Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1941, Image 1

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Dr. Erb#s First
Four Years
Ducks Gird
For WSC Cats
They're Out to "Blitz the Beavers"
wo.u. cu.u.ng committee cnairmen are working now to make the 1942 alumni fete, to be held No
vember 28, 29, and 30, a statewide attraction for all Oregon alums. Front row, from left are, George
Arbuckle, Maxine Hansen, Janet Farnham, Keid Farrell, Jean Frideger, Mary Jane Dunn, Don Walker
and Russ Hudson, general chairman. Rear row, M irvin Gorrie, Gerald Huestis, Bob Whietly, Jim
Banks, Ep Hoyt, Ray Packouz, Bob Ballard, and Herb Penny. (Courtesy the Oregonian)
Jlujltti Out....
Student Cooperation
In Blackout Slated
Advanced ROTC students, and campus organizations, will
play a large part in tonight’s blackout. Acting both as reserve
police and as filter center operators, junior and senior ROTC
students have volunteered their services in aiding local author
ities during the simulated air raid.
The campus infirmary will make available the full extent
of its facilities, Dr. Fred N. Miller, head of the health service,
said. All the doctors will report for duty one hour before tho
alarm and the infirmary will remain open for an hour after
Senior Prexy
Reveals New
Frank McKinney, senior in po
litical science, is new vice-presi
dent of the senior class, and Earl
Holmer, senior in law, is new
treasurer, Pat Lawson, class
president, announced last night
after interviews with the peti
Appointments were made by
Miss Lawson and Dorothy Jean
Johnson, class secretary, in ac
cordance with the senior class
constitution. They considered the
advice of the interviewing council,
composed of Virgil D. Earl,”dean
of men, James H. Gilbert, dean
of the college of social science
and senior class adviser, Miss
Lawson, and Miss Johnson.
Vacancies in senior class of
fices were created when Bob
CTiPrney, former president, and
Mack Hand, former treasurer,
were put on probation because of
their spring grades. Miss Lawson
automatically assumed the presi
dency, but Miss Johnson, who
could have moved to vice-presi
dent, preferred to remain class
House dances will get started
You cannot drive a car.
If you try to light a cigarette,
You won’t get very far.
This business of a blackout
■^6 certainly a curse,
But I s’pose were Hitler coming
It would be a little' worse.
Grad Promoted
Rudolph E. Hegdahl, Eugene,
a former graduate assistant at
the University and later coach
at North Bend high school, now
stationed at Hamilton field, Cali
fornia, has been advanced in in
fantry to the position of captain.
This was announced Wednesday
from Oregon military district
headquarters in Portland.
OSC Requests
Major Return
Oregon Sta.te college has decid
ed to ask for return of their
school of commerce, lost in 1932
in the same shuffle which took
away Oregon’s recently returned
upper-division science courses.
University President Donald
M. Erb was asked Thursday if he
had any statement to make con
cerning the OSv request. Dr.
Erb replied, “No, I . e no state
ment to make. This is a matter
involving considerations of edu
cational policy which should be
left to the members of the state
board of higher education for de
cision. I have full confidence that
members of the board will inves
tigate the request with their
usual care and reach a decision
upon it based on educational
Within a day after the state
board of higher education had re
stored major science work to the
University, the OSC administra
tive council unanimously ap
proved a statement Wednesday
declaring that since the board had
“abandoned the principle of non
duplication work in major fields,”
commerce should be returned to
Oregon State.
This was seen by the council
as “a first step toward the addi
tion of major work needed to
make Oregon State a more near
(Please turn to page three)
Friday Night Blackout
Rules for City Listed
I wish to call the attention of the students and faculty of the
University to the official notice regarding the blackout Friday
night, October 31. Let me again urge every member of the
University community to observe both the letter and the spirit
of this important defense demonstration.
D. M. Erb
Official blackout rules follow:
1. Warning of impending blackout will be sounded upon
the sighting of bombing planes by outpost observers. Exact
time indefinite. About 9 p.m., Friday, October 31.
2. Air raid warning will be by means of whistles sounded
throug’hout Eugene.
3. Each resident is asked personally to see that no light is
visible from outside.
4. Light no matches during blackout period of approximately
15 minutes.
5. During blackout dr> not cross streets. Remain where you
6. Please obey promptly any instructions given by air raid
wardens, firemen, or policemen in your neighborhood.
7. Autoists—at sound of warning, drive immediately to curb,
step, and turn off lights. Do not attempt to operate car with
lights off. Do not stop on bridge or street intersections nor
at exits to buildings. Do not block fire plugs. Do not double
8. One blast of whistles and signalling devices will indicate
the end of the test. Street and all other lights then will be
turned on.
“It is the purpose of all concerned to make it a voluntary
civic and patriotic undertaking and the public is urged to
completely and fully cooperate with the army and civilian
force's on such a basis,” Herschel R. Taylor, chairman of the
protective division, Lane county defense council, said.
Richter Visits UO
Louis E. Richter, who taught
Spanish last year in the Univer
sity as a graduate assistant in
Romance languages, will be on
the campus this weekend for a
Mr. Richter has been teaching
Spanish in the army airbase at
Pendleton, Oregon.
QoLHert A'p.'fietiteA
Decision increases Dormitory Rates Next Term
Dormitory rates will be raised $3 per month
beginning winter tern1., J. O. Lindstrom, university
business manager announced Thursday. The in
crease, which will bring the monthly rate for board
to $*26 per student, will be necessary because of
advancing food costs and higher wages paid to
employees, he declared.
The decision was made after a survey of price
indices and food costs was completed by a com
mittee appointed by Chancellor Frederick M.
Since the dormitories are self-sustaining and not
operated out of state funds, the increase is neces
sary to balance income and expenditures, Mr. Lind
strcm stated. The increase in wage rates from
30 to 3.5 cents per hour for student help in the
dining rcoms will increase the per student cost
67 cents a month.
The bureau of labor statistics index for whole
sale food prices stood at 90.5 for September 1941.
On the basis of this index food costs for 537 stu
dents housed in dormitories will increase $8,635.65
for the present school year, or a total of $‘2.11 per
student per month.
Each point rise in the index will increase the
student cost 15 cents per month and it is antici
pated that the index may reach 100 before the end
of tlie school year.
Priorities Fooled
By Fractional Man
“Let’s see," mused Wes Sulli
van, president of Campbell club,
“9 goes into 150 16 and two-thirds
times. Sixteen and two-thirds
men have to go downtown and
buy 9 yards each of drapery ma
Campbell club’s problem in
higher mathematics was created
when it was learned that, owing
to national defense, OPM, priori
ties boards, and a bottleneck in
the textile manufacturing indus
try. only 9 yards of the material
members wanted for new drap
eries for their living room could
be purchased by a single individ
ual. And their house dance to
night made it imperative that
they have new draperies.
With usual Oregon keenness
and perspicacity Campbell club
solved its problem, but still un
solved is the question of what
the two-thirds of a man will do
at the house dance.
the an clear.
The health service will be
available not only to students but
to anyone in the University
neighborhood. Extra nurses will
be on duty and rooms will be pro
vided with adequate light con
cealment for emergency use.
Care Urged
Dr. Miller urges students to
take all possible care to avoid ac
cidents and requests that students
refrain from asking for medical
attention that can wait till morn
ing. Insofar as possible, he added,
emergency cases should be taken
to the hospital. He asked stu
dents not to call doctors away
from their posts.
The Eugene blackout is part of
a series of maneuvers including
all of northwestern Oregon-. The
purposes are tWo-folci: 1. To pro
vide an official test of U. S. army
air combat and interceptor forc
es. 2. To officially test the civilian
defenses in this area.
ROTC Called
A staff of ROTC officers will
be stationed in groups of two at
points on the campus to sec that
no University property is dam
aged. These officers will be re
sponsible to see that citizens in.
their immediate area observe
blackout rules. They will be iden
tified by white arm bands and
cards. They will be prepared to
report violators of blackout regu
lations and to answer questions,
warn individuals about turning
out lights, and safeguard life
and property.
The students working at the
filter center in the downtown
armory will be filtering informa
tion as it is phoned in by lookouts
stationed in the Lane county fil
ter district. As a plane is detect
ed, the information will be phoned
to the armory where it will be
filtered and transmitted to the
operations commander in Port
land. From Portland, planes will
be sent out to engage the “ene-*
my” aircraft.
Canada Knows
Of SDK Queen
From Eugene, Oregon, to Win
nipeg, Manitoba, is a long way,
but the fame of Dottie Havens,
Sigma Delta Chi’s "perfect type,”
is a thing that transcends time
and space.
SDX officers received a letter
Thursday from Jame K. Duff, a
student at the University of Man
itoba in Winnipeg, asking for a
picture of Miss Havens.
Duff explained that he had seen
her picture in the Winnipeg Free
Press, which had carried it fol
lowing her election as the "per
fect type.” He added that "I be
lieve that, somewhere in my tra
vels in that direction, I have met
Miss Havens.”