Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 10, 1941, Page 8, Image 8

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    Jk • #«*!» » A .
“There will be no campus cele
bration of the Armistice holiday
since so few students will be
here,” stated Karl W. Ontbank,
dean of personnel administration,
yesterday in regard to student
activities for tomorrow.
“However,” he went on to say,
“the senior ROTC students are
participating in the city celebra
tion and University students are
welcome to attend the services.”
Featured Speaker
Rev. Edward J. Jones, a vet
eran of World War I, will be the
featured speaker at the special
Armistice day services to be held
at 10:50 tomorrow morning in the
First Christian church at Elev
enth and Oak streets. Rev. Jones
will take the place of Rev. S.
Childers, pastor of the church,
who is ill.
Other featured item on the
day’s program will be a parade
starting from the armory at 10
a.m. The Eugene municipal band
will lead the parade and Major
M. B. Huntley, United States
army, retired, will act as grand
marshal. Major Huntley will be
assisted by disabled war veterans
and reserve officers.
Singing on Program
Myrl Garnett, general chair
man of the day’s activities, has
announced that Hal Young,
choir director of the First Chris
tian church, will conduct the
singing and S. S. George, past
department commander of the
American Legion, will have
charge of the church program.
The program for the entire day
is in charge of the Commander’s
Hoover Signs
Nash Volume
“To John Henry Nash, a great
printer, from Herbert Henry
Hoover; Lou Henry Hoover” is
the inscription on the newest ad
dition to the John Henry Nash
collection of the University li
Mr. Nash makes a practice of
having all of his famous books
signed either by the author, il
lustrator, or printer. This book,
“Agricola’s Dere Metalhea,” is
one of the first books on metal
lurgy. The book is by Herbert
Hoover and Mrs. Hoover, 1912,
and is from the translation of
the Isxlaten Eddition of 1556.
According to Mr. Nash, his at
tempts to have this book signed
have been the most difficult he
has ever made. Although Mr.
Hoover signed readily, Mrs. Hoo
ver was ill and unable to sign for
several weeks. It was only after
making several trips especially
for the purpose of her signature
that he found her well enough to
The book is a large folio copy
and is bound in vellum.
council, composed of commanders
of all Eugene’s veteran groups.
Assisting Garnett will be Clar
ence Simon, also a representa
tive of the Commanders’ council.
The parade will form at the
army and start at 10 a.m. It will
proceed down Fifth avenue to
Willamette street, up Willamette
to Eleventh avenue, and out
Eleventh to the church on the
corner of Oak street.
Taps will be sounded at the
church at 10:55 in tribute to those
who were killed in the the first
World war 23 years ago.
The marriage of Mis3 Edyth
Jayne Morley to George R. Blod
gett, '33, was solemnized in Hub
bard June 14.
Plus 13c Federal
Tax-Total $2.63
(Armistice Day Holiday)
LV. EUGENE, S. P. Station.8:30 a. m.
LV. PORTLAND, Union Station.. 7:45 p. m.
♦2.75 ROUNDTRIP 52S?T“
Leave Eugene MONDAY, Nov. 10, at 12:15 p.m. or 5:10 p.m.
Return Tueedey Evening 7:45 p.m.
’""TT’v^v ————j
at booth on 13*h St., between Oregon and Commerce
Buildings. Phone 2200 for information.
Sponsored by
YW to Handle
Campus Drive
As in past years, the commun
ity service department of the
YWCA will be in charge of the
Red Cross drive for funds on the
Oregon campus, announced Chair
man Ani.a Simons Sunday.
Definite plans will be drawn
up at a meeting within the next
few days, Miss Simons said.
Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, di
rector of dormitories, is in charge
of the general all-campus drive.
She announced that faculty so
licitations were being made
through letters, and not through
personal contacts this year.
It is probable that one member
of each living organization will
be in charge of donations, which
will be turned over to the Red
Cross by the community service
Further plans for carrying out
the drive will be announced soon,
Miss Simons declared.
Bill Regner Lands
In Capsule Camp
"What’s loss for one is gain
for another.”—Anonymous.
Up to date example: Student
Health Service took in Bill Reg
ner, loss goes to Oregon’s pig
skin packers.
Sunday the infirmary also
listed Doris McLain, Milodene
Goss, Lorraine Lewis, Maurice
O’Connell, Lester Thompson, Stan
Boyd, Stewart Smith, Thomas
Hardy, and Dr. Lisle Wyatt. Al
ice Maude Bloodworth, Eathel
Sutton, Dan Plaza, and Robert
Irvin were dismissed over the
Reporters Gather
Emerald reporters will meet
the end of this week to discuss
Emerald business and campus
coverage, Bob Frazier, news edi
tor, announced yesterday.
Time and place of the meeting
will be revealed later, Frazier
Clemes Edits Article
William Clemes, graduate as
sistant in the college of social
science last year, is the author of
“Grey Home in the West,” which
appeared in the magazine section
of the Sunday Oregonian.
College Play
Brings Clothes
to Grief.
We make them
Shine Again
A smart coed knows she
can enjoy college fun
without washday wor
ries! New Service Laun
dry does your work
quickly and efficiently.
Call now and have us
pick up your laundry so
it will be ready for the
i>ig weekend.
Phone 825
New Service
839 High St.
Gym, Pool to Close
The men’s gym and the
men’s pool will be closed
Tuesday, in observance of
Armistice day, the PE de
partment announced. Both
will be open regular hours
today and Wednesday.
Coeds Collect
Old Sweaters
Bundles for Britain will become
sweaters for Britain on Wednes
day, November 26, when an all
campus drive for sweaters, head
ed by Mary Farr and Mary Huser
of the campus home economics
departments, will get underway.
Wool sweaters for both men
and women and scraps of yarn
are especially needed according
to Mrs. Farr, who urged that stu
dents who go home for Armistice
day and Thanksgiving vacation
ransack their closets for old
sweaters they do not need,
lecting the sweaters from the liv
Orides members will aid in col
ing organizations on the 26th.
Members of women’s houses have
already expressed their willling
ness to cooperate in a Heads of
Houses meeting.
Miss Catherine Coleman, ’35,
and Donald M. Fields, ’35, were
married September 13.
Rally Squad
Needs Two '
Persons desiring positions on
the rally committee must submit
petitions to ASUO President Lou
Torgeson or to Secretary Bette
Morfitt at the ASUO office in
McArthur court before 5 p.m.
The executive committee will
appoint two new members on the
basis of petitions submitted.
One vacancy, for a senior wo
man, was created when Pat How
ard was declared ineligible last
week. Charles Mallory will notv
be in school next term, so a va
cancy will be open to a sopho
more man. 1
Clifton Steele, yell duke, has
also been declared ineligible.
Earle Russell, yell king, will ap
point a successor to Steele.
A similar situation existed
early this term when Ray Dick
son did not return to school. The
executive committee appointed
George Arbuckle to fill his posi
Desk Staff Meeting
Emerald copy desk workers
will meet at 7:15 Thursday
ning in the Emerald news room,
according to Ray Schrick, man
aging editor.
A complete list of desk editors
and copy readers appeared in
Saturday’s Emerald.
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with duPont
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Navy, Tan, Green
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