Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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JLIS War Part
Of De Gaulle
While the peoples of Europe
lie under the yoke of Hitler, and
no material help can reach them,
certain diplomatic moves are
possible which might at least
give them courage and hope for
eventual deliverance.
Foremost of these is recogniz
ing the Free French government
as the real government of
France. There is no question of
where our sympathies lie; most
Americans see in Petain only
shame and betrayal of country.
The Petain government, while
the ghastly mass shooting of hos
tages was proceeding, seemed
more anxious to catch the assas
sins of the German generals than
to prevent the shooting of ab
solutely innocent men.
Vichy Rule “Illegal”
Sentimental interests aside, the
Vichy government can claim no
legal foundation at all. In the
October Foreign Affairs, Rene
Cassin writes, “The Vichy gov
ernment is both illegal and ille
gitimate. The fact is important
both from a legal and moral point
of view.”
He goes on to point out that in
three particulars the resolution
of the National Assembly of July
10, 1940, on which the Vichy gov
ernment bases its existence, is
null and void.
De Gaulle’s Stand
De Gaulle, on the other hand,
in a statement issued October
27, 1940, made it clear that the
Thi»d Republic would be given
continuity by his government in
all possible respects and that
Free France only aimed at re
storing the nation to indepen
dence and freedom as a republic.
We realize that the illegality
of the Vichy government is not
the final word on the subject, for
our own Continental Congress,
and later the government set up
by the constitution itself, were
illegal in that they simply sus
pended previously existing gov
ernments without any serious
attempt at continuity. But if
popular opinion is taken into ac
(Pleasc turn to page seven)
Oh Ohe
Afcril fecuj,
f —--■
Nov. 3, 1941.
Dear Editor:
This letter is written by a “Mr.”
and a “Mrs." who are “patrons.”
At two recent house dances we
have been stared at with a “Well,
who are you look!” At one of
them we managed in our own
awkward way to dispose of our
own coats. We likewise managed
to dance in order not to appear
too foolish. And to be sure, we
managed to leave in a hurry.
It is common courtesy to wel
come a patron. He must be asked
in. He must bo shown the cour
tesy you would give an ordinary
guest. If this is not done he feels
like an intruder ... as indeed he
My wife and I have enjoyed
dances when given a chance to
have a good time. We do not ex
pect. or want, to be hedged about
with pledges whose assigned
duty is to talk to the patron-'.
We simply like to feel at hon: .
What's to be done about it?
A Patron.
Fraternities Show True Colors
To Fire-Impoverished Students...
(An Editorial)
r\NE of the finest things about the fratern
ity system made itself evident Saturday
morning in tlie fire tragedy of Sigma Alpha
It is the normal attitude of Greek organiza
tions to engage in political rivalry, athletic
competition, friendly bickering. But when a
real crisis comes to one of their fellow groups,
the comradeship, self-sacrifice, and loyalty
which are inherent qualities of the fraternity
program make these minor cross-purposes
forgotten. •
Saturday morning, 23 members of the Pot
ter street fraternity found themselves out in
the rain, dressed only in pajamas, and with
out a roof for their heads. Two. of their mem
bers were in the hospital, and their cook who
had been with the house since its inception in
the early thirties had been burned to death
in the fire.
# #
OEFORE the last man had slid down the
improvised ladder to the ground, a neigh
boring fraternity had opened its house for
their use. Breakfast and warm clothes, as well
as the facilities of the organization, were
made welcome to them. Since the fire s dam
age became known on the campus, invitations
from every men’s group greeted President
Morrie Stein. Housing facilities were offered
all of his roofless members until they can
make arrangements for new quarters.
Members of Sigma Alpha Mu, even after
they get safely settled in their new house, will
not soon forget the friendly hospitable spirit
of helpfulness shown to them on every hand
by Oregon fraternities. It is that quality
which makes the fraternity system such a
vital tradition in the American college.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University
of Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.26 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second
class matter at the postffice, Eugene, Oregon._
HELEN ANGELL, Editor ~ 7 FRED MAV, Business Manager
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Kahananui: Professor George Turnbull, adviser. _
Schnck, Jonathan
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1941 Member 1942
Associated Golle&ate Press
Courtesy-Costs Little.. •
JN this morning’s edition of the Bmcr^ld appears a shoit
letter from one faculty member protesting the lack of
courtesy shown toward patrons at fraternity dances. He cites
two cases when he, and his wife, were completely ignored upon
arrival at the fraternity with the result that they soon left
in a rather unhappy frame of mint?.
The charge is one that is difficult to explain. As the dis
tressed faculty member said, he did not need to be enter
tained. Both he and his wife are still young, young enough to
enjoy dancing where the atmosphere is at all congenial. But
to be completely ignored and openly insulted is quite another
matter. Is it any wonder that they left within a few minutes
with a bad taste in their mouths?
* *
npiIIS is not intended as a dissertation upon the snobbishness
of Greek living organizations. Far from it. Beyond a doubt,
the slight was due to carelessness and not deliberate malicious
ness. No one bothered to show the newly arrived patrons where
to put their wraps and no one spoke a pleasant word. Instead
of being treated as guests, as was their right, they were given
what is commonly called the “brush-off.”
Such carelessness, if such it was, is probably not typical of
Greek living organizations. Perhaps it is not even typical of
the houses in question. The faculty member in question men
tioned that he had later accepted another invitation to act as
patron at the house dance of another fraternity and was
cordially received and courteously treated during the entire
The fraternities should look to themselves. House leaders
should take care to see that all the members of the house
know who the patrons for the dance ax*e before the night of
the dance. And, certainly, it is only common decency to show
newly-arrived guests wh ' they may hang their wraps and be
a little friendly in doing it. And even a professor might like
to be spoken to who* he meets an acquaintance—even if it is
at a house dance.—i
Popularity contests throughout the year included the fresh
man “sweetheart,” the ideal sophomore couple, the junior
“queen." the King of Hearts, the best-looking dog. "Why not
have the fraternities choose the most popular housemother-—
or would too many lights remain on after 12:15 during the
campaign 1
flam jfO-b
Pop McElroy had a benefit
hop last night in Portland for
Woody Hite’s zephyrs of rhythm
who got so hot they burned down
the joint. Ken Baker, Larry Lane,
Joe Dardis, Bob Mitchell and Hite
all contributed to the gay time
which was real nice, I thought.
Pretty tough break for Wood
though. A1 Carter, the tub ace,
lost his all pearl, just like Krupa
drums, without insurance. Four
more men lost trumpets, tenor
saxes and and clarinets all with
out coverage. Warren Black,
who goes like Charley Christian
in the git box, found that the am-'
plifier for his electric box had
been razed, but didn’t worry be
cause it was insured. But when he
got the Prudentiallian figures
concerning what he was going
to get from the boys, great un
happiness. It seems as though the
dough he will snag from his pol
icy will just cover a down pay
ment on his new amplifier. Na
tional defense you know. Carry
Hite’s Library Gone
Hite lost his whole library too,
winch isn’t particularly amazing
seeing as it was all on paper and
there was a fire, but what is in
teresting is that the boy who is
going to replace it for him (some
700 tunes) is Tom Todd, who tin
kled for Baker’s crew.
Todd, coming young Portland
genius, has also been commis
sioned by a large musical pub
lishing house to write stock or
chestrations of current tunes.
The reason this column is fair
ly readable today is because I’m
sleepy. If I was on my toes you
wouldn’t have a chance but writh
exams and all, I just haven’t got
that immortal spark. You know
like Back and Handle and them
big composers.
Eddie’s Turn
How did you all like Eddie
Fitzpatrick? Hmmmmm? That’s
wrhat I thought. Well, remember
I told you distinctly all about it
right here. And, incidentally, I
found some one wrho agrees with
me on the “Tonight We Oscu
late’’ mess. It’s Herb Cain, music
editor for the Los Angeles Ex
aminer. And he says, “**!&!!*Tb,”
end quote. Oh yeah, I found an
other wTho sees eye to eye re
Martin. She is the dorm secy.,
w’hose husband is a musician him
self, thanks, and she thinks Mar
tin stinks, too. So that makes
three people with taste. One is
in Los Angeles though.
(Please turn to page seven)
Here are just a few tidbits be
fore we get down to the business
of today, and serious business it
is, too.
First of all, there’s Alpha O
Joan Kabisius and Jack Josse, Phi
Sig, who decided that they might
as well pin themselves down to
facts . . . Alpha Chi Dottie Horn
found boy-friend Johnny Merill
returning from Seattle to take
the army air corps exam; he
passed both . . . Don Barker
gives Alpha O’s Yvonne Torgler
his Phi Psi pin, after they had
already been going steady. . . .
Although he didn’t win the title
of the sophomoric “Joe College,’’
Chi Psi Neil Regin probably had
a better time in his capacity as
a candidate than most of the
For instance, the Chi Psis
traded guests, Neil going to a
sorority for dinner or
while that sorority’s candidate
went to the Chi Psis. Anyway,
Neil made Theta, DeeGees, Alpha
Phi, Kappaz, Alpha Chi, Gamma
Phi, Pi Phi, and the Chi O’s,
which is a plenty-good menu any
time anywhere.
We didn’t get to the Whisker
ino, but almost everyone that
went came back with tales of how
well Pi Phi Mary Jane Rabbe and
Morrie Burgess danced together
. . . and then, too, we missed our
letter from DeeGee Mona Mac
Auley, who, we understood, would
write to us at least once a week.
me, now, or you’ll never learn
how to handle a plane. Just do
as I tell you, and you’ll be all
right. Keep ’er straight now.
Don’t let ’er go sideways. Push
'er a little harder and keep your
front end up a little—now level
off. There! That’s the way. Say,
I’ll make a carpenter out of you
INVASIONEWS: There’ll be a
slight pause while we put on our
sleuthing cap, meerschaum pipe
and our good glass eye. The point
that we’re going to raise, and
continue throughout this week is,
"Can the Oregon Campus Be In
Now don’t ask by whom, be
cause we really don’t know. In
fact, any similarity to Beavers,
is done purely with no malice or
forethought, living or dead. Fur
thermore, any similarity to cam
pus personalities is accidental,
living or dead after mid-terms.
This is the question that is on
the lips of Oregon students, be
sides Coty’s wine-red and dried
tooth paste. Of course, some will
say, there’s no danger from
abroad, but we hasten to take of
fense to that statement, and will
offer our defense in the ensuing
We feel confident that we have
two articles.
unearthed the underhand work
ings of the enemy. We stand in
the midst of this turmoil, raising
our torch of truth above the evi
dence. The ever-growing flames
will chase away all doubts . . .
warm, isn’t it?
Therefore, we present our case
of possible invasion of the Univer
sity of Oregon campus. When
such action takes place, we don’t
know, but we don’t intend to play
around with that torch again.
It all started quite calmly on
November 28th when Prexy Lou
Torgeson found the initials,
“Chuck Loves Nelda” on the fifth
column of Johnson hall. That
noon, the Sigma Kappa house
boys failed to spill any soup
down the diner’s backs and allv
the records of “Concerto *in B
Flat Minor” were missing from
all sororities.
(Please turn to page seven)