Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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Pictures to the left and below
are a f6w line plays in the Santa
Clara-Oregon game which turned
into an air battle par excellence
before the timekeeper’s guns
wrote finis to the battle.
To the left is shown sophomore
Jimmy Newquist being hit by
three Bronc tacklers after reeling
off enough yardage for a first
Belowr is Bob Koch, Duck full
back tearing off valuable Duck
yardage before being dumped by
Matthews, Brcnc halfback.
Photos courtesy Daily News.
Tight Tilt Highlights IM Play
Sigma Nus Beat
Fijis in Close
Three Games
A close thriller between the
Sigma Nus and Fijis in intra
mural volleyball yesterday feat
ured the third week of donut
Sigma Nus
Nip Fijis
The Sigma Nus hung on des
perately through three tough
games to down the Fijis in a close
tussle, 16 to 14, 10 to 15, 15 to 10.
With the quartet of Bill Car
ney, John Bubalo, Ted Sarpola,
and W'iercer Brown proving
the stalwarts in their offense,
the Sigma Nu team outlasted
the Alder street boys to take
the first game in a well-played
The Fijis roared back in the
second game to down the Sigma
Nus, but the first game winners
had too much left and outlasted
the Fijis in the last game to take
the match.
Phi Delts
Wax Zeta Hail
Though not playing up to their
full strength, the Phi Delts, de
wm ■ • iici?
Hobson Runs Tall Firs)
Opener Eiaht Davs Off
Just eight shopping days left!
—No, not the number of days
before the Christmas rush, but
merely the number of days Hoop
Coach Hobby 'Hobson has left in
which to shop around in his squad
of 14 ball players to select a
starting five for the opening
November 21 has been named
as the initial “wearing of the
green’’ when the Ducks lock
See These Two Features!
Wallace Beery and
Marjorie Main in
'Barnacle Bill'
— also —
Tillie the Toiler'
William Tracy and
Kay Harris
horns -with the always-tough
Signal Oil crew of Portland. Last
year the Oilers, paced by rubber
legged Chuck Patterson, took the
full measure of the Webfoots.
Oregon Kept Running
Meanwhile, the Igloo floor has
resounded to the constant tram
ple of many feet as Hobson has
been driving his charges through
the rigid preparatory workouts.
Fast breaking exercises from re
bounds has been instigated as
daily routine for the Driving
Wednesday, Hobby devoted
considerable time to plays
which featured breaking,
screening, and cross-c o u r t
blocking. Timing of plays and
ball handling was also stressed.
Showing the way in this high
speed offense was a pair of quick
moving guards—Captain Porky
Andrews and Paul Jackson. The
latter was all over the floor,
breaking-in, screening, and keep
What Coed Grid
Fans Shouldnt Do
Why do women go to the foot
ball games and what do they do
when they do go? This is the
problem that is puzzling Cliff
Giffin, Oregon’s sophomore tac
kle, today.
Last night Margaret Brown,
president of AOPi was keeping
the conversation alive at the ex
change dessert with the Pi Kaps
when she came up with this little
gem. Talking to Giffin she inno
cently asked,
“Cliff, did you go to the game
in Portland yesterday?”
Miss Brown couldn’t under
stand the reason for Mr. Giffin’s
cool answer.
Note to Miss Brown: Mr. Giffin
was one of the 22 boys in the
funny looking outfits that were
running around on the field Tues
ing the tempo of the regulars’
attack up to a high pitch.
Don Kirsch looked very good
for the reserves and boomed in
constantly for lay-in shots.
fending champs, downed Zeta
hall, 15 to 7, 15 to 8.
The Phi Delts’ play all
through the two contests was
ragged and far below the last
year par. The brunt of the de
fending champ’s offense were
Tom Morgan and Pat Cloud.
Theta Chis Whip
Canard Club
The Theta Chi volleyball ma
chine drove to a one-sided 15
to 1, 15 to 7 win over Canard
club. The lineup of the winner
was bare of so-called shining
lights, as the well geared ma
chine rolled smoothly over the
hapless Canard boys.
DUs Whip
The DUs drove to a 15 to 3, 15
to 3 win over the Kirkwood
co-op. The DU boys were playing
far below last season's par but
were good enough to down the
co-op boys.
Wallace White and Nick Har
gess led the offense for the
Sig Eps Trounce
Sherry Ross
The Sig Eps thundered over
Sherry Ross by an overwhelm
ing 15 to 1, 15 to 0 count. Led by
the sparkling play of Herb Wil
liamson and Morrie Sullivan.
The Sig Eps were in a far dif
ferent class from the helpless
Sherry Ross boys and scored
at will.
Omega hall won from the Sam
mies by default.
Injuries Hit Duck Mermen;
Splashers Irvin, Wilson Out
It doesn’t seem logical that a swimming team would be bothered
with the misfortunes of injuries. After all, they work in cool, soft
water, no hard bumps as in football or mix-ups as in basketball;
yet today Bob Irvin, sophomore sprinter, and Willard Wilson, varsity
diver, are on the injured list with little hope of returning soon.
This situation has sent coach Mike Iloyman into a conference
with himself to revamp his plans
of attack for the coming year. It
is his policy never to “hope” that
some injured swimmer will final
ly come around' to fill a vacant
spot; instead, he goes right ahead
with the material at hand and
works from there.
Soph Takes Over
As things stand now, Chuck
Nelson, sophomore speedster, is
slated to assume Irvin’s duties in
the freestyle sprints. Taking over
Nelson’s place in the backstroke
will be Bob Prowell, who will also
have the job of holding Veteran
Cub Callis in check.
The diving outlook seems to
he hopeless. The loss of Wilson
reveals the startling fact that
there is no reserve varsity div
er available. The frosh have a
sensational diver in A1 Bisma
jian, hut little good that does
the varsity. Until Wilson re
turns the high hoard will be si
On Friday Hoyman will turn
Orides Dump Pi Phis
48 to 20 in Girls' Play
The Pi Beta Phi “nine” went
down under the mighty Orides
last night in a very slow volley
ball game at Gerlinger hall. With
a final score of 48 to 20, Mary
“Pete” Lawson and Mary Ander
son led the way for the Orides
while Mary Louise Vincent and
Peggy Wright played a shining
Always clean and
free from goo no
matter how often
you smoke it. Chal
lenging higher
priced pipes in briar
quality and value.
on the heat as he sends his charg
es through their first intersquad
meet. In addition to the regular
distances, a four-man 400-yard
relay will be run, with Cub Cal
lis, Chuck Nelson. Johnny Mead,
and Chuck Weitzel taking part.
For Alligator
Rainwear see
Corner 11th and Willamette