EDITS: ^•Father, Son Have It Out SPORTS: Ducks Lay For Beavers VOLUME XLIII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1941 NUMBER 40 'O’ Hack List Accuses 33 Of Violations By FRITZ TIMMEN Thirty-one students and two professors are on the “list” to at tend the Order of the “O” swing session as guests of honor this noon on the steps of Fenton hall. Jim Rathbun, “O” president, compiled the list Monday and Tuesday, and has issued strict in structions to all tradition violat ors to appear for their punish ment or receive an extra hack for each day they fail to appear. "After the first day they don’t show,” Rathbun proclaimed, “the boys will be hot on their trail, and the punishment will be doubly stiff.” Don Kirsch, “O” secretary, is to be on hand to check off the names of the evildoers as they receive their just desserts. All guests of honor are expected to appear at 12:30, and hacking will begin five minutes later. On Thursday the pool between Friendly hall and Deady will be filled and several girls who have failed to observe the rules will be ducked therein. Because of no hacking on Tues day the Order of the “O” Ges t^o, as Jim Rathbun has named his crew, will held a hit parade Thursday noon. Following is a list of the vio lators sumfnoned to appear this noon: Ernest G. Moll, associate pro fessor of English; Marvin A. Krenk, instructor in speech; Lou (Please turn to page eight) OSC Game Tickets Students may obtain ex change tickets for both the Oregon State game and Menuhin’s concert at the btffrth in the corridor out side the educational activ ities office in McArthur court beginning at 8:30 this morning. Students must have exchange tickets in ad dition to their athletic cards in order to attend the game Saturday. TNH HITTER Steve Worth, independent lead er, struck against the TNE Tues day at the first meeting of the Independent Student association. 875 students were at the meeting which was held for the purpose of unifying and coordinating in dependent activities. Coast Meet Elects Boyer As President Dr. C. V. Boyer, dean of the college of arts and letters, was elected president of the Pacific Coast Philological association at - a Stanford university meeting Saturday night. According to Dr. R. P. Bowen, head of the Romance language department, "This is the first time in the history of the associa tion that a president has been elected from the University of Oregon.’’ Before this time they have been chosen from Stanford university, he said. H. F. Frankel, Stanford, and Professor S. Griswold Morley, University of California, were elected vice-presidents, and Pro fessor F. W. Strothman, Stan ford, was chosen secretary-treas urer. Professor W. L. Schwartz, Stanford, was reelected president of the Pacific Coast Federation of Modern Languages associa tions. Professor H. L. Nostrand, University of Washington, . was elected vice-president. Independent Leader Blasts Campus TNE • • IdJlte+i it . Canoe Fete Threatened ByJFIood-Drained Race The Junior Weekend canoe fete on the millrace, 29-year-old University tradition, may be abandoned in 1942 for lack of water in the millrace, according’ to D. L. Lewis, superintendent of the physical plant. During the recent flood in the Willamette river 70 feet of the millrace retaining wall at Judkins point washed out. With this gone the water has flowed from the millrace until it has almost drained and will soon be dry. At present the owners of the millrace, the Eugene Excelsior mill and the woolen mills, do not plan to rebuild the wall until late May or early June when the river will be low. Pat Cloud, junior class presi dent, said that unless the mill race is repaired it will be diffi cult to stage a canoe fete, but that if a plan at all within reason can be worked out the canoe fete will take place. The class president stated, "The wall may be repaired tem porarily in order to make the fete possible if the cost of this is not too great. The financing of such repairs would have to come from private sources. But if it is at all possible there will be a canoe fete.’’ Architects will start work on the race in connection with the changes already planned after the first of the year, but it is very doubtful that this work can be finished in time for the fete. This is the second time Jupiter Pluvius has played havoc with Junior Weekend plans. In 1911, when Ruth Gibson was elected the first Junior Weekend queen her coronation had to be can celled because of rain. Two Pledges Named Johnnie C. Todd, Portland, was pledged by Pi Kappa Alpha, while Dave Gowans, also of Portland, was pledged by Chi Psi, reported the dean of men’s office Tuesday. OREGON DOUBLEHEADER —Courtesy Eugene Mews For the second time the “O'* atop Skinner’s butte has been painted orange. The campus landmark will be painted yellow Friday and guarded. Shown painting it yellow,for the first time are Ed Atiyeh, Grover Hofstetter, Robert Pope, Vic Atiyeh, and Bob Morrison. Torgeson Beat In Political Bet; To Talk for ISA A soap box located squarely between Oregon and Commerce building at 11 o’clock Friday morning will be the scene of one of the strangest political speeches ever delivered on the Oregon campus. Lou Torgeson, ASUO president, will be paying off a bet. The bet, between Torgeson and Steve Worth, independent leader, concerned the number of independents who would turn out for the mass meeting last night. The one whose guess was the wilder by actual count of the door list agreed to make a public speech at the aforementioned spot, favoring his opponent’s po litical connections. After chewing his finger nails to the knuckle and composing several speeches Worth was hap py to learn that he had won the bet. Torgeson is saving his com ments for his speech Friday. Dads’ Weekend Petitions Due Deadline for petitions for Dads’ day and Love and Marriage chair manships has been extended to 5 p.m. today, Lou Torgeson, A S U O president, announced Tuesday. The deadline was moved up because of vacations and the lack of Emeralds to publicize the petitioning. Only one person has applied so far to be Dads’ day chairman, and there have been no applica tions for the Love and Marriage series, Torgeson said. If sufficient petitions are re ceived by either Torgeson or Bette Morfitt, ASUO secretary treasurer, the executive commit tee will interview candidates for the Dads’ day position Thursday. He said there was a possibility that a part of the committee might interview candidates for the other chairmanship Thursday. I Hope it's Sunny I like the weather now-a-days When autumn leaves are near. Don’t you feel the call of na ture when The days are crisp and clear ? With temperature at 32 The trees bleak and forbidding, I sit behind my cozy desk, And wonder who I’m kidding. —J.W.S. Not Greeks, But Outlaws Flayed by ISA By BOB FRAZIER “TNE must go.” With these words Steve Worth, independent leader, last night lifted what might have been an ordinary pep meeting to an epochal spot in University political history. In his opening address to the Independent Students' association in the Igloo, Worth made the first open attack against Theta Nu Epsilon, out law Greek letter society. Never before on the Oregon campus had the organization been mentioned openly. Other schools, however, have frequently brought the. group out of the cellar to occupy a focal spot in political struggles'. Declaring that the organization was ‘‘not organized for the best interests of the students at large,” Worth said that "We aro not opposed to recognized Greek organizations,” but that the new Independent Students’ association was opposed to this. ‘‘clique of selfish campus politicians.” Elections of ISA officers nom inated last night will be held Tuesday. Nominees are: For freshman representative: Fritz Giesecke, Audrey Holliday, Ralph Johnson, Harold Locke, and Bill Pilsbury. For sophomore representative: Franky Nelson and Fritz Tim men. For junior representative: Johnnie Kahananui, Elaine Lee, George Mosher, and Mildred Wil son. For senior representative: War1-* ren Phillips. For representatives from the campus at large: Marvin Gome, Gerald Huestis, Milton Small, and Erwin Snyder. Time, place, and other election (Please turn to page six) Sherwin Holds Pilot Confabs Interviews of students who* have made application for spring; term primary civilian pilot train ing, are being currently conduct ed by Franklin Sherwin, ground school instructor, in 107 Condon hall basement, from 1 to 3 o'clock. Mr. Sherwin requests that the students listed in today’s Emerald contact him this after noon. Asked to report today are:. Ralph Crawford, Jack Lakefisb, George Anderson. Robert Parker, Ernest Hinkle, Donald Barker, Gordon Read, Joseph Montagu Frank Hardy, Bernie McCudden, Don Richardson, Roger Jayne, Cecil Claycojnb, Everett Franks, Alan Siewert, Don Wilson, Wajxa Coffee, John Kramer, James M fl laney, Willis W. Walter.