Streit Union Plan Chapter Formed A Eugene chapter of the Clar ence Streit federal union plan was formed at a forum held Mon day afternoon in Chapman hall. Victor P. Morris, dean of busi ness administration, was named temporary chairman. A temporary executive com mittee was appointed consisting of Dean Morris, chairman; Allen Osborne, secretary - treasurer; Robert Allan, freshman and Cis Steele, sophomore, student rep resentatives; Karl W. Onthank, dean of personnel administration, and Dr. Paul B. Means, head of the religious department and a member of the executive commit tee of the federal union plan in Tacoma. Definite plans for the forma tion of the chapter and the time and place of the next meeting will be decided by, the temporary committee. u ,>,>|q Nearly 50 students,, faculty members, and Eugene residents attended this first federal union forum which was held primarily to discuss the plan. The meeting was conducted by Deap Onthank assisted by. Dr. Mean^.apd Dean Morris, with discussion on vari ous questions that came up con cerning the general outline and procedure of the working union. Clarence Streit, who had planned to preside at the forum, was called to California and was unable to attend. Volumes Added To Nash Room John Henry Nash, member of the Limited Book club, engaged in the art of fine printing and binding of rare books, recently started collecting signatures of the authors, publishers and print ers of his collection. Many of his books were set by hand and printed in his own shop. Two of his recent books re ceived from the club are: “The Count of Monte Cristo,” by Du mas, complete in four volumes, and North’s translation of “Plu tarch’s Lives,” complete in eight volumes. The University of California presented the Nash collection with two more of his most recent books, “Ceremonial cpstumes of the Pueblo Indians,” by Moore, with illustrations cut by hand from rubber blocks, and “About Books,” by Forgukor, with each chapter begun by an, Old Roman Letter stamped in gold leaf. An other book is Miles Caverdale’s "Book of Psalrps," which has facsimile reproductions of eight illustrations from the 14th cen tury manuscript of “Queen Mary’s Psalter.” , Don't Be Late For That First Date nhs-'top: v Eljrin "Waltham Buy Your Watch BRISTOW'S JEWELRY STORE 620 Willamette Qesiiul&i At IriJaktz Radio Sound Men Enliqhten Public By RUTH JORDAN One student was breaking a strawberry box in his hands while the other, with intense concentra tion, stood crump'ing a piece of cellophane. A short pause, then the first student grabbed a po tato and, with soul - splitting groans, stabbed a knife into it. But you, listening over your radio, heard a door being crushed in, fire cracking, and the poor, trapped victim taking his own life one minute before he was to be burned to death. Ingenious Devices This is a typical example of the ingenious devices used by the sound crew in a radio station to produce sounds over the air. Some things sound the same over the radio as they do in an ordinary room, a door slamming, a whistle, water being poured UO Piggers’ Deadline Set Absolute deadline for names of campus organizations and their officers has been set for Wednes day noon, according to Betty Jane Biggs, editor of the “Pig gers’ Guide,” Monday. This in cludes all living organizations, honoraries, and clubs on the cam pus. A list of officers and the identification of the club should also be stated. mis miormation will only be one of the new features planned by the editors for this year's stu dent directory. Also decided upon is a complete and corrected so cial calendar and dates of sched uled winter and spring term dances. An outline of things to be done by house social chairmen in con nection with house dances will be given space, as will other rules pertaining to signing out of girls’ living organizations, cut ting the “red-tape” to get Ger linger hall, rally parade regula tions, rules on serenades and an article on closed weekends. Faculty members and depart ments desiring “Piggers’ Guides” are requested to send their requi sitions to the educational activi ties office immediately, said Dick Williams, manager. Play a "Clean" Game Enjoy the tin-ills of fall sport in Smart Clean Clothes— Snappy and Bright Looking The zest of vigorous play is enhanced with clothes laundered for perfect cleanliness. Phone 825 New, Service Laundry 839 High St. into a glass, and footsteps in gravel. Submarines, Too Others, for instance the sound of a submarine crashing into a battleship under water, must be imitated by objects altogether different. The sound room of a radio sta tion just before a broadcast us ually resembles someone’s attic collection of old junk. For a one hour program, there are usually a variety of sounds to be produced which requires many strange looking articles. More Secrets A squash is used for the sound of a body falling; horses’ hooves on turf are suggested by thump ing cocoanut shells against the sound effect man’s chest, on cob blestone by rattling them on cigar boxes; the sound of rattling skeletons is produced by b'.ocks of wood tied on strings; crash boxes, with gravel, bits of metal, and broken glass in sealed com partments closely resemble the noise of an auto crash. These are some of the many devices used to make the sounds which accompany the daily radio plays and serials. The hardest sound to imitate is that of a pistol shot. No effective substitute could be found until one of the mqre prominent gun companies manufactured a spe cial gun, which has the end of the barrel sealed, and a special kind of bullet, that may be fired in the broadcasting studio to give the desired effect. Geology Honorary _ Elects Ben Wohler Ben Wohler was elected presi dent of Condon club, geology hon orary, at its first business meet ing of the year Monday after noon. Among other business the Anthropology club was merged as a part of Condon club. Five new associate members were voted into the club and one asociate member, Harold Johnson, was promoted to full member ship. Associate members will be^ announced next week. Other officers elected at the Monday meeting were: Bob Ste phenson, vice president; Ruby, Oldham, secretary - treasurer; Shirley Seavey, librarian; Mildred Wilson, entertainment chairman; and Harold Johnson, first-aid chairman. fANN SHERIDAN in NAVY BLUES (Warner Bros.’ current release) makes a big hit with the Navy. Chesterfield makes a big hit with the Navy and with smokers every where with their Milder Better Taste. for a Definitely MILDER COOLER BETTER TASTE Smokers everywhere know you can travel a long way and never find another cigarette that can match Chesterfield for a Milder Cooler Better Taste„ It’s Chesterfield’s Right Combination of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos that wins the approval of smokers all over the country. Let the Navy’s choice be your choice...make your next pack Chesterfield. o Copyright 1941, Licckzt & Myers Tobacco Co* EVERYWHERE YOU GO