VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 14 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1941 Frosh Meet Declared Void Streit to Stress *Union Now* Theory At Assembly Monday in Gerlinger Clarence Streit, author of the book and the movement, “Union Now,” will address University students at a Gerlinger assembly Monday, October 13. The lecture will be given at 11 a.m. “We need to see,” commented the author in his latest book, “not only where we are but far ahead, all the way to our destination, if we are to move toward it as swiftly as we need to move.” Mr. Streit first won national prominence upon publication of his first book, which presented liis i theories of international democratic cooperation. Classes scheduled for 11 o’clock Monday morn ing will meet next Thursday, October 16, at 11 a.m. . because of the assembly Monday. His organization, Federal Union, Inc., numbers several millions of followers and maintains world wide headquarters in Washington, D.C. His far seeing plan for a world union of democracies is the result of many years of«European reporting and close actual contact with the universal political situation. Stressing the political, military, commercial, financial, and cultural unity of free nations, the I author avers that all democratic nations should be unified under a government based on the lines of l - ^ . -— -—— the American constitution. Among the free nations of the earth he lists the Pan-American Union, the British Common wealth of Nations, France, Belgium, the Nether lands, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. All these countries would be bound to gether by common citizenship, defense, economy, finance, and communication. Any other nation could then join the Union, upon acceptance of the Bill of Rights itno their way of life. Twenty-five years ago Mr. Streit was working his way through the University of Montana by surveying the public lands of the Rockies, the Bad Lands, and Alaska. He became editor of his school paper and upon graduation became an officer in the Intelligence department of the U. S. army. In 1919 he was chosen as a Rhodes scholar and studied at Oxford until 1923, making his education • profitable by acting as European correspondent for the Philadelphia Ledger. He covered most of the major news-breaks for American newspaper syn dicates. Since 1939, however, he has spent most of his time writing and lecturing on his favorite sub ject, “Union Now.” He will speak Monday on “The Democracies* Answer to Hitler.” Charlotte Allen will play a flute solo, “Marguerite” by Frank Keller, preceding the talk. Her accompanist will be Margoline Lc Beck. CPT program® Raises Quota; 10 Men Needed After receiving notification late yesterday afternoon that the University civilian pilot training primary class quota of 30 mem bers has been increased to 40, daffies C. Stovall, coordinator, is sued a call for immediate appli cations. The 10 men accepted will join the fall CPT class, which is already under way. Coordinator Stovall emphasized that those men who wish to be included in the current fall course must get in touch with him this morning, between 9 and 12 o’ clock, at his office, 107 Condon hall. tiaste jxecessary The haste is necessary, Mr. Stovall explained, because new students must be flying by next Wednesday, according to word re ceived from the Seattle CPT sup ervisor. Principal requirements for the course are that the applicant must be between 19 and 26 years of age, a citizen of the United States, of sophomore standing in the University, and pass the physical examination. Girls can not be included in the program, a CPT ruling passed last spimg provides. Reserve List Mr. Stovall requests that the following students, who are al ready on the reserve list, also see him this morning at 107 Condon hall: Wayne Phillips, Walter H. Girdlestone, Thomas W. Watts, Charles G. Childs, Everett Dich erman, Robert S. Parker, Robert 1^,. Ellenwood, Harold R. Hart zell, Robert Tolen, William Cot ter, Fred W. Korhonen, Martin J. Schedler, Roger Jayne, Jacob Maddox, and Theodore Lindley. A HANDSHAKE FOR A DiPLOMA Eight former University students, now aviation cadets, receive congratulations from their commanding officer upon successful com pletion of their U. S. army air corps primary training course at the Kankin Aeronautical academy, Tulare, Calif. From left are: Daniel C. Mahoney, John W. Weber, William R. Young, Louis K. Stitzer, Ehle H. Reber, John B. Harding, Glenn J. Pahl, George T. Mackin, and Capt. Charles J. Daly. Improper Notification Given As Basis for Judicial Decree Nominations and by-laws approved at an assembly of the Clay#’ of ’45 Thursday, Oetober 2, were declared “null and void*’ by tlho AS 170 judiciary committee in a decision released Friday. Jim Frost, ASl’O first vice-president in ch&rge of freshman or ganization, estimated Friday evening that another meeting of t!h© class would be called within two weeks. At the next meeting it wil* again be necessary for the class to consider by-laws and nominations. The committee declared the proceedings that night invalid because adequate notification had not appeared in the Emerald. Requirement The constitution requires that class meetings be announced in the Emerald one week before the meeting, and again the day of the meeting. According to this ruling, it will be impossible for the class to meet before Tues day, October 21. The meeting had been sched uled for the music auditorium and had so been announced in the Emerald. Late Thursday af ternoon, however, ASUO Presi dent Lou Torgeson, in charge of the meeting, was notified that the auditorium was not available. Place Changed Torgeson then arranged to use Villard assembly for the meeting and directed that living organizations be called by tele phone and notified of the change. Persons were stationed in the music building to direct others to Villard for the meeting. The judiciary committee found the meeting illegal because of the time and place change with out proper notification. Of the telephone calls and persons sta tioned in the music hall, the com mittee’s written report said: “Though all living organiza tions were contacted, one was in formed improperly, and two were informed too late. Those students living off the campus were in no way informed prior to the an nounced time Of the meeting. Persons were stationed at the mu sic hall to direct all comers to Villard but they did not do their job properly.” Shack Rats to Meet There will be a meeting of all members of the news staff of the Emerald in room 6, jour nalism at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 14. All members of the reporting, copy desk, and night staffs should be present. An nouncement of new appoint-, ments will be made. For further information see page 8. Grace Moore Deal Two hours upon those backless seats. Hope my posture will revive. I wonder what ever happened To the student union drive. —J.W.S. Grace Moore Begins Oregon Concert Series By BOB FOWTLLS In a white gown decorated with silver spangles, Grace Moore, American soprano, last night be gan the University’s concert sc ries in McArthur court. Highlights of Miss Moore’:* concert were her new interpreta tions of the old favorites. All *C Mr. Webster's superlatives and. all of Mr. WinchelL’s orchids bo long to any artist capable of pro ducing a new interpretation of Ciribiribin. Also greatly appre ciated was her fresh, dramatic rendition of Puccini’s aria, “Un bel di.” a piece which has been badly battered in recent*years on the amateur programs. Concert Songs For the main part, the first half of the program to go over the audience's head1, be ing composed mainly of heavy French concert songs. Especially enjoyed, however, was Bizet’;* “Ouvre ton coeur,” a sparkling gypsy air from J.he original score of “Carmen.” . , As is usually the case, the pa tience of the audience was re warded during the second half with lighter and more well known songs. Of special note was "Mi Curly-Headed Babbie” by George Clutsam and in contrast, Mal lote’s setting of the Lord’s Prayer. Included in her encores* were Mimi’s aria from La Bo heme, Schubert’s Serenade, "Tho Old Refrain,” by Kriesler, and “Ciribiribin.” Rubstein Her accompanist was Ariel Rubstein, director of the Elliscn White Conservatory in Portland, who was chosen for the job be cause of illness of her regular ac companist. After the intermis sion he played transcriptions of two Bach organ preludes and hi9 own Prelude in G minor. After the concert, Miss Moore commented that this was the most attentive and appreciative college audience she had ever sung before and that she looked-' forward to returning soon. Publicity Bids Due Monday Russ Hudson, Homecoming chairman, announced Friday that applications for publicity chair man for the alumni fete must be O turned in to him in writing by noon Monday, October 13. Hud son will announce the appoint ment Tuesday. “The publicity chairman is one of the most important positions on the committee,” said Hudson in explaining why this appoint ment would be made first. Other appointments will be made af (Please turn to page six) Allen Crusades for US. War Entry Jay Allen, who in 1923 began a crusade for world peace through the editorial pages of the Emerald, returned to the Univer sity Friday, to crusade for TJ. 8. entry in the present world war. According to faculty old-tim ers, the largest crowd ever as sembled in Gerlinger hall list ened while the world-famous cor respondent related his experi ences in free and occupied France in recent months. Three Ways Speaking under the heading of “My Trouble With Hitler,’’ Mr. Allen climaxed his speech by list ing three alternatives left to the United States in connection with the present world conflict: To stay on this side of the At lantic and lose the war quietly, eventually coming under Nazi control. To enter the war and fight with the democracies, make the same mistakes and perhaps lose the war anyway. To clear the decks, fight with ardor, fight fire with fire, and win. Returning to the microphone after he had formally concluded his talk, the correspondent ac cused Charles A. Lindbergh and Senator Burton K. Wheeler of “insincerity” even with their own “misguided cause.” He averred that these isolationists were even greater traitors than Benedict Arnold. Imprisoned Main subject of his lecture was his experiences on the European continent while covering the cur rent world war for American newspapers. Since March 17 the reporter has spent four and a half months in a Nazi-controlled French prison and' was expelled from the continent because he crossed the newly-made French border without a military permit.