Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 14, 1941, Image 1

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P *Red Blood
In Drawing Room
In Pictures
*7'ell &jj fyete.
Hoyt Shoulders Publicity
For Alumni Homecoming
Earned by Russ Hudson, Homecoming chairman, Monday
night as promotion director for the alumni fete was Ep Hoyt,
junior in journalism. Hoyt will work directly under Hudson.
“Ep Hoyt’s job is an extremely important one,” said Hud
son, “and much of the success of the celebration will depend
upon his work. ’ ’ Hoyt was on the Homecoming publicity com
mittee last year, and has worked on the Emerald and Eugene
Names Secretary
Also named by Hudson was Jean Frideger, sophomore in
business administration, as executive secretary. Miss Frideger
will be in charge of the Homecoming office and be secretary to
Last year Miss Frideger was secretary to Bill Fendall, Home
coding promotion director, and worked with Bob Frazier in
handling newspaper coverage for the fete. She was secretary
to Stan Staiger, Dad’s Day chairman, and secretary to Tiger
; Payne in the ASUO office.
Other Spots Open
Hudson is now accepting written applications for other posi
tions on the Homecoming committee. Applications must be
handed in at Russ Hudson’s desk in the alumni office in
Friendly hall before noon Thursday, October 16.
Positions will be open under the direction of a special events
chairman on the sign committee, and freshman bonfire com
mittee. The dance committee and chairman positions are also
open. Both men and women are eligible for these positions.
Those desiring jobs as secretarial assistants should apply to
Miss Frideger.
information concerning all positions which are open on the
Homecoming committee will be published in Wednesday’s
Paint Action,
Athletic Board Session Clears
ij* *
Month’s Outstanding Business
The athletic board in monthly session last night wiped its
slate of the following business:
1) Declared that students who lose their athletic cards must
pajr$2 for a reissue fall and winter terms, $1 for spring term
2) Approved taking of the newly-organized ROTC drill team
to Portland for half-time drill at the Oregon State game Armis
tice day.
3) Gave official sanction to the basketball, baseball, track
and swimming schedules for the year.
4) Approved plans for completely fencing the entire Hay
ward field area along the ROTC shack side in order to decrease
damage to the field by interlopers.
5) Discussed plans for the Frosh-Rook game in Portland
Friday night, with special attention to rally attractions.
Visitor on the campus for last night’s three-hour session in
the physical education building was Clarence Codding, presi
dent of the Portland alumni association, who outlined plans
f^r the Friday night game.
Putting teeth into the number one item, that of reissue of
cards, the board made provision for gate lists of lost cards.
If students are found using cards for which reissues have been
made, regular University discipline will take its course.
The meeting last night was the regular October action of
the University’s faculty-student athletic board.
Football Announcers
The ball is on the 40,
Magee makes 20 yards.
They place it on the 17,
They substitute the guards.
To you who teach announceis,
They’re really pretty bad.
Please stop a’teaching adjectives,
And teach them how to add.
Garol Evans Pledges
Recently pledged to Pi Beta
Phi sorority is Carol Evans of
Gresham, Oregon.
Mums Will be Sold
By Kwamas for Mix
Members of Kwama, sopho
more women’s service honorary,
will visit all living organizations
Tuesday during the dinner hour
to sell mums for the Oregon
California game in Portland Sat
The mums will sell for 50 cents,
75 cents and $1 and are to be
picked up at Charles F. Berg's in
Portland Saturday.
Kenton to Play
At Rally Dance
A post game rally dance after
the Oregon-California game will
be held Saturday night at Jant
zen beach, according to Les An
derson, head of the rally com
mittee. Anderson stressed that
this will be the school’s official
rally dance.
Stanley Kenton's new band
from Balboa beach will furnish
the music.
House Heads
To Work Out
Alum Plans
Heads of all living organiza
tions will meet at 4 p.m. today
in 107 Commerce to consider
plans for participation in Homc
ing activities. Leaders of all cam
pus living organizations, men’s
and women’s, Greek and indepen
dent, will meet.
Today’s meeting is an outgrowth
cf a decision made Thursday by
the Interfraternity council to
back the heads of all houses on
their Homecoming decision. The
council had previously asked the
educational activities depart
ment for a $25 expense account
to help pay expenses incurred in
the building of house signs and
noise parade floats.
If today’s group agrees to pro
ceed with their Homecoming
plans without the expense money,
refused Monday night by the ed
ucational activities board, the In
terfraternity council will cooper
ate with them, A1 Hunt, council
secretary, said after the council
meeting Thursday night.
However, if today’s group sug
gests a “better idea” for a
Homecoming celebration, the
council will probably support
them in that, Hunt said.
One of the principal objections
to the established system of spon
soring the sign contest and noise
parade, Hunt said, was the nec
essarily great expense to the in
dividual houses. He pointed out
that it was often necessary for
houses to go to Portland at con
siderable expense to obtain scrap
iron, locomotives and other
equipment for the noise parade.
He also cited the frequent com
plaints of Eugene residents and
local hospitals because of the
noise parade.
Staff Gets Call
All Emerald copy desk, night
staff, and reporting workers
will meet in the news room of
the journalism building at 7:30
At 9t Attain
‘Fighting Frosh’ to Settle
Policies of Class Tuesday
The Class of 1945, already showing signs of becoming poli
tics-weary, will meet again next Tuesday evening at 7:30 in
the music auditorium to adopt a set of by-laws, and to nominate
officers, Jim Frost, ASUO first vice-president, announced last
The executive committee, which meets today, will appoint a
by-law committee from the freshman class as a whole to draft
a set of by-laws to submit to the assembled freshmen next
By-laws adopted by the class at a now-invalidated meeting
October 2, were ruled out by the ASUO executive committee
Monday, October 6. The executive committee is empowered to
pass upon by-laws adopted by class organizations.
Old Action Nulliifed
Nominations made at the October 2 meeting were declared
invalid by the ASUO judiciary committee in a decision released
Friday. The Judiciary group met to hear evidence on the case,
after protests had been filed with it asking if due notice of
the time and place of the meeting had been published.
Persons intending to be nominated at the assembly
next Tuesday will be required to file declaration of intention
to run and certification of scholastic eligibility in the ASUO
office in McArthur court before the assembly convenes.
Causes Hub Bub
It was this requirement that caused so much consternation
and misunderstanding at the October 2 meeting, after it was
discovered that many persons at the meeting had not under
stood this requirement.
Certain groups had planned to file protests to the ASUO
judiciary committee, using this requirement as a basis for their
protest, since some persons might assume that all freshmen
are scholastically eligible, as no grades have been given out
yet. But such a protest was never filed.
Frost said last night that he expected freshman elections
would be held about Tuesday October 21, if complications did
not develop in the present political scene.
^Uayesi ^OfL Man
Whisker Brigade To Take Over
As Sophomores Plan First Dance
Jim Thayer has been appointed general chairman of the
annual Sophomore Whiskerino to be held Saturday, November
1, Barry Campbell, class president, announced Monday.
The following committees appointed by Thayer will work
with him:
Publicity: Jim Bennison, chairman; Maurice Solomen, Marge
Curtis, and Rylla Hattan. Programs: Allan Sellars, chairman;
Mickey Mitchell and Tom Watts. Band: Ted Hallock, chairman,
and Vern Kelly.
Sheriff: Jim Burness. Deputies: Roger Dick, Maurice Kuffer
man, and Harley Davis. Tickets: Oge Young, chairman; Dick
Igl, Jo Ann Supple, and Betty Kincaid. Floor: Jim Harrison,
chairman, and Bunny Potts.
Decorations: David Stone, chairman; John Gleason, Frank
Lockwood, and Yvonne Torgler. Theme: Rhoda Harkson, chair
man; Dorothy Routt, and Will Reynolds. Clean-up: Jerry Bat
tles, chairman, and Eldon Lee.
Sophomore men start growing beards Thursday, October 16,
according to Thayer, which allows a 16-day growth of fuzz in
preparation for the whisker contest, a highlight of the dance.
Sheriff Jim Burness and his deputies will be on the lookout for
evaders during this time and promise rigid punishment for
those men caught without beards.
Plans for the Whiskerino will move forward when committee
chairmen meet Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock at the Side.
Oreganas Unclaimed
Thirty-seven of last year’s CJre
ganas have not yet been claimed
by the students who purchased
them. The owners of these year
books should get them in the Ore
gana offices in McArthur court
any afternoon this week, or the
books will be sold.
Picture Schedule
October 14—Kappa Sigma.
October 15—Alpha hall.
October 16—D e 11 a Tau
October 20—Delta Gamma.