Bob Robertson First Soloist Ey MILDRED WILSON First Duck to test his wings alone, Bob Robertson, who leads the primary civilian pilor, training class as far as solo efforts are concerned, denies any fright while in the air but admits “I felt sort of queer after I landed.” Robert son, a student of Neland Stone, made his first lone flight Thursday morning. A. home town boy, born in Eu gene 19 years ago, Robertson is enthusiastic over this business of flymg. “I’d never been up in a ship until I took my first CPT lesson,” he volunteered, “but now I'm nore interested in flying than, anvtaing else.” May Join Army Robertson, a sophomore this year, plans on going as far as he can in the CPT program here atv possibly joining the army air corps after he gets his junior certificate. The first soloist revealed a fondness for basketball and hunt ing. “Trouble is you just don't have time for. anything except flying once you start it,” he re marked ruefully. “Early to fly" seems to be Robertson's motto because he’s usually up in the air every morn ing at 7 o'clock. “Lately I get up at the regular time, look out the window and then go back to bed because the morning fog keeps us from flying.” he said. “It’s not hard to wake up when there’s a chance to fly—at least it isn’t like going to work—but then, it is wonderful to go back to bed if the weather’s foggy.” Something New ‘ One thing I like about flying is the feeling that I’m really learning something new—and then, most of us feel we’re doing a little for our country, too,” Robertson declared. A.s to his future ambitions he remarked that he’d like to own a plane of his own some day, then added, “but I guess that’s every flyer’s pipe dream.” Tall, dark and personable, Robertson stated his speed in so loing was due to the fact that he got lo fly a couple of times a day which helped him add up the eight hours of dual instruction •which are necessary before solo work is started. I t. conclusion he revealed that he •• vs had no parental objections to his flying. “Mother’s resigned to it, and Dad is getting as inter ested as I am," he said. !K d that is really some inter est. U S. Backer of Russia (Continued from patie two) terror in cities of flimsy, inflam mable buildings, whose fleet must flee because it is not strong eno gh to stand up to the enemy and fight, which stands encircled by t ve hostile powers. It is Ja pan. When You Are Down Town try JOHNSON'S Super Creamed Ice Cream 1 _• l*l