Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 27, 1941, Image 1

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^Defense Raises
Food Bills
Ducks Capt
Sigma Delta
i Psi
Torgeson Pleas for Peace
—Courtesy Daily News
Bending over in a significant V is Bob Pope, freshman offender against Homecoming traditions,
while Jim Rathbun, Order of the “O” president who has declared that punishment will be meted out to
all tradition breakers, applies the paddle. Lending moral assistance are Hope Hughes, Homecoming host
ess; Bill Regncr and Bill Carney, lettermen. First batch of offenders was punished Wednesday and the
second group will meet with the lettermen today.
Three Petition
For Dads’ Day
Three students have petitioned
for chairmanship of the Dad’s
Day fete, schedule for February
14, according to Bette Morfitt
and Lou Torgeson. They are Ber
nard Engel, Cecil Hunt, and Don
Swink. They will be interviewed
at 4 p.m. today in the ASUO of
Since no petitions for chairman
of the Love and Marriage series,
* which will begin some time win
ter term, have been received,
Torgeson indicated that the ex
ecutive committee may be forced
to appoint someone to this posi
Vernstrom Reports
As Publicity Sergeant
Roy N. Vernstrom has reported
for duty as publicity sergeant of
the Portland marine corps, ac
cording to Major James B.
Hardie, recruiting officer.
Vernstrom w a s transferred
from the San Diego marine base
following 10 weeks of basic train
ing. While at San Diego he was
awarded the recruit depot honor
medal as outstanding soldier in
his platoon.
Bitten. £wd. . .
Gestapo ’s Terrible Purge
Breaks Paddles and Men
At the expense of two broken paddles and 27 uncomfortable
law breakers, the Order of the “0” yesterday noon publicly
chastized the first of a four-day list of tradition violators on
the steps of Fenton hall.
The “Gestapo,” headed by Jim Rathbun “0” president,
heartily entered into a 20-minute swing session before a crowd
of 200 students who cheered lust
ily each time a husky letterman
wielded the heavy paddle on the
sinners who had "assumed the
Double Doses
Five who failed to appear for
punishment will receive a double
dose today, Rathbun said. These
are Bill Skibinski, Harry Warren,
Dave Clulow, Jim Frost, and Jean
Dutton. Lou Torgeson and Russ
Hudson were excused from ap
pearing yesterday, but will re
ceive their reward at a later ses
Steve Worth is to appear as
guest of honor at the Friday
slaughter. A "goon squad" will
round up for the Friday gather
ing all who have failed to appear
on the day assigned them, Rath
bun announced.
Girls Safe
Girls will not be “dunked” in
the fountain between Deady and
Fenton, Rathbun said, last night,
(Please turn to page eight)
Alpha Xis Pledge
Betty White, freshman in art,
pledged Alpha Xi Delta, accord-'
mg to the office of the dean of
Medical Men
Report Great
Business Boom
Infirmary business, pulling out
of the post-holiday lull, was re
portedly booming Wednesday.
Abrasions, contusions, lacera
tions, pulled tendons, and ‘‘ituses"
of varying sorts filled the regis
The hospital roll jumped from
Tuesday's 15 to 19, which includ
ed: Betty Rodgers, Helen How
ard, Jean Norton, Helen Decdon,
Leone LaDuke, Doris Larkey,
Mrs. Glenna H. Piper, Eldon
Jenne, Jean Dutton, Robert Wal
ter Long, William McLennan,
John Chaloupka, Harrison
Churchill, Robert D. Payne, Philip
B. George, Henry Carlson, Wal
lace Heider, Dick Larkin, and
Robert B. Petersen.
Youth Group
Convenes Here
Dean Victor P. Morris of the
school of business administration
will conduct a forum discussion
on international affairs at the
state convention of the Young
Republican clubs of Oregon De
cember 6 in Eugene.
Governor Charles A. Sprague
and Earl Snell, secretary of state,
will be guest speaker on the pro
gram. Invitations have been ex
tended to Leslie M. Scott, state
treasurer, and other state dig
nitaries to attend the meeting.
The convention is expected to
draw more than 300 delegates
and alternates. The Lane County
Young Republican club is host to
the convention.
Dean Morris will speak tonight
to the credit association at 6:15.
Four Put on Probation
After Discipline Meet
Four students were placed on
disciplinary probation by the stu
dent discipline committee at its
meeting Monday, November 24.
Action was taken because of
the students’ becoming involved
in various difficulties as a result
of the use of liquor, announced
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel administration. Dean On
thank acts as chairman of the
student discipline committee.
‘Avoid Battle'
Urges Ducks
Urging Oregon students to
‘‘stay in their own back, yard"
this weekend, ASUO president.
Lou Torgcson appealed last night
to University students to avoid
combat with Oregon State. both
after the Saturday game and din
ing the entire weekend.
Torgeson stressed student con
duct at the game. He reported
that he and Andy Landforce, stu
dent. body president at Oregon
State, had agreed to ask their
schools to refrain from either at
tack or defense of goal post ?.
They also request that student'*
refrain from grabbing rooters’
lids or otherwise inciting a pos
sible riot.
No Hostilities
Torgeson promised that no of
ficial actions during the game
would be directed against the
other school.
Wednesday noon Torgeson and
Russ Hudson, Homecoming chair
man, attended a rally at Oregon
State. Torgeson, Hudson, and
Landforce spoke, urging good
conduct on the part of all parties.
Future Games Off?
Landforce, in his speech, re
ported that a member of the state
board of higher education had
threatened to go before the board
and recommend that future con
tests between the two schools be
abolished, unless members of both
schools refrained from rowdyism,
ami rioting.
Torgeson last night said he felt
sure that visiting Oregon State
students would behave them
selves. He said, "As the host
school we can well afford to be
courteous and friendly to all our
guests, including Oregon State.”
As many Oregon State stu
dents as can come have been in
vited to attend the Friday night
rally here. A special train will
arrive in Eugene at noon Satur
day for the game, and a snowball
rally will take place from the
station to Hayward field.
Soap Box
Lon's coming speech reminds me,
I would like the straight dope.
Have YOU ever seen a “soap bo*’*
That was built just for soap.
Qaiwcf,, QaitUf, Qane! . . .
Auctioneers Will Pound Gavel Today
The cry of Don Swink and Hank Kemp, auc
tioneers, will open the annual AWS auction of un
claimed lost and found articles at 4 p.m. today in
front of the Side.
About 300 articles will he put on the block, ac
cording to Mary Louise Vincent, head of the auc
tion, who explained that each will be sold to the
highest bidder. Fcrty-one books will be sold, and
there is a supply of pens, pencils, sweaters, hats,
and “miscellany,” she said.
System Explained
Swink and Kemp will auction the articles off.
When the highest bidder has been determined AWS
workers will deliver the purchased article to him
and collect the money.
Swink said last night that the auction will begin
about 3:50 pan. to catch students leaving 3 o'clock:
classes, and would proceed as fast as possible.
Annual Affair
The articles which will l>c sold today have been
turned in to the lost and found department in tho
University depot at the foot of University street
and have not been claimed. It is an annual affair.
A problem that last night seemed insurmount
able. to Swink presented itself when the ASUO
executive committee decided to interview candi
dates for Dads’ day chairman at 4 p.m. Swink in
a candidate. He said, however, that he would try
to take part in both activities.