Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 17, 1941, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Newsmen Hit
Eugene Friday
Registration for the annual
high school press conference at
the University October 24 and
25 will begin at 9 a.m. Friday
morning, October 24, in room 10
of the journalism building.
General sessions will be given
Friday morning in room 12 of
Friendly hall, at which Dr. Erb
will make a welcoming address.
The afternoon session will be di
•«Wed into Tour separate sections,
the business manager’s round
table, the section for editors and
managers of annuals, the mimeo
graphed paper section and the
j news and editorial department.
I The annual banquet of the press
conference will take place at
5:45 Friday evening at the Os
burn hotel where election results
of new officers for the coming
year will be announced.
At the close of the banquet the
conference will adjourn to Hay
ward field to witness the game
between the Washington babes
and the Oregon frosh.
The final general session will
tie held Saturday morning at
which the awards for papers will
be announced by Robert C. Hall,
associate professor of journalism.
The session will be adjourned at
noon Saturday.
and Span
and you will always
look neat if the
Domestic Laundry
.is responsible for
c 1 e a n i n g v o u r
clothes. Try us next
time and let us prove
this statement!
121 W. 7th Phone 252
Guild Show
Broadway Hit
The first play in the University
Guild series, ‘‘Three Cornered
Moon,” will introduce to Eugene
audiences the Rimplegars of
This is the eccentric and whim
sical family which rates with the
Vanderhoffs in ‘‘You Can’t Take
It With You" as the most amaz
ing group of characters to ap
pear the last few years.
Elizabeth Rimplegar, with her
mother, brothers, and two suit
ors captured the hearts of Broad
way play-goers and made its au
thor famous.
Now the University theater will
present Jean Person, Dorothy
Durkee, Robert Weston, Dave
Zilka, Alan Foster, Chuck Boice,
and Dick Turner in their inter
pretation of these mad-cap roles.
One change in the original cast
arrangement is to be made in the
Guild version. What formerly
took two women to do will be at
tempted by Pat Howard single
handed. She will play Jenny, the
Rimplegar’s foreign and none too
articulate maid, and also broth
er Kenneth’s touch and go fian
cee, Kitty.
Special privilege tickets are
still available at the drama divi
sion in Johnson hall for the per
formances which are scheduled
to follow Armistice day.
Choral Union Begins
Work on ‘New Earth'
The largest choral union in the
history of the University met for
the first time for rehearsal Thurs
day afternoon in the music audi
torium. Although official figures
are not available, Dean Theodore
Kratt, conductor of the choral
union, estimated the attendance
at over 500.
The chorus began on an Amer
ican work, “The New Earth,” by
Henry Hadley, former conductor
of the Los Angeles and New
York symphony orchestras. The
work was written shortly after
the world war and is scored for
full orchestra, soli, and chorus.
University Dads Meet
Executive committee of the
University Dads’ club will meet
at 10 a.m. Saturday, October IS,
in the old Heathman hotel in
Portland for an hour and a half
of business and discussion.
A date for Dads’ day will be set
and plans will be made for the
newly - proposed “face lifting”
along the millrace. This will in
clude completion of the Dads’
Gates project.
Catholic university, Washing
ton, D. C., possesses the largest
collegiate campus in the District
of Columbia—more than 150
i for
Your Cosmetic
Drug Needs
I Come to
804 VV lllamette
Shinn Retires
From Faculty
Frederick L. Shinn, professor
of chemistry for 34 years, was
retired this fall because of ill
health, according to Dr. Donald
Erb, president of the University.
Dr. Shinn came to the Univer
sity of Oregon from Indiana uni
versity in 1907 and was made a
professor in 1913. He was closely
associated with Dean O. L. Staf
ford, who died recently, and act
ed as head of the science depart
ment during Dean Stafford's
leave of absence.
Dr. Shinn collaborated with
Dean Stafford on his work on
wood distillation, although his
primary interest was in the field
of physical chemistry of solution.
In connection with this interest
he wrote many articles for scien
tific journals.
Professor Shinn is a member
of the Electrochemical society,
American Association for Ad
vancement of Science, and the
American Chemical society. He
was one of the first professors
on the faculty to obtain a pilot's
license and own his own airplane.
Non-Game Goers Party
At Westminster Club
Open house will be held from
8 to 12 Friday evening at West
minster house for students who
do not go to the Portland game.
The evening program will be
made up of games, dancing, and
The regular Sunday morning
program at Westminster will not
be held this weekend, but the
Sunday evening group will meet
at 6:30. The discussion will be
led by Jim Bryant.
Dr. Starr Replaced
The physics department an
nounces the addition of Dr. E.
Hobart Collins as instructor to
replace Dr. Merle A. Starr, who
is on leave of absence. Dr. Starr
is carrying on research work in
physics under the national de
fense program at the Massachu
setts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Collins is recently from Al
bany college, where he was pro
fessor of physics.
University Alumna]
Writes from NYU
A letter on the desk of Dr. N.
H. Cornish, professor of business
administration, from Alumna
Sally Ray tells a tale of three
former University students who
won scholarships to New York
Attending classes in the morn
ing and working in retail estab
lishments in the afternoon, are
Miss Ray. Laurita Christoffer
son, and Marvin Elle.
Three other 1941 graduates,
awarded the same scholarships
but unable to accept them, are
Allyn Shaw, Leonard Ruecker.
and Marcia Judkins.
Contest Offers
Women Positions
A position on the fashion staff
of Vogue, widely read women's
style magazine, is offered the
winner of the seventh annual
Prix de Paris contest, open only
to graduating senior girls attend
ing a United States college.
Cash prizes are offered to other
winners, as well as publication of
winning articles in “Vogue.” Sec
ond prize is a six months’ posi
tion as feature writer on Vogue’s
The contest consists of two
parts. First, a series of four
quizzes to be answered by all en
trants and second, an article to
be written only by those receiv
ing passing marks on the quizzes.
The quizzes will be published in
the November, December, Jan
uary and March issues of Vogue.
Judges are editors of Vogue.
Winners of minor prizes will
receive help from the staff of the
magazine in finding jobs in fash
ion work.
An entrance blank must be
filled out by each entrant and
mailed not later than November
20, with answers to the first quiz.
Movie Script Signed
Research notes and a script
book autographed by famous
stars of the picture, “Union Pa
cific,” were received as a gift to
the library from Paramount Pic
tures, Inc. Stars that signed the
script book are: Joel McCrca,
Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Pres
ton, Lynne Overman, Akim Tami
roff, and J. Carrol Walsh.
Member of FDIC
Copy Desk Stuff:
Bill Hilton, city editor
Kay Davis
Virginia Wells
Marianne Wells
Mona MacAuley
Edith Newton
Carol Cook
Duncan Wimpress
John Mathews
Dorothy Routt
Pat Cossitt
Night Staff:
Duncan Wimpress, night editor
Dick Shelton, assistant
Ralph Willoughby
Eston Way
Janet Wagstaff
Virginia Steele
Anne Craven
Doris Craig }
Carrol Pageler
Bob Edwards
Pat Cossitt
Dot Routt
Carol Cook
Phyllis Collier
Edith Newton
Max-ge Curt'S
'Bad Lands of
with Robert Stack anr'l
Richard Dix
— also —
'Mercy Island'
Two Splendid Feature?)
Betty Grable and
Don Ameche in
'Moon Over Miami'*
— also —
'The Office and
the Lady'
Rochelle Hudson and
Roger Pryor
Two Exciting Shows
'A Yank in the
with Tyrone Power and
Betty Grable
Sidney Toler and
Marybeth Hughes in
Charlie Chan in Riio
Ten words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions 1c per wont.
Flat rate 37e column inch
Frequency rate (entire term) :
35c per column inch one time a
34c per column inch twice or mere
a week.
Ads will be taken over the telephone ..n
a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have nuft'i
cient remittance enclosed to cover
definite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business office
no later than 6 p.m. prior te* the d.iy
of insertion.
• Wanted
WILL. TAKE passenger to Port
land Saturday morning. Call
Francis Doran. Westminster
Don’t Throw Used CloLifts
Away !
We Will Give You
CASH For Them
740 Willamette
• Shoe Shine
“Quality and Service”
Across from Sigma ! hi
Shoe Shop