Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 13, 1941, Image 1

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—**hoto oy Kay Se.hrick
Unreclaimed lost articles will be sold to the highest bidder today
at the AYVS auction in front of the Side at 4 p.m. Auctioneers will
be Don Swink, left, and Hank Kemp. Books lead the lest articles in
number with dark glasses, pens, and eversharps following.
Sold (Dn&cjosi!
Lost, Found Items
Go on Block Today
Going, going, gone!
This will be the ring of the voices of Don Swink and Hank Kemp,
the two callers for the AYVS auction in front of the Side at 4 p.m.
According to Mary Louise Vincent, head of the sale, there will be a
variety of lost and found articles to be sold. An inventory taken at
Leaders Meet
With final plans still pending
in the organization of campus in
dependents into an association
with president, council, and sen
ate, leaders of the non-fraternity
group are meeting at 7:30 this
evening to arrange details for a
mass meeting of all dorm, coop
erative, and unaffiliated stu
Copies of the constitution
drawn up last spring and ap
proved by the student affairs
committee will be presented to all
students attending the meeting
and definite aims of the associa
tion will be reaveled, Steve
Worth, independent leader, said
It is hoped that the organiza
tion will offer independents clos
er contacts with campus activ
ities, ancf a chance to participate
in some of those activities them
-Who Done It?
She's Puzzled!
“ ‘A' is for apple,” as far as .
Miss Lorene Marguth, business
administration secretary, is con
cerned. but applying that theory
to the typing class she teaches
presents a problem.
Someone left a large apple
wrapped in tissue paper on her
desk. That suited Miss Marguth
all right, but the donor failed to
leave his name.
Now she can’t determine who
should get the “A” for the deed.
Get UW Tickets Now
Students planning to attend
the Oregon-Washington game
in Seattle Saturday should ob
* tain tickets at once from the
educational activities office,
according to Ed Walker, ticket
uie lost ana iouna aeparrment
shows that boods lead the articles
with 41 on hand. Closely follow
ing this are dark glasses, pens,
and eversharps.
Great Variety
A great variety of clothes
which have not been claimed at
the lost and found office will also
be offered for bidding. Hats,
sweaters, lettermen’s sweaters,
mittens, and bandanas are the
most numerous in this group.
Each article will be sold to the
highest bidder.
The auction is an annual AWS
affair. The articles have been
turned in to the lost and found
office in the University depot,
but have been unclaimed for a
period of time that would make
the possibility of the owners
calling for them slight.
Young Heads
Union Drive
Oglesby Young, sophomore in
pre-law, was appointed campus
wide student union committee
chairman Wednesday by Lou Tor
gescn, ASUO president. Young
will head the committee com
posed of the chairmen from the
individual class student union
Assistants appointed to aid
Young are Ray Schrick. publicity
chairman, and Bob Lovell, com
mittee adviser. The appointments,
aimed at reviving interest in the
student union building movement,
will be followed by a general
committee meeting as soon as a
freshman committee has been
"Despite the fact that present
building costs will not permit the
construction of the building right
away, it is important that stu
dent interest in the movement be
sustained. Students showing in
terest in increasing the building
fund now will speed the actual
construction in the future,”
Chairman Young stated.
Following the appointment of
Yeung to the general chairman
ship, Uly Dorais, sophomore in
BA, was appointed head of the
sophomore committee. Individual
class committees will work in
cooperation with the general
committee in an effort to settle
the final site and content of the
Russell Pages
New Yell Dukes
Would-be yell dukes will try
out at 4 p.m. Thursday, Novem
ber 13, in the Igloo, Earle Russell,
yell king, announced last night.
A vacancy'vv'as created when Bud
Steele, yell duke, was declared in
eligible because of grades.
Those wishing to try out will
meet in the lobby by the student
(Please turn to page eight)
Mrs. Rimplegar, flighty mother
of the family portrayed in “Three
Cornered Moon,” University
Theater guild production, is
played hy Dorothy Durkee. The
drama, which opened Wednesday,
will continue through Saturday,
November 15.
'Moon' Opens
With Hilarious
First Nighter
Family life as it might have
happened in a kindergarten,
nightmare or just in the home of
the Rimplegars brought delighted
chuckles from the University
theater audience with the open
ing last night of “Three Cornered
Screwballs on the delightful
side, the Rimplegars find them
selves suddenly minus a fortune
and proceed in their rambling
way to remedy the situation.
Their efforts, and their final suc
cesses, make the comedy a pleas
ant after-dinner diversion.
Cast Notables
Notable among the cast is
Dorothy Durkee as the ever help
ful and confused Mrs. Rimplegar.
Adrian Martin breezes through
the role of Kenneth Rimplegar
with an effective Harvard accent
and a ruffled coiffure.
< Please turn to page three)
Oregon Coeds Knittin’ for Britain
—Photo by Leo Molatore
As a part of the “Aid-to-Britain” program many University women
are joining a campaign to knit “housewives kits” for army and navy
men. Shown knitting are Jean Marshall, Carolyn Martin, and Jean
Fitzgerald. Material is furnished by the Red Cross and the construc
tion of several dozen kits is planned.
All Campus Groups
Active in Sewing
For Fighting Men
Knittin’ a mitten for Britain
is the latest parlor pastime to
sweep the Oregon campus. A re
cent survey reveals that many
coeds are taking an active part in
the battle against Hitler by hand
manufacturing articles for Brit
ish and American men in the
Arrangements were made
through heads of houses for each
living organization to make a
certain number of “housewives
kits” for the use of army and
navy men. These kits are sewed
by the girls and furnished with
needles, pins, thread, buttons, and
other items necessary.
Red Cross Helps
The Red Cross furnished the
material, and coeds will construct
several dozen kits.
Another campus group is start
ing a collection of sweaters to be
turned over to Bundles for
(Please turn to fayc ciyht)
Soviet Puzzle
Clarified at 11
By Newsman
William Henry Chamberlin,
who speaks this morning- at 11
to a University audience in
Gerlinger hall on “The Rus
sian Enigma,” began his suc
cessful newspaper and writing*
career immediately following
his graduation from Haver
ford college when he joined
the staff of the Philadelphia
Two years later he became*
assistant book editor of the Ncv/
York Tribune and in 1922 he went
abroad as Moscow correspondent
of the Christian Science Monitor.
For twelve years he covered ev
ery phase of Soviet development.
He met and interviewed such.'
figures as President Kalinin, Leon
Trotsky, Premier Rykov, fornici*
Foreign Commissar Chicherin an<V
others. He traveled from one emfc
of the Soviet Union to the other,
explored the Caucasus and
trekked to Chinese Turkestan for
the opening of the Turkestan
Siberia railway. Mr. Chamberlin
also lived in Germany as a w-riter
and observer during most of tba
year 1934.
Upon his return to this country*
from Germany he embarked on a
series of lectures to convey to the*
American public an idea of the
condition of Russia during hc^
struggle with the Five-Year plan.
Visits UO
It was at this time, January 17,
1935, that he visited the Univer
sity for the first time.
(Please turn to page eight)
Morse Home
From Trip East
Dean Wayne L. Morse was baefc
in the University of Oregon law
school Wednesday mornings
teaching double classes to make*
up for time lost while he was in
Chicago as chairman of Presi
dent Roosevelt's emergency boaril1
to investigate the railroad labor?
While in the East Dean Morse*
was appointed as an alternate to
the public members of the nation-*
al defense mediation board. How-*
ever, he will not begin active d«-»
ties until he has finished arbitra
tion on two important Pacififll
(Please turn to page three)
i hate the realization
Of the state of my education
That comes at the termination
Of a week-end long vacation.
— J.W.S.
Time Cards Due
NYA payroll period closes
at the end of the working:
day, Saturday, November
15. Time cards must be
turned in to the payroll of
fice in the business office,
second floor Johnson hall,
by noon Monday, Novem- '
ber 17. *