will not be bitter When you turn Down some grey road That smells of fern. How strange to be bitter And cut my heart Over an ending I knew from the start? —By Marjorie Major (lailif. «Jl&pA Open 'Wtiile'i Social Slate Dere Diary: Formal winter term is being formally opened this weekend' with two informal dances. Last night independents fostered the rally spirit with an informal sport hop in Gerlinger. Tonight after the final fray with Washington State it’s a dance sponsored by Company A, a rally theme and a military benefit. Art Holman and his boys will furnish the music. Junior and senior mil itary men will wrear their uni forms and, according to Carolyn Holmes, coed dress is informal. Rally dances this term are sup plementing the usual program of house dances and the “big” danc es of the term. You might watch for the Senior ball, Dads’ day, the inevitable Alpha Delta Sigma hop, Military ball and a round of miscellaneous events sandwiched in to keep Webfoot sassiety in teresting. —By Lois Hulser these gals who wash their hair at the first of the term (ancl only) comb it before their Satur day night date (and only) and exist for four years on a single permanent—can gaze in a mirror without a single shudder. We just, can’t figure it out. War never determines who is right—only who is left. —Guilfordian. BUY OR 4 RENT $3.00 PER MONTH NOW. MORE THAN EVER YOU WILL NEED A TYPEWRITER OFFICE MACHINERY & SUPPLY CO. 30 East 11th Phone 148 Can ouy em wnn maicmng chintzbonnets. ... Peruvian Pink is the colo^fcr your various moods. Wear it with black in anything from dress to play clothes. Chinese red and yellow will take over the throne from the now popular winter white. . . . Piques with long torso will rate you fashion news. Wear them in cottons for day and night. . . . Large one-colored prints on dusty blue and gray backgrounds will highlight blond coloring. You’ll tuck a matching flower in your belt. . . ., Rubber bathing suits will make you look as smooth as a seal. Some of the new ones are yon and dry in a minute. . . . Every kind of dirndl goes this next season. The best ones have plain silk jersey tops and flowered silk jersey shirts. The brighter the better. If you’re dark and can stand the colors, try a bright all over printed silk jersey. A dusky pink is the best bet if you’ll be getting a tan. “Sir, I have neither pencil nor paper.” “What would you think of a soldier who went to battle with out rifle or ammunition?” “I would think he was an offi cer, sir."—Tech Pep. ;■ i I l!L3JL3J[«i TWO BIG FEATURES! Gene Autry and Smiley Burnett in 'Down Mexico Way' — also — ‘WEEKEND FOR THREE’ with Dennis O’Keefe and Jane Wyatt A NOVEL HIT! 'Here Comes Mr. Jordan' with Bob Montgomery and Claude Bains — also — 'Stick to Your Guns' with William Boyd Q3 HVFL0IUE ELtVIMTM At MiOkR , I A Great Combination! BARBARA STANWYCK • and HENRY FONDA in 'YOU BELONG TO ME' *#l)OKALI» LAUGH WITH MICKEY! Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in 'Babes Over Broadway' >, — also — Charlie Buggies in 'The Perfect Snob'