Stith Thompson Talk Scheduled «&» $ r • For Tuesday Speaking under the auspices of the University lecture series, Stith Thompson, professor of English at the University of In diana, is to talk on “The Modern Study of the Folk Tale” at 7:30 Tuesday evening in the faculty room at Friendly hall. According to Rudolf G. Ernst, professor of English, Professor Thompson, “the most outstanding scholar in America whose inter est lies in folk lore” has been se cured to speak especially for stu dents. There is no admission charge. Professor Thompson, the au thor of many books on folk tales, was formerly on the faculty at Reed college, Colorado college, the University of Maine, and the University of Texas. He received his doctor’s degree at Harvard. While here, he will be a house guest of R. P. Bowen, head of the Romance language depart ment. Membership Deadline Set by Pot and Quill Deadline for the current mem bership contest, sponsored by Pot and Quill, women’s creative writ ing honorary, has been extended till November 25, the Tuesday af ter the Thanksgiving holidays. It was felt this would give prospec tive entrants an opportunity to secure manuscripts which might have been left at home. First prize is $5 and additional membership prizes are being of fered. Entries may be original plays, shoi't stories or poems. If poetry is submitted, several se lections should be included in the contribution. Entries should be typed and un signed. A sealed envelope, con taining the name of the contribu tor, should accompany the manu script. Written on the sealed en velope should be the name of the selection or selections submitted. Contributions may be put in the Pot and Quill boxes to be found in the library, near the sec ond floor map room, or in the Emerald news room. Pot and Quill membeers will also take en tries. CLEAN CLOTHES That is what everyone looks at. From handker chiefs to shirts no job is » ; f< UlAt WIJ too big or too small for our service. AAA Gilchrist Trip Delayed Indefinitely The architecture and allied art students’ trip to Gilchrist, orig inally planned for last Saturday morning, was postponed because of bad road conditions between Eugene and Gilchrist due to heavy rains. At present there are no definite plans to make the trip later this term, but such plans will prob ably be formed after the Thanks giving holiday. Emeralds Wanted Students having issues of the Emerald for the dates of August 9, September 25, October 2, 3, 14, 15, or 24 are asked to bring them to the Emerald business office as soon as possible. Fred May, Emerald business manager, is eager to obtain the issues to com plete his files. AWS Auction Date Set Soon The AWS auction, originally scheduled for November 13, and postponed because of rain, will take place in front of the Side as soon after the Thanksgiving vacation as the weather permits, according to Mary Louise Vin cent, chairman of the commit tee. Don Swink and Hal Kemp, auc tioneers, will present over 100 lost and found articles for bid ding. The collection has been growing in the lost and found de partment of the University post office for a year. It includes among other things pens, ever sharps, bandanas, dark glasses, and hats. Books lead the list with an assortment of 41 on hand. Mrs. Helen Bryant Gray, ’40, is how living in Brooklyn, New York, at 55 92nd street. Staff Member Joins Patients At Infirmary That the Health Service really practices what it preaches was further proved this week when Mrs. Glenna Piper, receptionist in the dispensary, went upstairs to an infirmary bed for Thanksgiv ing, too. Though all won’t spend the holiday in tke capsule camp, 18 others are listed now: Carolyn Cordon, Nancy Riesch, Margaret DeCou, Nancy Weston, Myra Pauline Fromme, Dorothy Man ley, Lorraine Lewis, Alyce Pep ion, Bob Petersen, Harold Mor gan, Ernest Whipple, Robert C. Jackson, Fred Barker, John Dan iels, Jerry Woodward, Mark Cooper, Richard Atiyeh, and Har old Brevig. Miss Doris Jean Tamiesie, '39, and Frederick R. Findtner, '39, were married in Portland on June 22. Streit’s Idea Set in Motion' Clarence Streit’s Union Now movement will be set in motion again Monday and Tuesday when George Hellyer, area representa tive for the movement, visits the campus. The first step toward the for mation of a Eugene chapter of Union Now was taken at a meet ing held in Chapman hall shortly after Streit spoke at the Univer sity on his plan. At this meeting an executive committee was ap? pointed for the organization of a Eugene chapter with Dean Victor Morris as temporary chairman. Hellyer will assist in the actual formation of a local chapter of the movement and will discuss the aspects of the movement in a speech Monday evening at Chap man hall. MARJORIE WOODWORTH Chesterfield’s Girl of the Month in the Hal Roach hit k "All-American Co-ed" 1^ a United Artists Release Pass around the Chesterfields and it’s pleasure time for everybody.. .smoking pleasure that only the right combination of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos can give you. Chesterfields make good friends ... they’re milder, definitely better-tasting and cooler-smoking. Everybody who smokes them likes them. Copyright 1911, Liccitt & Mills Toucco Co. 0