Try Some of These for Your Choosey Friends By MARY ANN CAMPBELL You may he feeling opulent as a Rockefeller or poverty-stricken as the well-known church mouse (and that DOES describe most of us, doesn’t it?) but, no matter what the state of your pocket book, you still have a Christmas list to rassle with, despite exams and other unfortunate bits of dreariness to occupy your time. For your difficul-|lo-please feminine friends, your gay acquaintances, or even for yourself, if you should happen to feel especially benevolent, take a look at the costume jewelry so amply dis played in the various stores around town. If you can’t find something that will be just THE thing, you’re impossibly hard to please. In the grand manner are pins made in flower design^ some with real zircons or cultured pearls, others with imitation sapphires, which glitter elegantly. Stones and imitation rubies or yellow diamonds (also not real) which are a wee mite expensive, but certainly worth the shekels you have to lay out for them. Locket Bracelet One especially nice bit is a gold bracelet that expands to fit your wrist, decorated with an inky black heart. It is ac companied by a locket, also heart-shaped and also in black and gold. There are other lock ets, too, notably some enameled ones, in delicate colors, both heart-shaped and round. Anyone who colects wristfuls of thin silver bracelets will ap preciate a few more of them; or, for variety, you might try a bracelet made of gold links, with a little gold book dangling off it, made for the exclusive pur pose of keeping telephone num bers. It’s alphabetically arranged, SEE THIS COMEDY CHARLES BOYER and MARGARET LINDSAY in 'APPOINTMENT FOR LOVE' Entertainment at Its Best Henry Fonda, Joan Bennett Wild Geese Calling' > — also — James Stewart and Robert Young in 'Navy Blue and Gold' iJAL. Filmed Under Fire! 'Target for Tonight' — also — Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor in 'Matest Falcon' Two Delightful Shows Francis Gifford in : 'Jungle Girl' — also — 'Mountain Moonlight' 8 with Weaver Brothers j and Elviry too, so you can’t get muddled and cal lthe wrong person. Hummel Pius Hummel pins, quite large and made of silver, would be nicei for devotees and collectors of Hummel prints. Powder-blend pearls, which come in necklaces of one, two, and three strands, in three shades (not all on one string, of course) very long chain necklaces, jet jewelry, pot tery heads, wooden gadgets such as hearts pierced by an arrow (these are pins), curved flowers with a very Graustark air, or long necklaces of wooden beads, painted or brown, are other ideas you might find worthy of notice. Take a look at the tiny gold, white, or black pill boxes, which have painted designs or jewels on top. They are just about the right size for keeping pledge pins. You might consider presenting some lucky friend with an ini tialed lapel pin. These are ob Dean Morse Defers Return to University Acting Dean Orlando J. Hollis, of the law school, received a call December 3 from Dean Wayne L. Morse, who is in Washington, D. C., at the request of President Roosevelt for the reconvening of the emergency board to help set tle the railroad strike. Dean Morse said he would not return till next week on account of additional duties in clearing up details of the strike. He will probably have to go to San Fran cisco as soon as he returns, to finish arbitration on the long shore wage case. long or squares of a transpar ent composition, which are ini tialed to order with one, two, or three initials, and are tied with a matching or contrasting leath er thong. They come in all pas tel colors, and are like small mirrors, very modern-looking. CHARLIE ELLIOTT'S BARBER SHOP WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS Ami a Pleasant Vacation GET YOUR GIFTS AT THE RITE-PRICE We gift-wrap your purchases at no extra charge Gifts for Her Gifts for Him Perfumes Leather Goods Colognes Shaving Supplies Bath Accessories Smoking Needs RIGHT-PRICE DRUGS 1016 Willamette St. Give a Radio for Christmas See our line of portables and small sets 4. We service all makes of radios - ^ Dotson's Radio Service llth and Oak St. Phone 202 I That Ideal Christmas Gift Your Photograph Use your Oregana sitting for very special prices Beautiful, modern frames and mountings If you wish— Photographs mailed to your address postage prepaid Kennell-Ellis ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHERS