Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 10, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    UO Professor
T5ives Views
On Weather
fContinued from page otic)
moisture fell through the cold
sub-freezing air which constitut
ed the fringes of the out-going
high pressure area.
Gets Warmer
“After this was replaced by
warmer air, and rain still fell, it
hit on ground' objects all at be
_^«cw freezing temperatures, and
immediately formed an icy glaze.
This was broken only when the
rain grew warm enough and fell
in great enough quantities to neu
tralize the temperature of the
objects it fell on. Wednesday eve
ning’s comparatively warm rain
broke the cold spell,” Mr. Stovall
Although these glaze periods
seldom last more than 3 days and
usually only a few hours, they
are about the most destructive
weather conditions we have, in
the opinion of Mr. Stovall.
Worst Hit
^ “Twigs and slender branches
of trees and blades of grass suf
fer the most because they are de
tached from the warmth of the
earth and cool off the most rap
The trees that really under
went the most damage were those
with brittle woods such as the
cotton woods, locust and cedars.
Mr. Stovall expressed a profound
admiration for the sturdy Doug
las fir which “stood up about the
best of all.”
"Most Of the three will grow
again, unless they were split
clear to the base,” Mr. Stovall
^declared. He said the reason
many trees in the parkings fell
over completely, was because one
side of their roots had been cut
for the installation of sidewalks.
He pointed out that these trees
usually fell into the street.
Mr. Stovall, who is also the ci
vilian pilot coordinator, revealed
that the glaze condition is an old
story to pilots. He recalled a plane
which landed in Eugene in 1929,
during the last “silver thaw"
which was “really a honey,”
which had ice five inches thick
on the leading edge of the wing
as well as being completely coat
ed with ice and triumphantly
Scholarships valued at $37,217
have been awarded to 103 stu
dents in the Columbia university
school of medicine for the current
Boy Yernstrom, former editor of Old Oregon, Is shown cleaning his
rifle while undergoing basic training at the marine corps base in
San Diego, California. Yernstrom has now been ordered to duty at
the marine recruiting station in Portland. He is now serving as
publicity sergeant there.
Others Teach
Noble’s Classes
Since Harold J. Noble, associ
ate professor of history, has been
called' to Washington, D. C., to
do work in connection with the
war situation, it has been neces
sary for other teachers to take
over the courses he had been
Gordon Wright, assistant pro
fessor of history, is now teaching
Dr. Noble’s “Far East in Modern
Times” course, and J. T. Ganoe,
associate professor of history, is
teaching one of Dr. Wright’s
“Europe in Modern Times”
course. Dr. Noble’s course in
“Civilization of China and Japan
has been dropped.
Last term Mr. Noble taught
one section in “Backgrounds of
Social Science,” but this term
Quirinus Breen, assistant profes
sor of social science, will teach
all three sections of the course.
Prof. Charles H. Best of the
University of Toronto, co-discov
erer of insulin, was the first to
demonstrate that choline is essen
tial in the living body to utilize
Oregon ^Emerald
Saturday Office Staff:
Lois Bechdolt
Leslie Brockelbank
Lois Clause
Penny Mullen
Helen Skyerson
Betty Lee Stuart
Saturday Advertising Staff:
Paul Thurston, manager
Judy Eccles
Mary Riemers
John Jensen
Night Staff:
Bob Edwards, night editor
Don McIntosh
John Mathews
Bob Wells
Ted Bush
Meeting Postponed
The regular meeting of the
Oregon Mother’s club, scheduled
for noon Friday, has been indef
initely postponed* according to
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel administration. The moth
ers were to have discussed their
campaign to raise funds for the
Oregon Mothers’ scholarship and
the annual Mothers’ day, to be
held this year on May-9.
The Tulane-Newcomb a capella
choir is one of the most widely
known musical organizations in
Orides tea scheduled for Sun
day afternoon has been postponed.
Student F. O. R. group meets
Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the
YMCA house.
Grad Presents
Editing Award
A $100 scholarship in editing
has been established by T. Neil
Taylor of Berkeley, California, ac
cording to Dr. Donald M. Erb,
University president.
The award will be made at
commencement time to the senior
in journalism who has turned in
the best piece of editorial investi
gation for the year, a part of the
work being done in the editing
class, according to Eric W. Allen,
dean of the school of journalism.
This is the third year the award
has been made, the first being
$50 for the school year 1939-40,
and was won by Philip Bladine.
Last year the $75 reward was di
vided among Lyle Nelson, Janice
Johnson, Mari Medill, and Thom
as Judd.
Mr. Taylor was graduated from
Oregon in the school of journal
ism in 1931, and was news editor
of the Emerald while m school.
Cressman’s Studies
Printed by Institute
Word has been received by Dr.
L. S. Cressman, head of the an
thropology department, that the
results of his studies on early
man and cultures in southeastern
Oregon will be published by the
Carnegie institute as one of a se
ries of outstanding researches.
Dr. Cressman accomplished
much of the work last school year
during his leave of absence, when
he was working under a Guggen
heim fellowship.
Title of the work is “Archaeo
logical researches in Early Man
and Culture in the Northern Great
Basin and South Central Oregon.’’
It will be given wide circulation
by the Carnegie institution. The
foreword is written by Dr. John
C. Merriam, former president of
the Carnegie institution, who has
been interested in promoting re
search in the Pacific area. He re
ceived an LL.D. from Oregon in
Small Fire Hits
Pi Phi House
Fire in-the waste chute of the
Pi Beta PKi house, 1518 Kincaid
street, Tuesday caused but slight
damage to the house, merely
blistering and smoking the paint
in the Pi Phi pantry. The blaze,
discovered at about 1:30, was
extinguished within 20 minutes
by city firemen. Members of the
house had the fire under control
before firemen arrived, according
to Pi Phi President June Tyler.
Ray Hicks, assistant fire chief,
said that the Tire was probably
caused by a lighted cigarette or
match. The fire was discovered
by houseboys when they opened
the chute to discard refuse, and
found flames which had mounted
from the basement.
This is the sixth campus fire
this year. Others who had fires
were the Sigma Alpha Mus, the
SAEs, the Alpha Chis (two fires),
and the Alpha Delta Pis.
Not disturbed by the fire or
the presence of two city fire
trucks, the Pi Phis remained at
third story windows to chat and
laugh with friends on the side
walks bejow.
Sigma Delta Chi Plans
Banquet for E. P. Hoyt
Members of Sigma Delta Chi,
national professional journalistic
fraternity for men, are planning
a banquet for late this term of
spring vacation, in honor of E.
Palmer Hoyt, Oregon alumni and
publisher of the Portland Ore
gonian, who was elected national
president of the society at its
convention in New Orleans in
■ Russ Hudson was named chair
man of the banquet to which
newspapermen from all over the
state will probably be invited.
Formation of a professional chap
ter will also be discussed at the
Ice Silences KOAC
Broadcasts of all radio pro
grams from the University exten
sion over KOAC have been
stopped temporarily since lines
were damaged beyond repair dur
ing the recent ice storm, accord
ing to Marvin A. Krenk, instruc
tor in speech.
The lines will be repaired by
Monday, he said.
The tradition of Homecoming
was started at the University of
Illinois in May, 1910.
/ An 8x10 Enlargement of the
Best Picture of the Week Developed and
' f ’ '*'< tsitv
Printed Thru Our Camera Department.
r * • t yf r' 1 oni(i .