Soldier Boys Hold Ducklings To Scoreless Tie in Grid Fray Slippery Turf Keeps Offensive Efforts Muzzled By AiT. GOULD The Frosh didn’t win a game lltSt Saturday night in Astoria, but they didn’t have a loss tacked on their record sheet either, as their game with the soldiers from Fort Stevens ended in a score less tie. Frosh victory number three was ver y nearly tied down by the Duckling gridders in the closing seconds, in fact on the last play of the game. The near-score came as a result of the Duck ling’s patented long passing combination, Glasgow to Lopaz. For on the game’s last play, Glasgow faded back to his 38 and tossed a pass to Lopaz who had slipped behind the soldiers’ secondary on the five yard line. Lopaz took the ball and started for the end zone. He slipped to one knee on the two-yard line, and slid over the goal line. How ever, the official ruled that he had been down on the two, and as the timer’s gun had sounded while the play was in motion, the ball game was over. Trosh Threaten Another serious scoring drive by the yearlings came in the first five minutes of the game, when they took the ball on the soldiers’ 3i_ where a short punt had bounced out of bounds. A pass to Torchia, and run by Glasgow moved the ball to the 12, and another run by Glasgow advanced to the five. There the frosh at tack bogged down and the sol diers took over the ball. Fort Stevens had its turn, when Newman, 215-pound tac kle, picked up a Duckling fum ble in mid-air on his 35, and raced 48 yards to the Oregon 1“, where, with a clear field in front of him, he stumbled and fell. After the frosh line stif fened and held for no gain, Steve Fowler, a boy who per formed with the frosh in 1938, attempted a field goal from the 22, but it was blocked by end Pattison. All through the game, the Ducklings broke loose for long gains, but just couldn't keep clicking when they were in scor i n g territory. LeRoy Erikson returned a punt from his 12, back to the 35, but a fumble on the next play nullified his run, as was the case all night. The frosh had it all to them FOR THE BEST IN QUALITY IT'S WALTHAM AND ELGIN at t BRISTOW'S j JEWELRY STORE 620 Willamette Eugene selves on the statistical side, finishing the game 1B3 yards net from scrimmage, and a to tal of nine first downs, as com pared to the soldiers’ 51 yards from scrimmage plays and four first downs. Steve Fowlers played a great game for the soldiers, but the Duckling's Erickson was the out standing back on the field. The yearlings will end their regular schedule for 1941, when they meet the Rooks from OSC Friday night, November 7, in Corvallis. One of the four desperate passes hurled by the Webfoots In Satur day’s game as the last 27 seconds of the first half were ticking away. The Oregon team has the ball on the YVSC 8-yard line but a series of four passes failed to push it across. Pictured above is Tommy Roblin’s pass intended for Jim Shephard, shown lumping in the foreground. Shown are Stam Zemmy (52) and Woddy Ross (58) WSC following the p'ay. Back of Shephard are Bill Homes (29) and Bill Remington (40). (Photo courtesy Register-Guard.) Duck Hoopmen Add Two Tilts to Schedule Two more warm-up games have been slated for McArthur court by the Oregon basketball quintet before their annual trans continental tour gets under way December 6. These new additions non give the Ducks a total of 27 tilts for the season, sixteen nor thern division contests and eleven nonconference games. Signal Oil’s crack outfit opens the Webfoot season at home No vember 21. The Oiler team is composed entirely of former col lege aces and last year pulled down a close 45 to 41 victory over the Ducks, thanks to some “superman” tactics by Dusky Chuck Patterson, ex-Oregon star. Patterson tossed in some 21 points to single-handedly pull the “coup de’etat.” Rubenstein’s Slated The other encounter is for De cember 3 against Rubenstein’s Oregonians. Last year the Web foot varsity took the count from the Rubensteins by a 47 to 40 score. A star-studded lineup is being rounded up for the current Oregonians. Among the lumin aries are Urgel (Slim) Winter mute, Laddie Gale, Earl Sand ness, Jack Butterworth, and Ted Sarpola, all of whom served under Hobby Hobson. A third game is on the Ore gon schedule before they turn eastward. That is against the Oregon State A.A.U. champ ions, the Bradford Clothiers, December 6 at Portland. Ducks Fast Break In workouts Monday night, the Ducks resorted to the traditional galloping tactics, working the fast break from backboard re coveries. The combinations of Don Kirsch and Bob Newland, and Porky Andrews and Paul Jackson showed up well in the race-horse down-floor rush. Another informal intrasquad scrimmage was held last night with Warren Taylor, 6-foot 5-inch junior being the outstanding man on the floor. The big forward dropped in baskets from all over Sigma Chis, SAEs Shine In IM Volleyball Openers With touch foo ball a thing of the past, intramural volleyball rolled into a conspicuous niche in the shelf of campus sports yester day, and featured six well-groomed teams itching to show their stuff in intramural competition. Both of the the large basketball courts were in use and judging by the enthusiasm shown by both specta tors and the players the tourney will furnish some lively battles as it moves along. The tilts this year are being run so that each team is compelled to play three games with their opposition and judged on the basis of the best two out of three. Sigma Cliis Boom A rugged Sigma Chi sextet trampled the none-too-lucky Gamma hall outfit, 17 to 3 in one tilt, 17 to 8 in the other to win the first two games, and conse quently, the series. This victory can, at least in part, be attrib uted to the deceptive serves dished out by Sigma Chi’s Evan Morin, and the sterling line back ing of Don Morin and Dick Clark. The SAEs, despite the sturdy resistance handed them by a persevering Pi Kap aggrega tion, swamped them 15 to 10 and 15 to 17, respectively, to take home the victory-bacon. The long, looping serves of Oz zie Redfield, which swooped into the back reaches of the the floor and looked very good in under-the-basket mixups. Sphomore Bob Wren was an other who showed up well on of fense, as did Lloyd Jackson, tow ering center. Bob Newland was “leech” on Captain Porky An drews, checking the fiery Duck captain with unerring canniness. Believe It or Not DON'T GUESS CALL JESS GODLOVE The Plumber 31 East 7th Ph. 547 court were just too much for the Pi Kaps, who were unable to retrieve them. Taking two out of three games to win the series, a victorious Phi Psi club defeated Kappa Sig ma to the tune of 15 to 3 and 15 to 13. The Yeomen lost by default to Alpha hall. Eugene Gets Classics Meet The Classical Association of Pacific States will hold its an nual meeting at Eugene this year during the Christmas holidays, according to Dr. Edna Landros, acting head of classic department, and president of the association. The association includes col lege and high school teachers of classics in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia. There will be one joint meet ing with the American Historical society which will probably be a banquet with a speaker to repre sent both groups. OCT. 25th WINNERS in the Philip Morris Scorecast L. A. Alliner A. P. Asher R. Barnhardt B. Barisli C. Bauman A. DiBenedetti Jim Bennison Hank Burns Jack Con B. Curran B. Eilsen L. Endicott J. Fitzgerald H. Fukuda N. Gardner Bob Gray John Gurley B. Hancock Hal Harris J. Higgins T. Hogg D. Holmes, Jr. K. Hopper Tom Howell K.Inohara C. Hunt Les Jackson Pete Lamb Dick Larkin B. Leonard Bob Long N. McCarthy Don Merrill Glen Metcalf H. Patton Clay Pond I). Potter C. Paine W. G. Phelps J. Rasmusen Mary Reimers Ken Roden Warren Roper D. Schultz Ernest Shout F. Stickels L. Stoeclke W. Strohecker Bob Sullivan W. Treece B. Van Nuys F. Warner G. Warner D. Winters Allen Wong I). Younger Bill Yankie Philco Radio Prizes, Too: So join now — don’t delay — pick your teams — and watch them pay — Scorecast November 22: Varsity vs. Washington O.S.C. vs. Montana W.S.C. vs. Gonzaga (Ballot Boxes Close Sat., 10 a.m.)